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江苏省无锡市长安中学七年级英语下册《Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town》Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版

  • 卖家[上传人]:琴****
  • 文档编号:54509460
  • 上传时间:2018-09-14
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    • 1、Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Grammar,Translantion: 欢迎来到阳光镇 呆在一个安静的小镇 在镇中心 当地的人 喜欢在公园中慢跑 离北京市中心不远 为你的家人朋友买精美的礼物 尝试一些中国食物 欣赏京剧 参观当地的剧院 更多的了解中国艺术 不要错过这戏剧表演 期待看到你 期待吃中国食物 期待外出的一天 期待大吃一顿,welcome to Sunshine Town,stay in a quiet town,in the town centre,local people,like jogging in the park,be not far from the centre of Beijing,buy wonderful presents for,try some Chinese food,enjoy Beijing opera,visit the local theatre,learn more about Chinese art,Dont miss the opera shows.,look forward to seeing yo

      2、u,look forward to eating Chinese food,look forward to a day out,look forward to having a big meal,在阳光镇有许多事情可以做。图书馆有许多书可以看。阳光购物中心有各种各样的东西可以买。有一只狗躺在地上。操场上有一些男同学在踢足球。树上有一些鸟在唱歌。,用There be翻译,There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town.,There are lots of books to read in the library.,There are all kinds of things to buy in Sunshine Shopping Mall.,There is a dog lying on the ground.,There are some boys playing football in the playground.,There are some birds singing in the tree.,用It takes 翻译,乘地铁只要花

      3、40分钟。从我家到学校步行要花大约15分钟。我将花六个多小时乘火车到达北京。我父亲明天将花半个小时洗车。,It only takes 40 minutes by underground.,It takes me about 15 minutes to walk from my home to my school.,It will take me more than 6 hours to get to Beijing by train.,It will take my father half an hour to wash his car.,用why not 翻译,为什么不去我们当地的剧院欣赏京剧呢?为什么不早点上学呢?为什么不去当地的餐馆尝试一些中国食物呢?,Why not visit our local theatre and enjoy Beijing opera?,Why not go to school early?,Why not go to the local restaurant to try some Chinese food?,why not = why dont y

      4、ou,Why dont you visit?,Why dont you go?,Why dont you go?,postcard,key,What are they?,ring,key ring,pencil cases,This pizza is .,Whose is this/ are these?,It is pizza.,a pizza,Eddies,Eddie,Eddies,It is cap.,a cap,Minnie,This cap is .,Minnies,Minnies,our school,It is football field.,a football field,our schools,This football field is .,our schools,T-shirts,the twins,They are T-shirts.,These T-shirts are .,the twins,the twins,These pencils are .,the girls,They are pencils.,pencils,the girls,the gir

      5、ls,These pencil cases are .,the children,They are pencil cases.,pencil cases,the childrens,the childrens,Work out the rule!We usually add s to a singular noun to express the idea of belonging.I would like to take the boys to our schools football field. We add to a plural noun ending in -s.The exchange students homes are in the UK.,We often use s with names.Neils mother is calling him from the UK.,We add s to plural nouns that do not end in -s.childrens peoples mens womens,Lets practise!,写出下列词的名词

      6、所有格dogSandypeopletheaterchildrentownteachersbookskeys,dogs Sandys peoples theatres childrens towns teachers books keys,Presents for the students,The students have some presents for the exchange students, but their things got mixed up. Mr Wu is asking Amy which things belong to which people. Help Amy complete the answers.,1. Whose postcards are these? Theyre_.,Millies,2. Whose cap is this? Its _.,Daniels,3. Whose T-shirt is that? Its_.,Kittys,4. Whose key ring is that? Its _.,5. Whose pencils are

      7、 those? Theyre _.,Daniels,Millies,Lets complete it.,1. What do you buy for your mother on _ (mother) Day? 2. These are the _ (student) desks. 3. Football is _ (boy) favourite sport. 4. On _ (children) Day, we usually have a good time.,Mothers,students,boys,Childrens,5. 这个茶杯是 Kitty 的。This cup is _.This is _ cup. 6. 西蒙表弟的朋友都喜欢和西蒙玩。_ _ friends all like playing with Simon.,Kittys,Kittys,Simons cousins,Mike,This is Mikes cup. This is his cup. This cup is his.,Whose is this?,my sister,This is my siste

      8、rs poster. This is her poster. This poster is hers.,the twins,This is the twins chocolate. This is their chocolate. This chocolate is theirs.,Possessive adjectives and pronouns,提示,Its not far from the centre of the city. its = it is Fish is its favourite food. its 是形容词性物主代词, 意思为: 它的。,Model: A: Whose ruler is this? B: Its my ruler. The ruler is mine.Whose books are these? C: They are their books. The books are theirs. Whose key ring is it? D: ,Work in groups,Lets practise!,Daniel: Look at our books. Theyre all over the place. Millie: Are those _ books, Amy? Amy: No, they arent _. Theyre Sandys. _ book is under Sandys chair. Sandy: Yes. And _ is here too, Simon.,your,mine,My,yours,Whose books are they?,Simon: What about that book, Sandy? Is it _? Sandy: No. Its Millies. Daniel: Oh, yes, its _, and here is _ book. Its next to Amys pencil case.,yours,hers,my,We _ (need, do not need) to put a noun after a possessive pronoun.,do not need,Work out the rule!,Lets complete it.,

      《江苏省无锡市长安中学七年级英语下册《Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town》Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版》由会员琴****分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省无锡市长安中学七年级英语下册《Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town》Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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