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    • 1、【请大家提交一份电子文稿,一份纸质打印稿】中文读书报告格式和范文标题个人信息:班级,姓名,邮箱,电话【必要时另起一页】提纲I。 1. 2.摘要关键词正文一, 引言【本文所选课题为什么值得研究】二, 文献综述【关于这个选题,别人都做过什么研究,都有什么发现,或者,都是从那些视角研究的。如:1. 历史视角,2. 男女关系,3.女性地位, 4. 革命中的人物,5. 个性解放,6.话语风格,幽默,冷峻,讽刺 7. 相关课题的不同见解, 等等】关键点: 不可以报流水账,简单罗列每个学者的研究和发现,用自己的话语进行综合分析整理。】三, 我的分析【视角:定性还是定量,宏观还是微观】四, 结语五 参考文献尤其要注意,每一个字母和标点都有其独特含义,不能省略,不能混淆: (一)专著文献著录示例: 1杨先举.孔子管理学M.上海:上海人民出版社,1990:117.2辛希孟.信息技术与信息服务A.国际研讨会论文集C.北京:中国社会科学出版社,1994.(二)专利文献著录示例:3 杨林.移动电话机:中国,CN99115146.1P.2001-03-28.(三)专著中析出文献著录示例: 4 马克思.关于工资、价

      2、格和利润的报告札记M/马克思,恩格斯. 马克思恩格斯全集:第44卷.北京:人民出版社,1982:505.(四)连续出版物中析出文献著录示例: 5 曹凤岐,姜华东. 中国发展股指期货研究J. 北京大学学报:哲学社会科学版,2003(6).6 谢希德. 创造学习的新思路N. 人民日报,1998-12-25(10).(五)电子文献著录示例: 7 江向东.互联网环境下的信息处理与图书管理系统管理J/OL.情报学,1999.18.(2):4 .2000-01-18.http:/ Teachers Responsibilities in CALL Environment Student:He QianProfessor: Stephen Hoyle Introduction In the recent decades, the computer, as a tool used to assist language learning, has received a great amount of attention among researchers and language teachers. I

      3、t is used both inside and outside of classroom. It is believed that computers could be regarded as tools promoting independent learning, and thus autonomy. Based on this belief, a large amount of computers are provided in the language centers. However, in the process of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), computer software alone is not able to help students acquire second language. Language teachers influence is still inseparable. At present, some language teachers complain about the eff

      4、ectiveness of computers. However, they are not aware of their own responsibilities in the CALL environment. They are not in a position to make computers effective with their efforts. This paper aims to emphasize the importance of the teachers role in CALL environment. Teachers responsibilities are separately discussed in three aspects through drawing the related SLA theories.Literature ReviewWith the development of society and technology, CALL has played an important role in language learning an

      5、d teaching and has aroused many researchers interest and attention. The term of CALL has been defined by Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (Richards, Platt J. & Platt H., 1992:73) asThe use of a computer in the teaching or learning of a second or foreign language. CALL may take the form of: a. activities which parallel learning through other media but which use the facilities of the computer (e.g. using the computer to present a reading text). b. activities which ar

      6、e extensions or adaptations of print-based or classroom based activities (e.g. computer programs that teach writing skills by helping the student develop a topic and thesis statement and by checking a composition for vocabulary, grammar and topic development), and c. activities which are unique to CALL.This definition gives a basic description of what CALL is. However, the form of CALL is not unchanged across the history. Stephen Bax (2003) has offered a critical examination and reassessment of

      7、the history of CALL. Warschauer and Healey identifies three phases of CALL as “Behaviouristic”, “Communicative” and “Integrative” (1998 cited in Bax, 2003:14). In his article, Bax (2003) has made a critical analysis of the three phases and has argued for three new categoriesRestricted, Open and Integrated CALL. He states that we are currently in the Open phase while the integrated phase will be the future of CALL. CALL has not been integrated into everyday language lesson until now. With the dev

      8、elopment of CALL software, it is believed that computers could promote independent learning and thus autonomy. However, Jones (2001) argues that the effectiveness of CALL depends greatly on teachers and that it undoubtedly requires more learner training and supervision than other self-access pursuits, and such training and supervision would have to be carried out by teachers (2001:361). Teachers could play a very positive role in choosing and organizing materials, facilitating interaction among

      9、learners, and identifying learners special needs. However, many language teachers are not willing to or not able to integrate CALL into classroom teaching. (McCarthy, 1999) Thus, the teachers role in CALL environment requires more attention. Some CALL software designers look to research and principles from many cross-disciplinary resources. It is suggested that SLA theory and research might also be consulted to suggest CALL design and to guide research on effectiveness (Chapelle, 1998:21). Probably, teachers could also draw some SLA theories as a guide for their teaching in CALL environment. In this way, teachers could facilitate students language acquisition better. This paper will identify the teachers respo


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