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    • 1、ACS800 and 600 Commision Guide and ThoubleshootingACS800 /600调试指导与故障分析,ABB北京电气传动系统有限公司,Content 内容,1.Drive units fault 传动单元故障2.Fieldbus fault 现场总线故障,Drive units fault 传动单元故障,DC OVERVOLTAGE1,Possible ReasonDeceleration time is too short.减速时间过短。,Action1Set longer ramp time or use brake unit.设置更长的斜坡时间或使用制动单元。2Use Coasting Stop to Stop Function(if applicable).使用自由停车方式(如果允许)。3Resistance of the Braking Resistor is too high.制动电阻的阻值过高。,DC OVERVOLTAGE2,Possible ReasonParameter 20.05 overvoltage controller

      2、 disabled and there is no brake unit or TSU/ISU.在没有制动单元或TSU/ISU的情况下,参数20.05 过压控制器被关掉。,ActionDisable controller only when using brake unit or TSU/ISU.仅当使用制动单元或TSU/ISU时才能关闭过压控制器。,DC OVERVOLTAGE3,Possible ReasonSupply voltage is too high.供电电压过高。,ActionCheck mains for static or transient overvoltage.检查主电源的静态或瞬态过电压。,DC OVERVOLTAGE4,Possible ReasonFaulty Braking Chopper.制动斩波器故障。,ActionCheck Braking Chopper and Braking Resistors.检查制动斩波器和制动电阻。,DC OVERVOLTAGE5,Possible ReasonInternal Fault.内部故障。,ActionRe

      3、place xINT-board .更换xINT板。,DC OVERVOLTAGE6,Possible ReasonEarth fault in IT(floating network).IT(浮地网络)接地故障。,ActionCheck there is no earth fault in supply .检查供电电源没有接地故障。,DC OVERVOLTAGE7,Possible ReasonIncorrect inverter type.不正确的逆变器型号。,Action Compare the rating plate of the drive and configuration in the sw from CDP panel(drive) 比较传动单元的额定铭牌与软件中的参数配置。,DC OVERVOLTAGE8,Possible ReasonEMCboards are connected to IT network.EMC板连接到了IT 浮地网络。,ActionDisconnect common mode capacitors from the gnd.断开共模电容器与g

      4、nd的连接。Note:see Modifications to the RFI Filtering when used in the IT Networks.,DC UNDERVOLTAGE1,Possible ReasonToo low input voltage.过低的输入电压。,Action1Check input fuse and the OESA is closed.检查输入保险丝和OESA是否闭合。2Measure the input and DC voltage in the stop,start and running(with multimeter or from actual signals).分别在停止、起动和运行期间测量进线和DC电压(利用万用表或从实际信号观察)。3Check phase voltage of the supply.检查供电电源的相电压。,DC UNDERVOLTAGE2,Possible ReasonIncorrect inverter type.不正确的逆变器类型。,ActionCompare the rating plate of the

      5、 drive and configuration in the sw from CDP panel(drive) 比较传动单元的额定铭牌与软件中的参数配置。Note:see RMIO configuration instructions,DC UNDERVOLTAGE3,Possible ReasonInternal Fault.内部故障。,Action1Check cabling between AINP and rectifier bridges.检查AINP板与整流桥之间的电缆连接。2Check the cable between +DC-bus and AINT-board.检查AINT板与+DC-bus 之间的电缆连接。3Replace AINP-board.更换AINP板。4Replace xINT-board .更换xINT板。,Earth Fault1,Possible ReasonMotor cable or motor is damaged.电机电缆或电机损坏。,Action1Megger the motor and motor cable.用高阻表或摇表检测电机或

      6、电机电缆。2Disconnect motor cables and run the drive in scalar control if the drive does not trip,the drive is ok.分断电机电缆与变频器的连接,在标量模式下运行变频器,如果变频器不跳闸,则说明变频器是好的。,Earth Fault2,Possible ReasonLong motor cables or high stray capacitance to the ground.过长的电机电缆或过高的对地离散电容。,Action1Check earth fault trip level.检查接地故障跳闸等级。2Use output chokes.使用输出电抗器。Note:Maximum Motor Cable length see ACS600/ACS800 DU/DT Filter Selection Guide and NOCHxxxx, AOCHxxxx du/dt Filters Installation Guide,Earth Fault3,Possible ReasonPow

      7、er factor correction capacitor or surge absorbers.功率因数校正电容器或浪涌吸收器。,ActionCheck there are no power factor correction capacitor or surge absorbers in the motor cable.检查电机电缆上没有功率因数校正电容器或浪涌吸收器。,Earth Fault4,Possible ReasonInternal Fault .内部故障。,Action1SeeACS 600 Earth Fault Protection Service Manual.2Replace xINT-board.更换xINT板。3Replace Current Transducer. 更换电流互感器。4Replace xPBU-board if used.更换xPBU板。(如果使用了)5Replace all optic fibres between AINTs and APBU.更换AINTs 与APBU之间的光纤。,FLT(x_x),Possible Reason(F1

      8、_4.7)Flash memory; 闪存。(F2_x)Processor or memory。 处理器或内存。,ActionReplace RMIO-board,inform Supportline.更换RMIO板。,I/O Communication Fault1(1),Possible ReasonA communication error has occurred on the I/O Link.在I/O 链路上出现了通讯错误。,Action1Check the connections of the fibre optic cables on the I/O Link.检查I/O 链路上的光纤连接。2Check a correspondence between parameter settings and HW configuration on the I/O Link(all I/O Modules).检查I/O 链路上所有模块的硬件配置是否与参数设定相对应。,I/O Communication Fault1(2),Possible ReasonA communication

      9、 error has occurred on the I/O Link.在I/O 链路上出现了通讯错误。,Action3Check a correspondence between parameter settings and HW configuration ,when Pulse Encoder Module(NTAC) is connected to CH1.if the Pulse Encode Module is connected to CH1 instead of CH2,par.70.03 CH1 BAUDRATE ,The communication Speed must be changed to 4Mbits.当脉冲编码器接口模块(NTAC) 连接到CH1时,检查硬件配置与参数设置的对应关系。(如果脉冲编码器接口模块连接到了CH1,参数70.03 应被设置为4Mbits。,I/O Communication Fault2,Possible ReasonElectromagnetic interference.电磁干扰。,Action1Check for proper earthing of the equipment.检查设备是否正确接地。2Check for highly emissive components nearby .检查附近是否有高放射元件。,I/O Communication Fault3,Possible ReasonInternal Fault。内部故障。,Action1Replace option module.更换可选模块。2Replace the fibre optic cables on the I/O Link.更换I/O 链路上的光纤。3Replace RDCO Module.更换RDCO模块。4Replace AIMA-board.更换AIMA板。5Replace RMIO-board.更换RMIO板。,


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