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  • 卖家[上传人]:小**
  • 文档编号:93482127
  • 上传时间:2019-07-22
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:39.50KB
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    • 1、Analysis of Good Will HuntingThe film, Good Will Hunting, follows the 20-year-oldSouth Bostonlaborer Will Hunting, an unrecognizedgeniusin math and chemistry. Later he is appreciated by a renowned professor of advanced mathematics who takes him to therapists. Through his therapy sessions with Sean, Will re-evaluates his relationships with his best friend, his girlfriend, and himself, facing the significant task of thinking about his future. Finally, Will opens his heart and walks out of that doo

      2、r. One important element that is significant through out the entire film is the relationship of blood brotherhood between Chuckie and Will. They grow up together; they know the other the same as they know about themselves; they are there for each other; they want the best for each other. The relationship between them is as pure as crystal, as selfish as close relatives. And this paper will analyze how the elements of this relationship stands as symbol for accompany of a closed and lonely heart.

      3、The viewers will see it actually turns out to be an important part of the courage and reason for love and life.In the beginning of the film, the four friends hang out a lot, in bars, in batting cages, etc. and all this time Wills life is the same as it used to be, which is simple and self-closed in that safe but lonely circle. One day after watching a baseball game, Will decides to beat the daylights out of Carmine (a gay that they four hate). Chuckie says nothing about this and just gives Will

      4、a direct respond and demands Morgan (one of the four-people group) get out of the car to help Will, but he stops Will immediately when the police arrive. And he waits for Will outside the police office. Such a scene shows the silent support from true friends. Chuckie knows that Will is not that angry and irritated and there must be something wrong which Will is reluctant to tell, so he just gives his closest friend the strongest support and fight with him. This clearly shows that true friends wi

      5、ll always stand by your side and even they dont know exactly what happen, they will try their hardest to give warmth to you and help you out.In the middle of the film, Wills life begins to change: his life begins to consist of more love, love from his girlfriend, which actually gives him joy as well as pain. Will loves her but he is too frail to open himself to her because hes afraid to be hurt by those who he loves. So when he calls his girlfriend in a heavy rain but he dares not speak a word.

      6、Morgan asks who that is but Will doesnt want to tell. I believe Chuckies knows everything but he keeps silent for he doesnt want to hurt Will. And when Wills girlfriend comes to visit them three, Chuckies plays a perfect role as a brother: he is polite to the girl and lend Will his car. These two scenes show that true friends are those who know all your weakness but they will try to protest and company you rather than unmask you. Towards the end of the film, Will, after some therapy sessions wit

      7、h Sean, has already gone to the acre of his heart but he still needs a hand to open the door for him. When on the building field, Will tells Chuckie that he has broken up with his girlfriend. “ Let me tell you what I do know. Every day I come by to pick you up, and we go out drinkin or whatever and we have a few laughs. But you know what the best part of my day is? The ten seconds before I knock on the door cause I let myself think I might get there, and youd be gone. Id knock on the door and yo

      8、u wouldnt be there. You just left ” He says in sincerity and earnestness. He doesnt mind how his own life will be 20 years later, but he cares about how Wills life will be. This scene shows that true friends care about you more than you think and more than themselves. They may never tell you about it; they may just play happily with you as you want; they may even be picky about you sometimes. But all those are because they care about you. They just think you deserve better and they wish you have

      9、 a happy ending. Good Will Hunting portrays the relationship between true friends, from which I deeply understand the sentence: “ True friends are those who hold your hands and touch your heart. ” If life is a tree, families are the root and lover is the sweet fruit of it. Then I think friends are those silent but integral leaves. If life is a song, families are the lyrics and lover is the emotion deep in it. Then I think friend are the tune of that song. If life is a path, families are the start of it and lover is the destiny. Then I think friends are the scenery that is beyond description. The other day, I read a passage and it writes: “ Familiarity sometimes makes people physically invisible, for you find yourself talking to the heartto the essence, as it were, rather than to the face. ” I think this is partly true. The reasons that make people talk to the heart rather than the face consist not only familiarity, but also deep love and c


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