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江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学八年级英语下册《Unit 3 Online travel》Reading I课件 牛津版

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  • 上传时间:2018-09-14
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    • 1、牛津版 八年级(8B) Unit 3,Reading ,Unit 3 Online travel,What do you use your computer for?,Free talk,playing games,searching for information,drawing and designing,study with educational CD-ROM,Level 1,Level 2,Level ,Read the article quickly and answer the questions. 1. Whats the name of the game? 2. How many levels are there in this game?,Around the World in Eight Hours,Eight levels.,Reading,Around the World in Eight Hours,Nancy Jackson,Itchy Feet,13,English & geography,Traveling,Read paragraphs 1&2 an

      2、d finish the table.,What does Itchy feet mean? His feet always itch. B. He likes traveling very much.,Itchy Feet,lie on the grass,b. Well see big clouds of different colors with questions on them.,c. Well see a lot of useful information about that place.,a. Every time we pass a level, well see a map of the world. The places are marked in bright purple.,Read paragraphs 3-5 and put the following sentences in the right order(顺序).,f. We see a golden cloud with some words on it.,e. We get a point whe

      3、n we answer a question correctly.,d. When we have got enough points, a cloud will carry you off to a place.,The correct order is _,f. b. e. d. c. a.,How to play this game,1. We see a _ with some words on it.,2. Well see big clouds of different colors with on them.,3. We get a point when we answer a question .,4. When we have got enough points, a will carry you off to a place.,5. Well see a lot of useful _ about that place.,6. Every time we pass a level, well see a _. The places are marked in bri

      4、ght _.,golden cloud,questions,correctly,cloud,information,map of the world,purple,Listening,Name of the game: Number of levels: Main character: Age: Hobby: What can we study: How to play:,Design a new educational CD-ROM by yourselves.,Now listen to the tape again! Then answer the questions of each paragraph.,1. What can it help you to do?,It can help me to learn more about English and geography.,Yes , it does.,2. Does it sound interesting?,Para. 1,It is childrens favourite CD-ROM.,3. How is the

      5、game “Online Traveller”,1. What does Itchy Feet like doing?,He likes traveling.,Lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful blue sky.,Para. 2,2. What was he doing when he felt asleep?,1. How can you get a point?,By answering a question correctly.,A cloud will come down and carry you to a place you have never visited before.,2. What will happen if you have got enough points?,Para. 3, 4, 5,Eight levels.,Eight hours if you are smart.,3. How many levels does the game have?,4. How long does it ta

      6、ke you to finish the game?,Can you tell us the main idea of each paragraph ?,Discussion,Can you design a profile for this new educational CD-ROM ?,Around the World in Eight Hours,8,Itchy Feet,13 years old,English and Geography,Nancy Jackson,all computer shops and bookshop,different countries,Check the sentences whether it is correct or not. The game starts with the main character having dinner. ( ) 2. The main character is called Itchy Feet. ( ) 3. The main character loves to travel. ( ),F,T,T,4. The main character was lying on the grass when he fell asleep. ( ) 5. The questions test your knowledge of English. ( ) 6. The fastest player can finish the game in an hour. ( ),T,T,F,7. The game has eight levels. ( ) 8. Every time you pass a level, you will see a map of China. ( ),T,F,Translation 1) 同时 2) 过一关 3) 扮演角色 4) 光盘的设计者 5) 一直广受欢迎的游戏 6)得到足够的分数,Homework,7) 睡着 8) 英语语法和词汇 9) 在你的屏幕上 10) 检验知识 11) 在市场上 12) 例如 13) 掉下来 14) 售完,

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