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    • 1、考研英语一湖南省邵阳市新宁县2023年巅峰冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)As a temporary teacher, my daily routine 1 driving to a new school 2 every day, so Im usually unable to anticipate (预料) the days events, good or bad.On one particular day, I was teaching in a very 3 class. I was managing behavior all the morning and by lunch time, I needed coffee to 4 the afternoon. So at my lun

      2、ch 5 , I drove to a nearby plaza to get a cup of 6 . Upon returning to the car, I realized I had 7 my keys and my phone 8 . I had about 15 minutes to get back to the school which was a good 4or5 minute 9 . I thought of rushing back, but it being 10 , I thought a nasty fall on ice would only make the situation much 11 .So I ran into a McDonalds which was in the 12 plaza and asked the man at the counter who 13 to be the manager to help me call a tab. I 14 explained my situation and he hurried to t

      3、he back to use the phone 15 I paced in the restaurant.The manager returned 16 to tell me that the cab company had put him on hold and then the line got 17 . My expression began to resemble some combination of hopelessness and fear.Almost immediately, the manager grabbed his coat and 18 to drive me to the school. Without 19 , I followed him into his car and made back into my classroom with 2 minutes to 20 before the bell!1、Aconcludes Binvolves Crelates Dconnects2、Aalmost Bhardly Creally Dluckily3

      4、、Aeasy Bpleasant Cdifficult Dnoisy4、Acost Bpick Cfinish Dsurvive5、Astop Bstay Cpause Dbreak6、Atea Bmilk Ccoffee Dwine7、Alocked Bforgot Cthrew Dshut8、Adown Binside Cup Doutside9、Adistance Bdrive Cwalk Dtime10、Asummer Bfall Cwinter Dspring11、Aworse Beasier Cbetter Dsimpler12、Aother Banother Cnext Dsame13、Aturned Bexplained Chappened Dcame14、Aquickly Bbriefly Cslowly Dhurriedly15、Aafter Buntil Cwhen Dwhile16、Aeven Bonly Cstill Dyet17、Adisconnected Bstuck Ctroubled Dinterrupted18、Adragged Bpulled Co

      5、ffered Dpushed19、Aproblem Bchoice Calternative Dhesitation20、Aspare Bleave Cring DcontrolSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Have you ever thought that your life will be perfect if something in your outside world changes? You may say, “I will live happily if I find my soul mate.” You may say, “If the perfect job comes along, I will ge

      6、t satisfaction. My problem is that my boss is stupid.” Or you may say, “If I have a child, I will know what it is like to be loved.” The problem is that it is not the outside world that prevents you from experiencing peace, love and joy. Instead, it is your own internal (内部的) patterns that get in your way.To prove this point, at my weekend programs, I had my students look at a flower on my table. Then I asked them to share their experiences. Some showed a state of complete joy because staring at

      7、 the flower reminded them of their wedding or a great trip with their lovers. Others said the flower made them angry because it reminded them of a gift given by a former partner who turned against them. Some students even told me that the flower reminded them of their beloved grandmothers gardens with some shedding tears (流泪)of joy and others shedding tears of sadness. However, the flower was still just a flower.Our internal patterns decide whether each moment is filled with peace, anger, joy, l

      8、ove or sadness. When you dont realize that it is your own internal state that is creating your experience, you are likely to blame (责备)the external situations in your life. Most people arent taught that emotion is a choice. And they arent taught how to change those lower emotional patterns such as anger, anxiety, sadness and so on. Next time, when you meet something bad, please look at your internal state. When you accept that you are responsible for your own state, and find the courage to turn

      9、inward, you can step out of being a slave to what shows up in your external world.1、Why does the author mention the examples in Paragraph 1 ?ATo lead to the topic of this passage.BTo complain about imperfect life.CTo show common problems in life.DTo encourage people to change the outside world.2、How does the author prove his opinion?ABy giving examples.BBy doing an experiment.CBy telling a related story.DBy comparing other peoples opinions.3、What does the author advise us to do in the last paragraph?ATo step out of negative emotions


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