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英语:unit 8 《could you please clean your room?》教案(6)(鲁教版七年级下)

  • 卖家[上传人]:qt****68
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  • 上传时间:2018-11-14
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    • 1、Could you please clean your room ?,Unit8 一 . 话题(Topic),Ask for permission politely,Request politely,Ask for permission,二 .重点词组(Key Phrases) 1. do the dishes 洗餐具 2. sweep the floor 打扫地板 3. take out the trash 倒垃圾 4. make the bed 铺床 5. fold your clothes . 6. clean the living room 打扫客厅 7. stay out late 在外面呆得很晚。 8. use the car 用一下车 9. get a ride 搭车,10. work on 从事、忙于,11. have a test 有个考试,12. do chores 做家务,13. hate some chores 讨厌做一些家务。,hate sweeping the floor . 讨厌扫地。,14. make breakfast 做早餐。,15. do the

      2、laundry 洗衣服,16. do the shopping = go shopping 购物,do some washing = wash some clothes . 洗衣服。,do some cleaning = clean the house . 打扫卫生。,17. borrow (money ) from sb . 从某人那儿借(钱).,18. buy some snacks 买一些小吃,19. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事,invite sb to a party 邀请某人到晚会去。 20. I disagree with you . 我不同意你。 21. Thanks for taking care of my dog . 谢谢照顾我的狗。 22. take the dog for a walk 遛狗。 23. wash the bowl 洗碗 24. be in 在家be at home . 如:You werent in yesterday . 昨天你不在家。 25. have some favors to ask you . 有一些事求你

      3、帮忙。,你能帮我个忙吗?,Would you please do me a favor . 三 .交际用语,1. Could you please take out the trash ?,你能把垃圾倒掉吗?,sure .,当然可以。,2. Could I borrow the car ?,我能借你的车吗?,Sorry , but I need it . I have to go to a meeting .,对不起,我要用它。我必须去参加一个会议。,3. I have to make the bed and do the laundry .,我不得不铺床,洗衣服。,4. I need to eat breakfast .,我需要吃早饭。,四. 重点难点释义(Language Points),1. could 表示请求,语气委婉,显得有礼貌。,eg. Could you please clean your room ?,你可以打扫你的房间吗?,肯定回答:Yes , I can .是的,我可以。,Yes , sure / Yes , of course .,否定回答:Sorry , I

      4、cant . I have to do my homework .,对不起,我不得不做作业。,另外 Would you mind doing sth .也可表示请求。,eg . Would you mind cleaning your room?,你介意去打扫你的房间吗?,No , Id like to .不,我很乐意。,2. could 表示请求许可,希望得到允许。,eg . Could I (please) go to the movies ?,我能去看电影吗?,肯定回答:Yes , you can .,Yes , sure .,当然可以。,否定回答:No , you cant .不,不行。,Now make sentences using “could“and the following phrases .,(1)go to the movies 去看电影,(2)stay out late 在外面呆得很晚,(3)use the car 使用汽车,(4)get a ride 去骑车,(5)use your computer 使用你的电脑,3. could 与 can 的区别,cou

      5、ld 与 can 都是情态动词,could 是 can 的过去式。二者都可用于表示请求。但是用法稍有,不同。,can 表示一般性的请求,语气随便,常用于熟人之间或长辈对晚辈,上级对下级的场合;,eg. Can you tell us your story , Tony ?,Tony,你能给我们讲讲你的故事吗?,could 表示有礼貌的请求,语气委婉,常用于非熟人之间或晚辈对长辈,下级对上级的场合。,eg. Could you tell us if it snows in winter in Australia ?,Sure .,请告诉我们,澳大利亚冬天下雪吗?当然可以。,4. 关于 to 的用法,(1)介词 to,有多种含义,to 后面加名词或代词。,a. 向(某处),去(某地),eg. All roads lead to Rome .,条条大路通罗马。,Lets go to the movies .,让我们去看电影吧。,b. 到(某时间或数量),eg. Its ten to four by my watch .,我的表是四点差十分。,Dont leave things to the

      6、last moment .,不要把事情都推到最后一刻才做。,c. 向,为,eg. Ill speak to him about it .,我去和他谈这件事,eg. Happy New Year !The same to you !,彼此彼此。,d. 对,eg. He is always polite to us .,他一向对我们有礼貌。,(2)to 作为动词不定式的标志,to +动词原形。,动词不定式是动词的一种非限定形式。to 可以为其标志。也就是说,to 后面如果加动词,,或助动词,一定要加原形。,下面把我们学过的一些关于 to 的短语总结一下:,have to do sth need to do sth hate to do sth like to do sth want to do sth love to do sth forget to do sth start to do sth begin to do sth ask sb to do sth,不得不,必须做某事 需要做某事 讨厌做某事 喜欢做某事 想做某事 热爱做某事 忘记做某事 开始做某事 开始做某事 请某人做某事,E

      7、x:Fill in the blanks 1. Mom _(想成为)an artist when she was a girl .,2. Im so sorry that I _(忘记写)a letter to you . 3. Lucy _(喜欢吃)healthier food . 4. Why did you _(请 Bob 来唱歌)in our party ? 5. He _(开始学习)the accordion at the age of 4 . 6. You _(需要做)more exercises every day . Keys:,1. wanted to be 4. ask Bob to sing,2. forgot to write 5. began to learn,3. likes to eat 6. need to do,五.语法知识 表示请求、允许、许可 表示允许时用 can, could, may, might 表达。它们没有时态上的差别,只是 could 比 can, might 比 may 语气上要客气。(用 can 或 could 表示“许可”,虽然很

      8、普通,但在正式、庄重的场,合用 may。) 例如:,A: Could I borrow your dictionary? B: Yes, of course (you can).,劳驾,我可以借你的字典用用吗? 当然可以。,Can 表示“允许、许可”时,和 may 的意思相近,即 can=may. 此时的否定式是 cant (=must not) Could/Can you please tell me how to get to the post office? 劳驾,您能告诉我怎么去邮局吗? Mr Li asked me whether I could go with him. 李先生问我是否可以和他一起去。 (此句中的 could 不能用 can 代替。) 表示请求时还可以用句型:Will/Would you ? 请(为我)好吗? 该句型用于请求对方做某事。 Would you?比较客气。语气比 Will you?要委婉。,例如: Will you pass me the spoon? 请把勺子递给我好吗? Would you lend me your dictionary? 请借你的词典用一下好吗? 答句为:,Yes, I will. Sure. All right. Certainly. Yes, please.,是的,可以。 当然了。 好啊。 当然可以。 好的,可以。,No, I wont.,不,不行。,Im sorry. I cant. No, thank you.,对不起, 不行。 不了,谢谢。,Shall I ? 我要吗?,Shall we? 我们一起 好吗? Shall we? 与 Lets. 意思上很相近。,Shall I carry it for you?,我来帮你搬它好吗?,Yes, please./ Yes, thank you.,好吧。/好吧,谢谢。,Shall we sing a song?,我们唱一支歌好吗?,No, lets not. 不, 别唱了。,; http:/ 点刷 点刷POS机 ael342uip,

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