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    • 1、考研英语一行唐县2023年高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Ivy stood in the airports baggage claim waiting for her bag. It had been a long trip, but she was finally home in Bozeman, Montana. She yawned. She couldnt wait to get home, 1 her things and relax. As carousel(行李传送带) started to 2 , she watched the bags drop onto it. She saw her 3 green bag. She waited for it to come cl

      2、ose so she could grab it. 4 a large woman took the bag and hurried off toward the exit! 5 , Ivy started after her. Then she stopped and thought, “Many bags look alike. Thats 6 not mine.” She returned to the carousel to wait. Finally she saw another small green bag drop onto the carousel. 7 it was not her bag! Immediately she knew what had 8 . The woman had taken her bag, and this one must 9 the other woman. She regretted not 10 the woman when she first grabbed the bag. Now what was she going to

      3、do?Ivy looked at the 11 tag, which said, “Melanie Moser, 300 Sky Crest Drive, Bozeman, MT 58715.” “Well, at least shes a 12 .” Ivy thought. “I can drive to her house and 13 this bag for mine. But would someone accuse me of the 14 if I took it from the airport?” So she went to the airline counter and explained the 15 . The clerk took the bag.“But what about my bag?” asked Ivy.“Shell bring yours back when she comes to get hers,” said the clerk. 16 to wait, Ivy drove to 300 Sky Crest Drive to get h

      4、er bag. A man answered her 17 and said his wife had just left for the airport. He was slightly annoyed with her for not being more 18 .Ivy returned to the 19 . Her bag was waiting for her at the airline counter. “Next time,” she thought, “If I think someone is 20 my bag, Ill say something!”1、Atidy up Bput away Cmix up Dthrow away2、Aoperate Bappear Ccontinue Dexist3、Aspecial Bextra Csmall Dheavy4、AEventually BPrivately CIntentionally DSuddenly5、AExcited BShocked CAshamed DScared6、Aexactly Brarely

      5、 Cobviously Dprobably7、ASo BBut COr DUnless8、Ahappened Bclarified Cfailed Dlost9、Aappeal to Brefer to Cturn to Dbelong to10、Amonitoring Brecognizing Cchallenging Dcriticizing11、Abaggage Bproduct Cprice Dcategory12、Atourist Bpassenger Cforeigner Dlocal13、Aexchange Breplace Cmistake Ddonate14、Apossession Btheft Cconsumption Ddamage15、Arule Borigin Cproblem Dsecret16、AReluctant BAvailable CPatient DAnxious17、Ainvitation Bknock Ccall Dsuggestion18、Ahonest Battentive Ccareful Dcurious19、Aoffice Bhote

      6、l Chouse Dairport20、Anoticing Bpacking Ctaking DsearchingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Three-dayold Oskar Lunde sleeps in a small bed at an Estonian(爱沙尼亚) hospital.Across the room, his father turns on a laptop computer. Now we will register our child, Andrei Lunde says as he lifts his identification card into the card reader. Hi

      7、s wife, Olga, looks on. And just like that, Oskar is Estonias newest citizen. No paper. No time spent standing in a line.Estonia has launched a project to make government administration completely digital. The goal is to reduce the size of the government work force, open up the decision-making process and fuel economic growth.Need medicine ?Reach for a computer and send an email or text message to a doctor. Need help from the local government? Click on a link to the government websitesEstonia ha

      8、s created a system that supports electronic authentication(身份验证) and digital signatures. It provides paperless communications for both the government and private industry.However, there are a few things that one cannot do electronically in Estonia: marry, end a marriage or buy and sell property. That is only because the government has decided it is very important to show up in person for some big life events. When Estonia declared independence from the former Soviet Union in 1991, it had to buil

      9、d a new economy. Government leaders looked for an industry where the country could compete. They decided on information technology and the Internet.When the poor country needed to replace a 1930s phone system, former President Toomas Hendrik Ilves rejected the offer of a free analog(模拟) system from Finland and argued for a digital one.Last year, information and communications made up 5.9 percent of the economy. The government hopes to increase that figure with an e-residency program that lets businessmen around the wo


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