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江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学九年级英语下册 9B《Unit 1 Life in Mars》Welcome and vocabulary课件 牛津版

  • 卖家[上传人]:琴****
  • 文档编号:54522535
  • 上传时间:2018-09-14
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:6.84MB
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    • 1、Welcome to the unit & vocabulary,Unit 1 Life on Mars,The sun is a star(恒星).,The earth is one of the planets(行星),Mars火星,nine planets,the solar system,Do you know anything about the Mars?,The surface(表面) of Mars,Do you want to live on Mars? What do you think of the life on Mars? Is the life on Mars better than that on Earth at present?,Lets look at partA Life in space on P7. Will the following things be better or worse? Write yes or No in the blanks.,Life in space (P 7 ),1. We will be cared for by

      2、 robots. _ 2. We must wear space helmets to go outside. _ 3. There will be no pollution. _ 4. Robots will help us with our homework. _ 5. Food will be in the form of pills. _ 6. Money will not be important. _ 7. Space travel will make people feel very ill. _,Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No,Eddie and Hobo are now living on Mars.,helmets,Listen to the tape and find out: 1.How does Eddie like life on Mars? 2. What does Eddie hate? Why?,Do they like life on Mars? Lets listen to their conversation and find

      3、out. (P 6),Fill in blanks,Hobo and Eddie lived on _. Hobo asked Eddie _ he liked the life on Mars. Eddie said that he _ it. Hobo was _ so he asked why. Eddie said that he couldnt _ _ his food because of the _.,Mars,how,hated,surprised,get to,helmet,an astronaut,Do you know what an astronaut uses in space ?,Who is wearing the helmet now?,helmet,A large hard hat that protects the head and is connected to the air tank.,air tank,Provides many hours of air,digital camera,takes high-quality images,spa

      4、ce sleeping bag,Fixed to the walls to prevent floating.,notebook computer,Small and light and has lots of memory space,dried food,Can be stored for many months,power pack,Provides energy for the spacesuit,special boots,For walking on the surface of the planet,air tank,digital camera,dried food,helmet,special boots,notebook computer,power pack,space sleeping bag,Which is the most/least important for an astronaut? (P12 B),A:I think is the most important thing for an astronaut. B: No, I think is mo

      5、re important than A: Which do you think is the least important ?I think its the B: No, I disagree. I think is the least important.,Which place has astronauts traveled to so far?,Is it possible for us to camp on the moon?,When an astronaut camps on a planet, should he take the following with him? (P7 B) 1.Name the items 2. Put a tick in the box if you think he should take that item. 3. Talk about the reasons for your choices in pairs.,tent,camera,sunglasses,matches,guitar,football,fishing net,Wal

      6、kman,If you are given a chance to the moon one day, what three things will you take? Why?,Discussion,If I go to the moon, the three things that I will take with me are I want to take , because . I want to take too, because . I also want to take, because.,1.Sure. adv. = Certainly. / Of course. adj. be sure of sth. to do sth. that - clause,2. How do you like? 你觉得怎么样?= What do you think of ?,3. hate =dislike hate doing sth. 4. get to/reach sth. 够到某物 get sth. 得到 某物,4. I thought 我原以为,5. care for/look

      7、 after/take care of,6. in the form of 呈现形状/处于形式,7. Whats sb. / sth. like? 如何/怎么样?,8. make people feel very ill使人们觉得很不舒服make sb. (not) do sth. / make sb.+ adj./ make sth. done/ make sth. to do (cook a rich meal to celebrate his birthday),9. take high-quality images 拍摄高质量的图像,10. Provide sth./ provide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.(provide energy for the spacesuit),11. with lots of memory space,12. store sth. / be stored,13. fix to the walls to prevent floating 14. on the surface of 15. Which thing do you think is the most/least important?,What will people do in the future?,Maybe people will be able to travel in_and live on another_.,space,planet,Something terrible has happened to the Earth.,pollution,population,Goodbye,

      《江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学九年级英语下册 9B《Unit 1 Life in Mars》Welcome and vocabulary课件 牛津版》由会员琴****分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学九年级英语下册 9B《Unit 1 Life in Mars》Welcome and vocabulary课件 牛津版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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