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    • 1、初中英语教案学校遥墙中学班级Class7.8Grade_7_日期2009-11-10授课教师杜学民课题Unit8 when is your birthday ? period 1复备区域知识点(语音、词汇、语法等方面)1 要求学生掌握 1-12 月的读、写2 1-31 的序数词的读、写3 语法:熟练掌握 when 引导的特殊疑问句,和应答。重点、难点(知识、技能两个方面)教学重点:1 学习并掌握的词汇:when, birthday , month , January,. December,second .twentieth , date ,happy , happy birthday .2 学习并掌握的句型: when is your birthday ?My birthday is .教学难点:1 英语月份的读与写2 序数词名词所有格是本课时的难点分析知识点与知识系统的关系学生掌握月份、序数词 是正确表达日期的基础; 谈论日期的表达是为日常英语的交际打基础的。英语日期的书写是英语学习的基础备课标与教材分析确立重难点的依据 根据课标的要求,学生必须掌握的词汇听说读写能力。借助所学知识简

      2、单的交际活动。学生已具备的知识与技能学生已经应该掌握基数词。为学生掌握序数词打下了基础。重点是基数词与序数词的关系学生的学习兴趣(对教师、教学法的兴趣)“一物生来真稀奇,身穿三百多件衣,每天给它脱一件,年底剩下一张皮。 ”Do you know what it is in Chinese?通过谜语调动学生的求知欲。做一次班级生日调查,提高学生学习兴趣备学情学生的差异性 班级内有 1/3 的学生只能定位为读读说说,再提高难度,就是浪费了,让他们写出单词,很难。其他学生可以适当提高难度,培养他们的独立思考的能力。关注学困生知识与技能目标(分层) 通过 talk about dates 使学生学会基本句型:When is your her his birthday ?My/her his birthday is 并且掌握日期的表达方式,提高学生的交际能力。 All for communication备教学目标过程与方法目标 采用 practicing ,listening ,role Reading 的学习策略,利用日历牌,或制作多媒体课件展开课堂 pair work ,group work

      3、 的口语交际活动,问生日,记日期。情感态度目标 通过互问对方的生日,增进同学之间的了解和友情。创新支点 让学生写日记、写简单的书信、谈论亲人的生日,写贺年卡,写请假条 ,引起学生研究日期的需要。备教学方法与媒体利用日历牌,或制作 ppt.多媒体课件展开课堂 pair work ,group work 的口语交际活动,问生日,记日期。教学流程Step 1. Revision and Lead-inShowing a calendar to students, and then learn dates.T: Good morning, everyone! Dou you know how to talk about dates in English ? Today well learn to talk about dates. Now I have a riddle for you. “一物生来真稀奇,身穿三百多件衣,每天给它脱一件,年底剩下一张皮。 ”Do you know what it is in Chinese?S: Its “日历”.T: How bright you are!

      4、Yes, its a calendar. Here is a calendar. What can you see on it?Help students answer.S: I can see some months.T: What can you see in each month?S: I can see some dates.T: Well done, everyone! Today we will learn months and dates.(Let students look at the calendar carefully.)T: The first month is January.Point January on the calendar. Let students repeat it.Then write first and January down on the blackboard.Point at the months on the calendar one by one to teach students the new words. Learn the

      5、 other words in the same way. Let students look at the calendar and ask in pairs:T: What months can you see on the calendar?S: I can see January, February, March, April.Ask students can read and write twelve months correctly. Step 2. Listening (la: P47)In order to ask students can read and write twelve months correctly. In this procedure, students listen to the recording and learn the months of the year. T: Look at the picture in la on P47. Its a calendar. Therere 导入日期小学曾经学习过 12 个月份,重点是纠正读音,分音节拼

      6、写twelve months in the calendar. What are they? S1: They are January, February, March, April, May, June.Point out we often use short forms when writing.Write abbreviated versions on the blackboard.Point to random months on the abbreviated list and have students tell the full form. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen as they follow along.Play the recording the Second time. Ask Students to listen and repeat each word.Note: The stress comes on the middle syllable in the words Sep

      7、tember, October, November and December. Let the students chant these in order, the middle syllable louder than the other two: Sep-tem-ber, Oc-to-ber and so on.Step 3. Listening and Practicing (lb, Ic: P47)First read the instructions, ask students to listen to three conversations and number them in order.T: Look at the box beside the conversation. Well listen to the recording carefully twice. For the first time just listen. Youll write the number in the box after listening to the conversation twi

      8、ce.Check the answers. And then ask them to listen to the recording and repeat the conversations.Sample dialogue 1:S: When is your birthday, Li Lei?S: My birthday is January fifteenth.Sample dialogue 2:S: My birthday is October fourth. What about you, Vera? S: My birthday is July tenth.Step 4. Sum upAsk some students to sum up this lesson by overhead projector and then have a test for the aim.Check the answers and correct the answers.Homework:1. Ask students to do activity 1 in the workbook. 2. Ask students to read and learn the words in this unit (on P110) by heart. 3. Make up a dialogue using dates and months.听关键词单词是学习的基础教学反思


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