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    • 1、中国地质大学学校代码:10491研究生学号:中国地质大学(博士、硕士)学位论文论文题目姓 名XXX学 科 专 业XXX指 导 教 师XXX 职称XXX 职称培 养 单 位二年月35中国地质大学(武汉)研究生学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的博(硕)士学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,在中国地质大学(武汉)攻读博(硕)士学位期间独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文中除已注明部分外不包含他人已发表或撰写过的研究成果,对论文的完成提供过帮助的有关人员已在文中说明并致以谢意。本人所呈交的博(硕)士学位论文没有违反学术道德和学术规范,没有侵权行为,并愿意承担由此而产生的法律责任和法律后果。学位论文作者签名: 日 期: 年 月 日中国地质大学(武汉)研究生学位论文导师承诺书本人郑重承诺:本人所指导的*学位论文*,是在本人的指导下,研究生在中国地质大学(武汉)攻读*学位期间独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,论文由研究生独立完成。研究生所呈交的*学位论文没有违反学术道德和学术规范,没有侵权行为,并愿意承担由此而产生的与导师相关的责任和后果。指导教师(签字): 日 期: 年 月 日中国地质大学(武汉)

      2、学位论文使用授权书本人授权中国地质大学(武汉)可采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存本学位论文;学校可向国家有关部门或机构送交本学位论文的电子版全文,编入有关数据库进行检索、下载及文献传递服务;同意在校园网内提供全文浏览和下载服务。涉密论文解密后适用于本授权书。学位论文作者签名: 日 期: 年 月 日银川市休闲旅游产业发展现状及对策研究中文摘要随着国民经济的不断发展,我国居民对于生活质量要求日益提高,再加上交通设施的完善,我国旅游进入了发展的高峰期,对休闲消费的需求不断的提高,休闲经济已进入高速发展的新阶段。特别是在节假日期间,各个地区的游客大幅度的增加。发展休闲旅游产业可以带动其他相关产业的,促进当地的经济发展,改善了当地人们的生活水平、提高其收入水平、改善乡村的生态环境、调整优化经济发展结构,同时,还有利于保护当地的文化和自然资源。但是,目前,我国的休闲旅游产业发展发展比较混乱,部分地区的休闲旅游产业还处于旅游观光阶段,这是体验型休闲旅游的边缘。文章以银川市休闲旅游产业为研究对象,分析银川市休闲旅游产业的发展情况。银川市历史悠久,自然风光秀美,有众多的特色小食,发展休闲旅游产业


      4、务水平党的19大和西部大开发政策明确指出发展旅游产业的重要性,在休闲经济日益发展的今天,休闲旅游产业是适应现代人们对于接近自然的需求的,是我国经济发展新的增长点。对银川市休闲旅游产业的研究对于发展当地经济和改善农业有着重要的作用。希望本文研究可以促进银川市休闲旅游产业的发展,通过休闲旅游产业优化当地的产业结构、提高当地农民的收入、解决农村剩余劳动力的就业问题等。同时希望通过休闲旅游产业的发展使更多人认识到银川的回乡文化,实现回汉一家亲的团结局面。关键词:银川市;休闲旅游产业;休闲Research on the present situation and Countermeasures of the leisure tourism industry in Yinchuan CityAbstractWith the continuous development of the national economy, Chinas increasing demand for the quality of life of residents, perfect plus transportation

      5、facilities, tourism in China has entered a peak period of development, the leisure consumption demand increase, the leisure economy has entered a new stage of rapid development. In particular, during the holidays, tourists from various regions have increased significantly. The development of leisure tourism industry can promote other related industries, promote local economic development, improve the local peoples living standard, improve the level of income, improving the rural ecological envir

      6、onment, adjust and optimize the economic development structure, at the same time, also conducive to the protection of local culture and natural resources. However, at present, the development of Chinas leisure tourism industry is rather chaotic. The leisure tourism industry in some areas is still at the stage of tourism and sightseeing, which is the edge of experiential leisure tourism. The article takes the leisure tourism industry of Yinchuan city as the research object, and analyzes the devel

      7、opment of the leisure tourism industry in Yinchuan city. Yinchuan has a long history, beautiful natural scenery, and a large number of special snacks. The development of tourism resources in the leisure tourism industry is rich and diverse. Although Yinchuan has a large number of resources to enrich the development of leisure tourism industry. However, for a long time, due to various reasons, the city of Yinchuan leisure tourism industry development is relatively slow, the local tourism resource

      8、s has not been well developed, as a whole, the city of Yinchuan leisure tourism industry scale is still relatively small, there is still much room for improvement. Therefore, it is very necessary to analyze the development of leisure tourism industry in Yinchuan.Based on the analysis of research background and research significance, this paper takes Yinchuan leisure tourism industry as the research object, reviews the research status at home and abroad, and collates the theoretical basis of leis

      9、ure tourism industry. Then the necessity and feasibility of the development of leisure tourism industry in Yinchuan city are analyzed. Survey, classification and characteristics analysis of leisure tourism resources in Yinchuan city; from the development of tourism resources, tourism product analysis, tourism enterprises, tourism market and tourism traffic and analyzes the present development situation of tourism and leisure industry in Yinchuan City, points out the main problems in the development of leisure tourism industry of Yinchuan city in the development environment of leisur


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