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    • 1、2017年英语(二)试题参考答案Section I Use of English1.C. warning 2. A. inequality 3.D. prediction 4. A. characterized 5. B. meaning 6. B. Indeed 7.C. working 8. A. explanation 9. D. among 10.C. worry about 11. C. necessarily 12. B. downsides 13. A .absence 14. D. yield 15. C. virtue 16. D. scarce 17. A. demands 18. B. tired 19. D. into 20. B. professionalSection Reading ComprehensionPart AText121. B gained great popularity22. D promote sport participation23. C does not emphasize elitism24. B invest in publi

      2、c sports facilities25. A critical Text226.A absorb user attention27. D reduces mother-child communication28. C parents need to respond to childrens emotional needs29. D ensure constant interaction with their children30. B give their parents some free time Text331. C it feels strange to do differently from others32. A relieve freshmen of pressures33. D adaptation34. B decide on the right major35. A In Favor of the Gap Year Text436.A consumed a recordhigh percentage of budget37. D guarantee safer

      3、spending of public funds38. C other factors should not be overlooked39. C understand the interrelations of man and nature40. B come to terms withPart B41.E. says that for factory owners, workers are harder to find because of stiff competition. 42.A. says that he switched to electrical engineering because he loves working with tools. 43.G. says that the manufacturing recession is to blame for the lay-off of the young peoples parents. 44.B. points out that there are enough people to fill the jobs that dont need much skill. 45.F. points out that a work / life balance can attract young people into manufacturing.Section Translation46.我的梦想一直是在时尚和出版之间的领域工作。中学毕业前两年,我选了一门缝纫与设计课,心想以后会接着修一门时装设计课。然而,在学习那门课期间,我意识到自己在这个领域不够出色,日后不足以与其他有创造力的人士竞争,因此我认定,这条路不适合我。申请上大学之前,我跟所有人说我要学新闻,因为写作曾经是现在依然是我最喜欢的活动之一。可是,说实话,当时我那么说是因为我觉得时尚和我结缘仅仅是个梦我知道,别人根本无法想象我能进入时尚行业!于是,我决定找些含有写作的与时尚相关的课程。就在这个时候,我注意到了“时尚传媒与推广”这门课。Section WritingPart A47.(略)Part B48. (略)


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