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cross-cultural communication跨文化交流.doc

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞****9
  • 文档编号:136629402
  • 上传时间:2020-06-30
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:27KB
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    • 1、Cross-Cultural Communication: Definition, Strategies & ExamplesCross-cultural communication is imperative for companies that have a diverse workforce and participate in the global economy. It is important for employees to understand the factors that are part of an effective, diverse workforce.Cross-Cultural CommunicationCross-cultural communicationhas become strategically important to companies due to the growth of global business, technology and the Internet. Understanding cross-cultural commun

      2、ication is important for any company that has a diverse workforce or plans on conducting global business. This type of communication involves an understanding of how people from different cultures speak, communicate and perceive the world around them.Cross-cultural communication in an organization deals with understanding different business customs, beliefs and communication strategies. Language differences, high-context vs. low-context cultures, nonverbal differences and power distance are majo

      3、r factors that can affect cross-cultural communication.Lets take a look at how cross-cultural differences can cause potential issues within an organization. Jack is a manager at a New Mexico-based retail conglomerate. He has flown to Japan to discuss a potential partnership with a local Japanese company. His business contact, Yamato, is his counterpart within the Japanese company. Jack has never been to Japan before, and hes not familiar with their cultural norms. Lets look at some of the ways t

      4、hat a lack of cultural understanding can create a barrier for business success by examining how Jack handles his meeting with Yamato.High- Vs. Low-Context CultureThe concept ofhigh- and low-context culturerelates to how an employees thoughts, opinions, feelings and upbringing affect how they act within a given culture. North America and Western Europe are generally considered to havelow-context cultures. This means that businesses in these places have direct, individualistic employees who tend t

      5、o base decisions on facts. This type of businessperson wants specifics noted in contracts and may have issues with trust.High-context culturesare the opposite in that trust is the most important part of business dealings. There are areas in the Middle East, Asia and Africa that can be considered high context. Organizations that have high-context cultures are collectivist and focus oninterpersonal relationships. Individuals from high-context cultures might be interested in getting to know the per

      6、son they are conducting business with in order to get a gut feeling on decision making. They may also be more concerned about business teams and group success rather than individual achievement.Jack and Yamato ran into some difficulties during their business negotiations. Jack spoke quickly and profusely because he wanted to seal the deal as soon as possible. However, Yamato wanted to get to know Jack, and he felt that Jack spoke too much. Yamato also felt that Jack was only concerned with compl

      7、eting the deal for his own self-interest and was not concerned with the overall good of the company. Jacks nonverbal cues did not help the negotiations either.Nonverbal DifferencesGestures and eye contact are two areas ofnonverbal communicationthat are utilized differently across cultures. Companies must train employees in the correct way to handle nonverbal communication as to not offend other cultures. For example, American workers tend to wave their hand and use a finger to point when giving

      8、nonverbal direction. Extreme gesturing is considered rude in some cultures. While pointing may be considered appropriate in somecontextsin the United States, Yamato would never use a finger to point towards another person because that gesture is considered rude in Japan. Instead, he might gesture with an open hand, with his palm facing up, toward the person.Eye contact is another form of nonverbal communication. In the U.S., eye contact is a good thing and is seen as a reflection of honesty and

      9、straightforwardness. However, in some Asian and Middle Eastern cultures, prolonged eye contact can be seen as rude or aggressive in many situations. Women may need to avoid it altogether because lingering eye contact can be viewed as a sign of sexual interest. During their meeting, Jack felt that Yamato was not listening to his talking points because Yamato was not looking Jack in the eyes. However, Yamato did not want Jack to think he was rude, so he avoided looking directly into Jacks eyes during his speech.Language DifferencesThe biggest issue dealing with cross-cultural communication is the difficulty created by language barriers. For example, Jack does not speak Japanese, so he is concerned with his ability to communicate effectively with Yamato. There are some strategies that Jack can use to help establish a rapport with Yamato. Jack can explain himself without words by using emotions, facial expressions and other nonverbal cues

      《cross-cultural communication跨文化交流.doc》由会员飞****9分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《cross-cultural communication跨文化交流.doc》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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