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    • 1、西 城 区 2019 届 九 年 级 统 一 测 试 英语试卷 2019. 4知识运用(共14 分)一单项填空(共6 分, 每小题0. 5 分)从下面各题所给的ABCD 四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项1. I like watching table tennis matches and favourite player is Fan Zhendong. A. my B. your C. his D. her2. I would like to take part in the volunteer work May Day. A. in B. on C. at D. for3. is it from our school to the nearest bookstore? About two kilometers. A. How much B. How often C. How far D. How soon4. Huawei is one of technology companies in China. A. large B. larger C. largest D. t

      2、he largest5. Tim, youre all wet. Take off the clothes, you will catch a cold. A. or B. and C. but D. so6. Excuse me, I take a photo of this beautiful drawing? Im afraid not. There is a sign “No Photo”. A. may B. must C. should D. need7. Whats your plan for this weekend, Lucy? I my grandparents. A. visit B. will visit C. visited D. have visited8. The students about the art show happily when I passed by. A. talk B. talked C. are talking D. were talking9. What do you think of the film The Wandering

      3、 Earth? Its great. I it three times. A. see B. am seeing C. have seen D. will see10. When I was your age, I a lot of housework to do after school. A. will have B. am having C. have D. had11. Grandpa, who is the cute boy in this photo? Its your father. It about 30 years ago. A. took B. will take C. was taken D. will be taken12. We had a hot discussion about our summer trip just now. Cool! Have you decided ?A. where did you go B. where will you go C. where you went D. where you will go二完形填空(共8 分,

      4、每小题1 分) 阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的ABCD 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项Father and sonThe other day, I was sitting in the study and working on my website, a cup of tea on the table and old songs from my computer. It was a special pleasure to have such a 13 day after weeks of hiking, snowboarding and going crazy.“Hi dad! Want some orange juice, graybeard?” Coyote yelled (叫喊) to me much louder than 14 . “No, just bring me some chips!” I shouted back.One time, when I misheard what he said three times in a row, he 15

      5、that I had become too old and started to hear worse. Since then, yelling at me has become a kind of family joke.Pushing everything to the limit was the basis of Coyotes character. On one hand, it helped him to achieve tasks he had to do on his own, and he did great, making me proud of him. On the other hand, this brought him 16 , as he did not know when to stop. At such moments, I would behave superfatherly, and give him advice and warnings that he usually ignored (忽视). When he wore a green hair

      6、cut, I would try to convince (说服) him to paint it black. When he got a tattoo (纹身), we had a / an 17 . All these surely drove me mad, and the big fights started. It is strange but when I was a teenager, my father would act exactly the same and it took me a long time to understand him.“Dad, let me show you something,” Coyote said as he was getting back. “Dont get too 18 , okay?” I sighed (叹气), because I was almost sure of what I was about to see.When he 19 his T-shirt, I saw a new tattoo: some Bu

      7、ddhist symbol, I guess.Coyote has been interested in Asian culture for a long time.“Control yourself, graybeard,” I said to myself, trying not to yell something like,“Why the hell would you need another tattoo after you already made that huge first one?”The next moment I realized that my yelling would not 20 anything; the tattoo was already on Coyotes skin.And then I thought: “Hey, what if I get a tattoo myself?”13.A. busyB. blueC. strangeD. peaceful14.A. neededB. expectedC. accepted D. imagined

      8、15.A. complainedB. realizedC. jokedD. shouted16.A. tirednessB. honorsC. happinessD. troubles17.A. agreement B. argumentC. decisionD. discussion18.A. madB. curiousC. excited D. nervous19.A. hid B. showedC. liftedD. hung20.A. interruptB. changeC. test13阅读理解(共36 分)三阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的ABCD 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项(共26 分, 每小题2 分)A21. Wonder Park came out on . A. January 11, 2019 B. November 16, 2018 C. March 15, 2019 D. November 22, 201722. Green Book was directed by . A. Charles Martin Smith B. Peter Farrelly C. Dylan Brown D. Lee Unkrich23. If you are interested in animals and nature, you should watch . A. Coco B. Green Book C. Wonder Park D. A Dogs Way HomeBThis kid fights hunger and homelessnessAustin Perine is only four years old. His story started this past February in the living room in Birmingham. Austin and his father, TJ Perine, were watching a program about a mother panda leaving her babies. “I told him


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