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    • 1、初中英语动词ing 用法小结 导读 动词finish, mind, enjoy, practise, keep等后接动词,要用动名词形式作宾语。 在英语教学中,我发现考动词-ing 形式的题目很多。根据多年教学经验,现在把初中阶段容易考-ing的情况总结如下: 一、一些动词后要接动名词作宾语 1. Everyone enjoys_(watch) TV in the evening. 2. Please finish_(draw)the picture after school. 3. The students practise_(read) English every morning. 【解析】动词finish, mind, enjoy, practise, keep, miss, hate, consider, continue ,Imagine, suggest, advise等后接动词,要用动名词形式作宾语。答案是:watching;drawing;reading. 二、一些介词后面要加动名词作宾语 1. He is good at _(write). 2. We are loo

      2、king forward to_(see)you. 3. They are interested in_(listen)to music. 4. You can drink a lot of water without_(get) fat. 【解析】介词后跟动词,要用动名词形式作其宾语。如下列结构中的介词:thanks for doing sth, think about doing, be good at doing sth, do well in doing sth, succeed in doing , How/What about doing sth?, instead of doing sth, keep sb from doing sth, stop sb from doing sth, look forward to doing sth, be used to(习惯于)doing sth, devote to doing sth, pay attention to doing, prefer doing to doing, make a contribution (贡献)

      3、to doing sth答案是:writing; seeing; listening;getting. 三、一些固定结构要加动词的ing形式 1. He spends half an hour_(do)his homework every day. 2. They are busy_(prepare)for the coming test. 3. We have a great time_(talk)to each time at lunchtime. 【解析】在一些固定结构中要求使用动词-ing形式。 如:have some problems(difficulty,trouble) doing sth, spenddoing sth, be busy doing, have fun doing sth, have a great time doing sth, , prevent sb from doing sth, feel like doing,give up doing, find sb doing , cant help doing, put off doing, keep

      4、on doing, be worth doing, end up doing , go shopping/ swimming /reading/, do some/the cleaning/speaking/ ,No smoking/parking.答案是doing; preparing, talking. 四、动词doing可以用作状语,表示时间、原因、方式和伴随情况 1. The old woman took a baby in her arms,_(look) at the blue sky. 2. There is a dog _(lie)on the ground. 3., _(laught and talk )they went into the room.4. All night long she lay awake, _(think )of the problem.【解析】此处为分词短语作伴随情况的状语。答案是:looking;lying. laughting and talking, thinking Please turn off the lights before

      5、 _(leave). 【解析】此处为分词短语说明时间。答案是:leavingBeing sick, she stayed at home.(说明原因)五、need, want, require作“需要”解时,可接动词ing形式,表达被动含义,也可以用动词不定式的被动形式。 1. The room needs_(paint). 【解析】这儿的need作“需要”解时,可接动词ing形式,表达被动含义,也可以用动词不定式的被动形式。Sb need to do sth. Sth need doing =Sth need to done答案是:painting 或者to be painted。 六、有些动词后既可以接不定式又可以接动名词,但所表达的意思完全不一样 1. Please remember _(write)to your grandparents. 2. I remember _(see)you somewhere. 【解析】如:1. remember(forget) to do记着(忘记)去做某事(未做); remember(forget) doing记着(忘记)做过某事(已做);2

      6、. go on to do做过一件事后,接着做另外一件时;go on doing继续做原来做的那件时;3. try to do努力、企图做某事;try doing实验、试着做某事;4. regret to do对要做的事遗憾;regret doing对做过的事遗憾;5. cant help(to)do不能帮助做某事;cant help doing禁不住做某事。答案是:to write;seeing. 6.stop to do 停下来做某事(隐含着两件事,即停止一件事再去做另一 件事)stop doing 停止做某事7See /hear /watch /notice do sth看见/听见/注意到某人常做某事或看见某人做了某事See /hear /watch /notice doing sth看见/听见/注意到某人正做某事七、两者意思相似,但稍有差别: 1startbegin doing sth (或to do sth) 析:startbegin doing sth与startbegin to do sth,两者均表示“开始做某事”,一般可通用,但指开始一项长期或习惯的活动时,多用doi

      7、ng形式,例如:(1)I startedbegan learning(或to learn)English in 1992我在1992年开始学英语。 (2)How old were you when you first started playing football?你第一次踢足球时多大? 2.1ike doing sth(或to do sth) 析:like doing sth与like to do sth两者均表示“喜欢做某事”,有时可以通用,但表示一般性或抽象的多次性行为多用doing形式;表示某一特定场合具体的动作时,多用to do形式。类似此用法的动词还有hate(憎恨),love(爱、喜欢),prefer(更喜欢)等,例如:(1)Fox example,Lily likes to dance(或dancing),but I like to sing(或singing)例如,莉莉喜欢跳舞,但我喜欢唱歌。(2)He likeshates swimming,but he doesnt likehate to swim today.他喜欢/讨厌游泳,但他今天不喜欢/讨厌游泳。八、一

      8、些doing形式当形容词使用 1. My brother had _(drive)lessons last year. 2. There are many _(shop)baskets in the supermarket. 3. I will celebrate my_(come)birthday. 【解析】有些动词-ing形式当形容词使用。如:have driving lessons, a shopping basket, have a dancing lesson, hold a writing (drawing)competition, have smiling eyes, standing room. reading room, Tree Planting Day, home-cooking, hard-working, good-looking, at the beginning of , sleeping child (睡着的小孩),sleeping car(卧车)答案是:driving;shopping;coming. 九、动词ing在句中作主语和表语。 1Seeing is believing. 2. Eating too much is bad for your health. 3. My job is teaching you English.


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