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    • 1、期末考前专题复习,八年级英语上册(浙江地区),专题四 语法填空,(一) Our life becomes better and better.It is really different 1._ that 20 years ago.Some people have a lot of money.They buy houses with a swimming pool.They wear 2._ (beautiful) and look successful.Their cars are bigger and 3._ (expensive) than the others.Your family is not as 4._ (rich) as theirs. 5. _,you dont need to care about these.The most important thing for you to do is 6._ (work) hard.,from,beautifully,more expensive,rich,However,working,I think you will

      2、 be a successful man like them 7._ 20 years.You will take up 8._ (hobby) like taking photos and playing the piano.You 9._ (take) a trip if you have free time.And of course,when you get success,you will play 10._ part in saving the earth.,in,hobbies,will take,a,(二) I have a great dad.His name is Frank Burke.We 1._ lots of time together.I enjoy being with him.He is the best father to my 2._ (sister) Ellen and Anne,my brother JR.and me. My dad enjoys 3._ (go) to the movies with us on the weekend.We

      3、 go to the movies once a 4. _,on Saturday.On the way home,he always talks about the movies with us.He wants us to learn 5._ from the movies.,spend,sisters,going,week,something,We often ride bikes together on Sundays.My dad thinks its good for our health.He hopes all of us can keep 6._ (health) My dad swims well.He thinks its good exercise.We often go to the sea and 7._ with him.,healthy,swim,My dad also 8._ (like) ball games.His favorite football team is the New York Jets and his favorite baseba

      4、ll team is the New York Mets.When we watch a game on TV,my dad always tells us a lot 9._ the history of each team. My dad likes going fishing,10._ he often takes us out on boat rides.He is good at cooking.He often cooks delicious food for us.,likes,about,and,(三) John was a middleaged man.One day,he walked into 1._ big supermarket.He found womens clothes were on sale.John decided 2._ (get) one piece for his wife. But there 3._ so many women in the supermarket.They all wanted to buy nice and cheap

      5、 4._ (dress)John soon found that he was in a lot 5.of crazy (疯狂的) women.,a,to get,were,dresses,He 6. _(stand) there so long as he could.Then he used all his strength(力气) and did 7._ (he) best to go through the crowded. “You there,” shouted a woman 8._ (angry)“Cant you act like a gentleman?” John looked back 9._ saw an angry woman. “Listen,”he said,“I have been acting like a gentleman for an hour.From now on,I 10._ (act) like a woman.”,stood,his,angrily,and,will act,(四) I dreamed of visiting Shan

      6、ghai when I was a little girl.The day finally came.So when I got on the plane to Shanghai 1._ August 18,I was very excited.I know its one of 2._ (beautiful) cities in China.Of course,the temperature is a little 3._ (high) than that of Dalian.,on,the_most_beautiful,higher,Our trip began in Disneyland.The park has a lot of cartoon 4._ (character) such as Snow White,Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck made by Walt Disney,a very 5._ (success) man.I liked the Adventure Island best 6._ it was exciting but it

      7、 was not scary at all.And they organized us some activities.Everyone loved 7._.During the following days,we traveled many other interesting places.It took us four days 8._ (understand) the life and culture there.I made many friends when traveling.I 9._ (true) hope I can go there again some day.It is really 10._ magic and amazing place.,characters,successful,because,them,to_understand,truly,a,(五) To:Class Subject:An Invitation Dear Classmates, I am glad to tell you a piece of good news.We will h

      8、old a classmate party 1._ the evening of Friday,August 18th.Would you like 2._ (come)?,on,to_come,We 3._ (have) the party in Sunshine Restaurant.It starts at 6 in the evening.A lot of classmates will come on time. 4 _(one),we will have buffet (自助餐)You can taste delicious Chinese food.If you like western food 5._ (good),there are also all kinds of spaghetti (意大利面),sandwiches and steaks.And we have icecreams 6. _ some fantastic drinks.,will_have,First/Firstly,better,and,At the party,you can enjoy

      9、beautiful music by our classmates,exciting street dances by some boys,and wonderful performances by a famous 7._ (magic)There will be a talent show,too.Everyone who takes part in the party will get 8._ small gift.Please dont be late for the party. We are looking forward to 9. _(see) you soon. Best wishes! 10_ (you) sincerely, Cindy,magician,a,seeing,Yours,(六) Nowadays WeChat (微信) is more and more popular.I often talk to my English friend on WeChat to help me speak English 1._ (good) than before.And I can read lots of 2._ (information) on WeChat that can make me know more around.Some news makes me become careful.Sometimes I feel


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