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    • 1、2021秋考冲刺-2017-2021真题翻译汇编翻译考点具体结构题目汇编题目出处简单句would rather do than do72.李雷宁愿受罚也不愿说谎。(would rather)Li Lei would rather be punished / be disciplined than lie / tell a lie.17秋考arise vi.区分形近词:arouse过去式和过去分词:arose/arisen73.在投资项目的过程中出现了一些问题。(arise)Some problems arose / have arisen in the process / course of investment project / investing project.17秋考commit的用法be committed to sth./doing mit oneself to sth./doing sth.形近词committee名词commitment74.在过去三年中,他一直致力于研究信息的传播速度和人们生活节奏的关系。(commit)In / During / Over the

      2、past three years, he has committed himself / has been committed all the time to researching / studying the relationship / connection between the transmission speed of information and the rhythm / pace of human life.17秋考care vi.care about72.你有没有必要去在乎他人对你的评论。(care)There is no need for you to care about others comments on you.17春考动名词作主语expose的用法be exposed to sth.expose oneself to sth.名词:exposure to73. 阅读大量的书籍有助于我们的成长。(expose)Being exposed to a large number of books is good for our growth.17春考make f

      3、or 走向跟make有关的重点词组72. 我看见他换上徒步鞋,向草坪走去。 (make for)I saw him put on his hiking shoes and make for the lawn.I saw him put on his hiking shoes, making for the law.18秋考may have done73.她们中谁可能当过排球教练?(may)Who may have been a volleyball coach among them?May any of them have worked as a volleyball coach?18秋考量体温take ones temperature74.妈妈将闹钟设为每六小时响一次,提醒自己该给宝宝量体温了。( reminder )Mom sets the alarm clock ringing every six hours as a reminder to take her babys temperature/ sets the alarm clock for(once)every six h

      4、ours as a reminder to take her babys temperature.Mom sets up an alarm clock which goes off every six hours as a reminder to take her babys temperature.18秋考at the cost/expense of 73.网上支付方便了用户,但是牺牲了他们的隐私。( at the cost of)Online payment is convenient for users, but at the cost of their privacy.Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy.19春考patient的用法72.爷爷有点耳背,请对他耐心一点。(patient)Grandpa is kind of hard of hearing, so please be patient with him.19秋考beyond reach74.随着体力逐渐

      5、恢复正常,那位业余自行车手的夺冠梦想不再遥不可及。(normal)With his physical strength returning to normal/ As his physical strength returns to normal, the amateur cyclists dream of winning the championship is no longer beyond reach.19秋考appreciate的用法72.我们非常感激他们为保护上海方言所付出的努力。(appreciate)We do appreciate their efforts to preserve theShanghai dialect.20春考substitute 的词性和用法n. Use plastics as substitute for steelv. substitute (A) for Bsubstitute for a teachersubstitute an objective attitude for subjective experience72.你介不介意代替我去

      6、参加会议?(substitute)Would you mind substituing for me to attend the meeting?20秋考In order to do sth.73.为了能让妈妈睡个好觉,小王把水槽和碗橱擦得干干净净。(in order)In order to give his mother a good sleep, Xiao Wang scrubbed/wiped clean the sink and cupboard.20秋考面对:In face of /faced with74.面对网店的挑战,这家百年老店多措并举,化危机为转机,最终化解危机,再创辉煌。(turn)In the face of the challenge of the online stores, the century-old store took various measures to turn the crisis into a turning point and finally resolve the crisis and create glory again.Faced

      7、 with the challenges of online stores, this century-old store took multiple measures to turn the crisis into a turning point and finally resolve the crisisand create greater glories.20秋考How come.?What if.?If only虚拟Only if72.羽毛球馆空无一人,灯怎么还亮着?(how come)The badminton stadium is empty/ There is nobody in the badminton stadium. How come the lights are still on?21春考It takes sb. some time to do sth.73.我花了三天时间画了一幅风景画来庆祝曾祖父的百岁寿辰。(take)It took me three days to paint/ draw a landscape (painting) to celebrat

      8、e my great-grandfathers 100th birthday.21春考定语从句as引导的非限制定语从句73.正如这本小册子介绍的那样,这里的司机都有礼让行人的习惯。(As)As is introduced in this booklet, the drivers here are all in the habit ofgiving way to pedestrians.20春考when引导的定语从句74.春暖花开的四月是领略这个南方小镇美景的最佳时机。(when)The bloomy/blooming April is the best time when people can enjoy the beautiful scenery of this southern town.20秋考状语从句until八分饱75.在这个村落里,人们通常每餐只吃八分饱,但这种健康的饮食习惯最初是为了应对食物短缺的困境。until)People in the village often eat until they are 80%full/80 percent full, but this

      9、 healthy eating habit was developed to deal with /address the poor/hard conditions/situation of food shortage in the first placeIn this village,people usually eat until they are 80% full for each meal,but this healthy way of eating was originally developed to cope with the food shortage.In this village, people usually eat every meal until they are 80% full, but this healthy eating habit was to deal with the shortage of food initially.18秋考whose引导的定语从句75.博物馆疏于管理,展品积灰,门厅冷清,急需改善。( whose)The museum is neglected in management where the exhibits are dusty, whose hall is deserted and there is an urgent need for improvement.This mus


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