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2020-2021学年上海高三上期中仿真密卷-作文汇编 T

  • 卖家[上传人]:好****上
  • 文档编号:185156054
  • 上传时间:2021-07-03
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:359.50KB
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    • 1、2020-2021学年大同中学高三上学期期中仿真密卷. Guided Writing (25%)Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions givenbelow in Chinese.假设你是明启中学高三学生王平, 受邀在学校高一新生大会上发言, 发言的主题是关于高中学习, 你的发言必须包括:1. 初高中学习的明显差异.2. 针对差异给高一新生提些建议.Hello, everyone! Im Wang Ping from senior three.Its a great honour to be invited to deliver a speech on this special occasion.Today, Im going to talk about study in high school.Surely, there is a sharp contrast between high school and middle school study.T

      2、o begin with,courses will be more difficult with wider scope of knowledge and higher intensity of teaching,which makes your school life busier and study harder to cope with.Whats more, teachers in high school tend to give you more freedom and flexibility in your study.However,that doesnt mean youre more relaxed. Instead, you are required to study independently and make your own decision.Nevertheless, please dont get too worried about these differences. Here, I have some advice for you, which mig

      3、ht help you adapt to your new school life.Above all,learn to manage your own time.High school study is busy, but working out a reasonable timetable and making maximum use of your time will enhand learning efficiency. Secondly, develop a way of learning suitable for you.Learning everything by rote as we do in middle school is unrealistic in high school. It may take some time to find out the most suitable way of learning, but it really pays off.Also, dont forget to build up self-discipline ,which

      4、plays an important you in the seemingly more relaxed atmosphere of study in high school.Thanks once again for giving me such a variable chance to speak.I wish you all an unforgettable and colorful high school in the next three years.2020-2021学年曹杨二中高三上学期期中仿真密卷VI. Guided Writing (25分)Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.抖音、微信、百度传课等应用软件正在影响着我们的学习生活。如果让你设计一款能够在智能手机上运行的应用软件来帮助高三的学生学习,你会设计什么应用软件?它有哪些功,能?可以运用在哪些场景中?可能有哪些弊端以及如何避免?(

      5、只谈一种弊端即可)范文一:Considering the high school days are waning, I am inclined to design a mobile application based on my experience to maximize learning efficiency, relieving students of different levels of the tedious, mundane and repetitive study routine. Therefore, the idea of devising an intelligent notebook on mobile phones has occurred to me.First of all, serving as a notebook, this virtual one is of versatile function. Initially, given data input of various kinds, the app can automatically gene

      6、rate an electronic syllabus. Therefore, when a student is being imparted with comprehensive knowledge in class, what he needs to do is just press the button on their phone to record that critical information, and the recording will simultaneously be converted into texts, classified under the lesson entry he is taking. Whats more, the wrongly answered problems can be recorded by recognizing the words and photos in a photograph taken by students to create a problem collection attached to notes wit

      7、h right solutions, which is definitely conducive to efficient reviews before examinations.Furthermore, an open platform where prestigious institutes can post short, elaborate and instructive Moocs will also be embedded into this mobile application. With algorithm detecting that a student is poor at one specific subject manifested in his problem collection, he will be recommended to consult the video clips accordingly. It is thanks to the platform that top students can be rendered streams of new

      8、knowledge from the fount of wisdom.Nonetheless, defects may abound in the design, with operational difficulties topping the list. As the whole mobile application is based on the cutting-edge technology generally monopolized by large enterprises, using the platform is not free of charge, on condition that we are not able to develop an alternative on our own we may either pay a royalty fee or accept some venture investment, while both require us to charge users for some professional services provi

      9、ded. Although something needs to be traded off for efficiency, I am firmly convinced that the app I conceive will outshine average learning-auxiliary apps, allowing students to deliver polished academic performance.习作讲评:文章结构清晰,第一段引入主题,讲要设计一款notebook。第二、三段论述它的功能与运用场景。最后一段谈到需要利用其它软件作为平台的缺点。这里特别要提到软件的作用,非常有针对性的是运用于高三的学习知识和看大学慕课,切合实际。文章的表述优美,文字老练,特别是很多高级词汇如wane, maximize, tedious, mundane等。文章句式多样,值得我们学习和借鉴。范文二:The development of smartphones is striding forward at such a tremendous speed that fundamental changes have taken place in virtually every aspect of life, including a dazzling array of apps for learning. However, most of them merely cram us with an endless stream of knowledge, failing to facilitate us to review what we have learnt and work out a clear mind map of knowledge in different realms, reducing us to arduously memorizing but easily forgetting learning machines. Therefore, it inspires me to come up with

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