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  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
  • 文档编号:47931884
  • 上传时间:2018-07-06
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    • 1、Unit 1 Festivals around the worldwords & expressionsstarve vi & vt1. Thousands of people will starve if food doesnt reach the city.2. Im starving! Can we go and grab something to eat? 3. Poor Peter looked like hed been starved.4. Peter is just starved for attention.beliefn1. A strong belief in God.n2. It is my belief that we will find a cure for cancer in the next ten years.nThieves broke into the building in the mistaken belief that there was expensive computer equipment inside.nIt is a widely

      2、held belief that violent crime is increasing.na strongly held belief that stealing is wrongna growing belief that war was inevitablenContrary to popular belief, eating carrots does not improve your eyesight. n3. What she did was stupid beyond belief.dress upn1 to wear special clothes for fun, or to put special clothes on someone ndress up as nHe went to the party dressed up as a Chicago gangster.ndress up inn I keep a box of old clothes for the children to dress up in.ndress somebody upn We dres

      3、sed him up as a gorilla.n2 to wear clothes that are more formal than the ones you would usually wear:n Its a small informal party - you dont have to dress up.nDress-upna childrens game in which they put on special clothes and pretend that they are someone else nLets play dress-up.gathern1 come togethernA crowd gathered to watch the fight.n Thousands of people gathered outside the embassy.nGather round, everyone, so that you can see the screen.n During the air raids, we gathered the children arou

      4、nd us and sang songs.ngather togethern Could the brides family all gather together for a photo?n2ncollectnThe researchers job is to gather information about people.nThey had gathered 440,000 signatures to support their demand.gathern1 come togethernA crowd gathered to watch the fight.n Thousands of people gathered outside the embassy.nGather round, everyone, so that you can see the screen.n During the air raids, we gathered the children around us and sang songs.ngather togethern Could the brides

      5、 family all gather together for a photo?n2ncollectnThe researchers job is to gather information about people.nThey had gathered 440,000 signatures to support their demand.awardnaward n1 noun. something such as a prize or money given to someone for something they have donenaward forn the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teachingnwin/receive an awardn Rosie was in London to receive her award as Mum of the Year.nMagnusson presented the 1000 award to the groups chairman.n

      6、Academy Award (Oscar, 奥斯卡奖)nGrammy Award(格莱美奖)nEmmy Award(艾米奖)naward n2. verb to officially give someone something such as a prize or money for something they have done:nMoodie has been awarded a golf scholarship at the University of Hawaii.naward somebody somethingnThe judge awarded me first prize.naward something to somebodynA Nobel Prize was awarded to Waksman in 1952.admirenadmire vi &vtn1. to respect and like someone because they have done something that you think is good:nI really admire t

      7、he way she brings up those kids all on her own.nadmire somebody for (doing) somethingnLewis was much admire for his work on medieval literature.nI admire you for your courage to challenge the expert.n2. to look at something and think how beautiful or impressive it is:nWe stopped halfway to admire the view.nSal stood back to admire her work.permissionnYou must ask permission before taking any photographs inside the church.nThey didnt have permission to enter the room.nWho gave him permission to l

      8、eave class early?nWith your permission, I should like to visit Mrs Thorne myself.nYou shouldnt have touched the computer without permission.obviousnFor obvious reasons the police cannot give any more details about the case.nThe most obvious example of an information source is a dictionary.nThe obvious question is - does his invention work?nThe quality of his cooking is immediately obvious.nit is obvious (that)nIt was obvious that Gina was lying.nobvious tonIt might be obvious to you, but it isnt

      9、 to me.nI know you really like him, but you dont have to be so obvious about it.remindnremind somebody about somethingnPeter constantly has to be reminded about his homework.nremind somebody to do somethingnRemind me to buy some milk tonight. nI reminded myself to watch them closely.nremind somebody (that)nVictor reminded Peter that he still had lots of work to do.nremind somebody of somethingnThat song always reminds me of our first date.nremind somebody (of) what/how etcnI was reminded how lucky I was.


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