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江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学八年级英语下册《Unit 5 International charities》Checkout课件 牛津版

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  • 上传时间:2018-09-14
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    • 1、牛津版 八年级(8B) Unit 5,Checkout,Unit 5 International charities,Making peoples lives better,Me Wu and the Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about charities. Mr Wu: Congratulations! You all got good grades on your presentations. Kitty: Thanks! The topic was _ difficult _ we had to do a lot of research on it. Mr Wu: What have you learnt?,so,that,Simon: Weve learnt a lot about life in poor areas. Here in Beijing, we _ doing things like going to restaurants often. Millie: I _ spend all my pocket mone

      2、y on CDs, but now I want to donate some to charity. Amy: I _ having big meals every day. I _ think our flat was too small, but now I know how lucky we are.,are used to,used to,am used to,used to,Daniel: I think charities do a lot of good work. Millie: Yes, charities such as UNICEF work very hard. Its _ a wonderful organization _ I want to join it when I grow up.,such,that,一、用所单词的正确形式填空。 1. My father told me that life is boring _ (with) studying. 2. You can help the elderly by doing some _ (volun

      3、teer) work for them.,without,voluntary,Exercise,3. Who made the _(donate) to Project Hope? 4. This _(ill) is too hard to cure. 5. Helping people is very _ (meaning) in my life. 6. Many doctors are trying their best to cure the cases of _ (blind).,donation,illness,meaningful,blindness,7. Teachers should put their hearts into _(educate) because it is very important. 8. The _(improve) of English grammar is very important for every student. 9. The doctor is doing an _ on the patient in the _ room. (

      4、operate),education,improvement,operation,operating,10. I spend my free time _ (most) watching TV. 11. You can lose your weight by _(take) exercise. 12. UNICEF often organizes many f_ activities for poor children.,mostly,taking,und-raising,13. Exercising every day can help a person keep h_. 14. Our geography teacher told us that pollution is a very s_ problem in many parts of our country. 15. When the young man heard the good news, he couldnt b_ his ears.,ealthy,erious,elieve,16. We all know the

      5、United Nations was s_ up in 1945. 17. Arent you afraid of _ (stay) with the man like him? 18. I hope _ (become) a soldier when I grow up.,et,staying,to become,19. My mother is used to _ (get) up early every morning. 20. We should be _ (grade) to our teachers all our life. 21. ORBIS teaches the local doctors by _ (演示, 实施) eye operations. 22. You will be punished by your parents for your _ (粗心).,getting,grateful,performing,carelessness,23. The old man is receiving free _ (治疗) in the hospital. 24.

      6、There are always many _ (患者) in the big hospital. 25. His fathers death has _ (影响) his study for a year.,treatment,patients,affected,26. Look! Your father is _ (修理) the windows of the house. 27. His failure in the exam brings him so much _ (伤心). 28. He received a good _ (教育) when he was young.,sadness,education,repairing,二、改错 1. I spent a lot of money go out to restaurant and cinemas. 2. How luckily the children are. 3. All we need is enough money to carry with our work.,going,lucky,carry on,4.

      7、We are proud of be Chinese. 5. UNICEF was set in 1947. 6. I forgot a book at your place yesterday.,being,set up,left,7. I am used to having big meal every day. 8. You can help ORBIS by make a donation. 9. I hope you to become a doctor. 10. We can help blind people across the street.,meals,making,can,cross,11. ORBIS doctors can also teach local doctors new skills and knowledges. 12. A fridge is used to keeping food fresh. 13. The parents were very thankful to his help.,knowledge,keep,for,14. With

      8、 the develop of society, he made greater progress. 15. The patients should be treated as kindness. 16. Thanks for your supportment and help.,development,support,with,三、完成句子,1. 他们通过组织一些募集资金的活动募 捐钱款。 They raised money _ _ fund-raising activities. 2. 我决定省一些钱捐给希望工程。 I _ _ _ some money _ _ _ Project Hope.,by organizing,decided to save,to donate to,3. 妈妈告诉我污染是世界上最严重的问题之一。 My mother told me pollution is _ _ the worlds _ _ _. 4. Sandy过去常开车旅行, 因为她害怕飞行。 Sandy _ _ _ by car because she is _ _ flying.,one of

      9、,most serious problems,used to travel,afraid of,5. 她们为这些穷孩子提供水、食物, 以便 他们能更加健康。 They _ water and food _ the poor children _ _ they can be healthier. 6. 失明影响着全世界大约445万的人们, 主 要是贫困国家。 _ _ 44.5 million people around the world, _ in poor countries.,provide for,so that,Blindness affects,mostly,7. 不好的消息是很多人没有钱医治。 The bad news is _ many people _ _ _ money for the treatment. 8. 李医生不习惯在飞机上工作。 Doctor Li _ _ _ _ on the plane.,that,dont have enough,isnt used to working,9. Amy说一些医生连续工作72小时没有 睡觉。 Amy said that some doctors _ _ 72 hours _ _. 10. 雨下得太大了, 以致于人们不能继续 在外面干活。 It rained _ _ _ people couldnt _ _ _ outside.,

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