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  • 卖家[上传人]:雨水
  • 文档编号:146777029
  • 上传时间:2020-10-04
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    • 1、Unit 6 Maker Movement in ChinaKey to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. Ruler, tape, calculator, hammer, pincers, drill, wrench, saw, etc.2. I once made a kite with knife, scissors, ruler, tape, wood and paper. At first it didnt work too well. My father helped me improve the design and then it flew much better. It was so much more satisfying to fly a kite made by myself.3. There are large worktables in the makerspace. Makers there are using all kinds of materials to build things. A

      2、nd instead of working alone, they are communicating with each other, sharing ideas and learning new skills from one another.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text OrganizationMs. Peng, who made a talking tree at Xinchejian/ Paras. 1-3;Para. 12the relationship between creation and copying / Para. 11the definitions of maker / Paras. 4-5the mission of Xinchejian / Para. 6the aim of Seeed Studio / Paras. 9-10the significance of the maker movement to Chinese industry /Para. 7the suppor

      3、t from the Chinese government / Para. 82. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideas The maker movement is now gaining ground in China and makerspaces like Xinchejian and Seeed Studio are open to the public. A maker is someone who builds, creates or hacks physical materials. They are different from the traditional inventors who tinkered in garages. Makers often use software to design objects to be produced by desktop machines like 3-D printers. And they often cooperate and share their ide

      4、as online. The Chinese government is supporting this movement by building more government-supported innovation houses and organizing maker carnivals. And it is hoped that this movement can help Chinese industry move to a new stage. Although some observers see Chinas maker movement as producing copycat goods, Mr. Pan Hao, founder of Seeed Studio, advises patience.2.2 Digging into detail 1. They can tinker with everything from art projects to robots.2. It can react to human touch. And it can talk.

      5、3. He defines a maker as someone who builds, creates or hacks physical materials, whether food, clothing or gadgets.4. He describes makers as “the Web generation creating physical things rather than just pixels on screens.”5. It is a conduit for people to say “This interactive stuff is not that scary, not that difficult.”6. They hope that one of the tinkerers may develop the next groundbreaking technology.7. It specializes in the small-scale manufacturing of experimental, niche-market products.8

      6、. It features a picture of the South American revolutionary Che Guevara, his head sprouting electronic components instead of hair.9. He wants to show that creating something original starts from learning and copying.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A II. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.1 1. For the time being, this computer system is still in its experimental stages.2. There is a growing tendency to regard money more highly than quality of life.3

      7、. The following table includes a list of subjects at the frontier of scientific exploration.4. Computer technology in all its phases from hardware to software has become less expensive.5. Problem solving, like other mental activities such as creativity, is hard to define but generally easy to recognize.6. Due to his health problems, Richard has to give up hard physical work on his farm.7. My storybooks occupy most of the space of my two bookshelves in my bedroom.8. I am eager to know where my fo

      8、rmer classmates are now.9. Online stores are booming and continually increasing their market share.10. Cloud-based tools enable you to engage and interact with your audience in real-time.11. It is amazing that Jack built a robot of his own.12. Human beings are born with a capacity to learn languages.13. Jack recommended to me a unique restaurant that specializes in seafood.14. There are three promising candidates for the job.15. Emily and her partners are working on their classroom presentation.

      9、1.2 1. gaining ground 2. migrate 3. transforming 4. components5. manufacture 6. executed 7. exhibited 8. sort of (hoping)1.31. Emily takes an interest in making things from all types of materials.2. This business specializes in the manufacture/manufacturing and retail sales of garden tools.3. The skin on our body is a good barrier to the virus, unless it is broken or cut.4. The poster calls for people to put down their smartphones and have more face-to-face communication with each other.5. It is important to select and hire the best candidates for the post.2. Word Formation2.1 collect collector/collection friend friendly/friendshipimpress impressive/impression experiment experimentallocate location encourage encouragementdefinite definite


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