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    • 1、在企业管理中儒家思想的价值运用摘要现代企业管理的许多理论和方法都被我国各大企业应用于日常生产实践中,发挥了较好的作用。但是随着经济社会的发展,西方管理理论在具体运用中日益显现出一定的局限性,暴露出一些问题。这就需要中国企业积极探索创建新的管理模式。事实上,从某种意义上来说,企业管理并不是单纯的经济行为,而是依赖于特定的民族文化背景而产生和发展起来的一种特殊的精神或者文化。世界各个国家的管理活动都带有很强的本国印记。比如,美国式管理以“法”为重心,强调个人价值;日本和韩国的管理模式是在吸收美国先进管理思想的基础上,融合本国特色文化形成的。在我国,儒家文化博大精深,源远流长,是我国传统文化的重要组成部分,其中蕴藏的许多哲学思想和道理都对现代企业的管理意识和行为有着深刻的影响。而其独特优势也恰好可以弥补西方管理理论的局限性。众所周知,儒家思想的基本精神是“仁义礼智信”。如果从现代经营管理的角度来理解这种精神,就会发现由传统儒家管理思想可以创建一系列优秀的现代管理模式。事实上,在经济全球化快速发展的当今时代,企业之间的竞争日趋激烈,如何培育自身的独特优势和核心竞争力,在市场中占据有利地位,赢得


      3、bstractMany theories and methods of modern enterprise management have been used by the major enterprises in our daily production practice and played a good role. However, with the development of economy and society, Western management theories have increasingly shown some limitations in specific applications and exposed some problems. This requires Chinese enterprises to actively explore and create new management models. In fact, in a sense, enterprise management is not a mere economic activity,

      4、 but a special spirit or culture that has arisen and developed depending on the specific national cultural background. Management activities in various countries of the world bear a strong national mark. For example, American-style management focuses on law and emphasizes personal values. Japan and South Koreas management model is based on the absorption of the advanced management thinking of the United States and integration of their own unique cultures. In our country, the Confucian culture ha

      5、s a profound and long history, which is an important part of our traditional culture. Many of the philosophical ideas and truths contained therein have a profound impact on the management consciousness and behavior of modern enterprises. And its unique advantages can just make up for the limitations of Western management theory. As we all know, the basic spirit of Confucianism is righteousness, righteousness and wisdom. If we understand this spirit from the perspective of modern management, we c

      6、an find that a series of excellent modern management models can be created by traditional Confucian management. In fact, in the current era of rapid economic globalization, the competition among enterprises is becoming fiercer and fiercer. How to cultivate their own unique advantages and core competitiveness so as to occupy a favorable position in the market and gain public recognition are important to the thinking of major enterprises problem. By absorbing the quintessence of traditional Confuc

      7、ianism to adapt to modern enterprise management, the role played by nurturing the core competitive advantage of enterprises has been recognized and valued by more and more domestic enterprises. Haier, Mengniu, Fang too and other well-known enterprises will Confucianism into business management practices, and achieved good results. In particular, Fang Tai Group is the first in the country proposed to create a Confucian culture management approach, its innovation has aroused widespread concern in

      8、the community, but also for the enterprise has brought good social and economic benefits.Fang Tai Group is the integration of Chinese traditional Confucianism and Western modern management theory, the better combination of Chinese and Western cases, for other business management has some reference value. Applying Confucianism to modern business management has a positive meaning for exploring the theory of business management with Chinese characteristics. Based on this, this paper discusses the r

      9、elationship between Confucianism and modern business management from the current situation and existing problems of modern business management and the background of the formation of Confucianism. Taking Fangtai Group as an example, this paper expounds the application of Confucianism management in modern enterprise management, and understands the advantages and effects of traditional Confucianism management in modern enterprise management from the angle of other enterprise culture analysis. Finally, from the perspectives of Confucianism management and entrepreneurial spirit toward the future, this paper analyzes and explores the essence from which aspects of Chinese enterprise management should be absorbed and how to promote the further development of enterprise management.Keywords: business management; Confucianism; Fang too Group, the value of application4目录第一章绪论11.1研究背景及意义11.1.1选题背景11.1.2选题意义21.2 研究综述3 1.2.1 国内研究现状31.2.2 国外研究现状


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