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    • 1、逻辑英语出自有道钟平第一课 逻辑英语-基础公式1、 排序逻辑1语言就是排序的过程。(状1)主 (定1)谓(状2)(宾)(定2状1)英文,陈述(状1定1)主(状2)谓(定2)(宾)(状1)中文,陈述1.内部排序是按短语进行倒置的;Ex1:As we all know, Hangzhou is a city that has been praised by many poets in the history of China.众所周知,杭州是在中国历史上被许多诗人赞颂的一座城市。Ex2: The Chinese government signed with Malaysia last week a contract to provide high-speed trains for the national transportation of Malaysia.中国政府上个星期和马来西亚签署为马来西亚国家运输提供高速火车的一个合约。Ex3: The great concern to the education of special children shown in public educa

      2、tion in the past 3 decades indicates the responsibility to the next generation from the adults in our society.对特殊儿童教育的关心显示在过去30年里公共教育指出在我们社会中成年人对下一代的责任。(此处有问题)在过去30年中公共教育显示对特殊儿童的教育的关心指出在我们社会中成人对下一代的责任。(自己的翻译)在过去30多年中在公共教育领域所显示出对特殊儿童的教育的强烈关注表达了我们社会中成年人对下一代的责任感。2. 只有后置定语2、 主干的定位1. 主语:句首的独立名词性结构;2. 谓语:排除过程(1) 从句中和介词短语中的动词;(2) 主语前的动词;(3) 分词前无助词(have,be)解释:在英语句子中,现在分词(ing)和过去分词(ed)作谓语时前面会有be动词和have(即完成时态中)。I am working.I have married. I am married.其中,谓语可以是动词词组。I want to see you.3. 宾语:谓语后的独立名词性结构;3、 排

      3、序逻辑2-并列不变序1.并列的四种关系:并列、转折、递进、选择If 123 & (2 and 3)So 231解释:1,2,3是短语结构(很重要),and表示四种关系。Ex1:在工作中没有激情也没有想法的人不会有进步。The man have not any process.The man without * and without ideal in work have not any process.标准 A man without passion and without ideas at work will not make any progress.If 12345 & (23) and (45)So 32541解释:23不是并列关系,仅是看作整体,45同理。因此,23需要倒序,45同理。If(123)(456)7So 7321654Ex2: In your life,a man who helps you when you are trouble and who leaves you when you are successful is a real friend.2. 单个的

      4、形容词可以放在一起,形成偏正短语。3. lessthan 与其不如第二课 渐入佳境Not so muchas 与其不如Great man 有天分的男人1、 插入语的处理1. 逗号的作用(1)插入语(2)并列 x,y and z2.处理长的插入语Ex1:The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique one.此时,插入语当状语1。3. 优化(1) 中文不容忍长定语。Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner that natur

      5、al scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.解决方法:在长定语之间划开,一分两半。划分是以短语划分,不破坏短语结构。翻译为:逗号(,)+这。In the media industry full of fierce competition, a reporter without clear understanding of the basic features about Chinese culture can not write good articles of the significance about the reform and change in china today.在充满激烈竞争的媒体行业,一个对中国文化的基本特征没有清晰理解的记者不能写出有关目前中国改革和变化的意义的好文章。(2) 英翻中,动词不认识,中文“搞”搞定一切。第三课 理想照进现实-蛋理论Nothing but(介词短语)= only英语关联词不能省略。1、 双黄蛋:句+句1.逻辑做两遍;Ex1: The creation of books is

      6、 a big progress for human beings,but the invention of computer is even more valuable.2. 中文双黄蛋困境垃圾分类,从我做起。=我们要垃圾分类,这件事从我做起。(将省略的部分补充完整。)2、 单黄蛋(加入并列):主干并列,非句+非句1. I love and hate you.2. I love you and her.3. You and I are friends.4. 杂交3、 阅读长句子第一步:找并列;第二步:找主干;Ex1: The ideas from the writer of such a book and the stories told by the roles in it attract many people who are fond of reading.Ex2:The change met the technical requirements of the new age and precluded the decline in efficiency that so comm

      7、only destroyed the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders.第4节 课 公式的多样化复习:But the force of geographic conditions peculiar to America, the interplay of the varied national groups upon one another, and the sheer difficulty of maintaining old-world ways in a row and new continent caused significant changes.单黄蛋,三个主语。1、 公式的推进1. 隐藏的双黄蛋,宾语从句I like you.I think that she is right.(that为解释过程)I believe that the man in the chair is the one you are looking for.

      8、2. 主语从句That she loves me is true.=It is true she loves me.(避免头重脚轻)Where you are from is a question.=It is a question where you are from.Easy example: It may be said that the goal of reading of any historical book is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but such a value is based on the quality of books you choose.Be based on 以为基础2、 关于时间 about time语法重建时态只有两种:点时态和段时态;1. 点时态不强调动作的延续性,只是说明在某个时间发生。(看时间)I saw him last night.(一般现在时)He will return next Friday.问题1:那多长的时间算是一个点呢?在语言上,这没有一个明确的划分

      9、,主要看你的强调点在什么地方。2. 段时态不知道是什么时候做的。(看时间)I have married now.(完成时)解释:now 是时间段的终点。I had married before I met you.I will have married before sixty.3. 两者相比较I am in Beijing.(现状)I was in Beijing in 2010.(过去)I have been in Beijing from 2010 till now.I had been in Beijing from 2010 till 2012.4. 杂交I have waited.+ I am waiting.= I have been waiting for you.(完成进行时)I was going to marry you. (过去+将来,即曾经打算)Ex1: 你是我见过最高的人。You are the tallest that I have seem.(不对)You are the tallest I have seen.Ex2:自从见到你,我就一直很开心。Since I met you, I have been happy.Ex3:从8:00到现在,我一直在讲话。I have been taling from 8:00.其中一些短语显示是使用段时态的,如so far(到目前为止)、since then(到那时以来)Ex4:我从未见过你。I have not seen you before.第五课 时态+虚拟语气Ex1:我一


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