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2011高考英语一轮复习 BookII Unit18教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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    • 1、Unit 18理解:要点诠释单词1.remain讲:v.剩下;停留 linkv.一直保持;仍然(后接名词、形容词、分词或介词短语作表语)例:If you take 4 from 10,6 remains. 10减去4,还余6。 How long will you remain(=stay)here? 你能在这里停多久? How can we remain silent on this question? 对于这个问题我们怎么能保持沉默呢?链接提示 可以用作连系动词的行为动词: (1)表示感觉的动词 feel摸起来,感觉;look看起来;smell闻起来;sound听起来;taste尝起来 (2)表示进入某种状态或存在某种状态的动词 appear似乎;become变成;come变得;fall变成;get变得;go变得;grow变得;keep保持;prove证实;remain保持;seem好像; stay保持;turn变得练:(2010上海春季模拟)The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain_ as the plane was

      2、 making a landing.A.seat B.seating C.seated D.to be seating提示:单从结构上讲,remain后可用现在分词、过去分词或动词不定式作表语,但是seat应该用seated作表语,如:Please be seated.(=Please seat yourself.=Sit down,please.)故选C项。答案:C2.similar讲:adj. 相似的;类似的 similarly adv. 相似地;类似地;同样;也例:My wife and I have similar tastes in music. 我和妻子有共同的音乐爱好。 The two brothers look similar. 这兄弟俩长得很像。 The two houses are similar in size. 两座房子大小差不多。 Husband and wife were similarly successful in their chosen careers. 夫妻俩在各自选择的事业上都很成功。链接提示 (1)be similar to.in.在方面与有相

      3、似之处 The two words are similar to each other in meaning. 这两个词在意思上有相似之处。 (2)similarity n. 相似性;相像性;相似点;相像处 She bears a striking similarity to her mother. 她跟她母亲十分相像。 There is some similarity in the way they sing. 他们的演唱风格有点像。练:(1)Our body are strengthened by taking exercises._ ,our minds are developed by learning.A.Probably B.Likely C.Generally D.Similarly提示:本题考查在语境中选词的能力。probably意为“大概”;likely是形容词,意为“可能的”,用在此句不妥;generally意为“一般地”;similarly意为“同样地,类似地”。根据语意和词义,D项为正确答案。答案:D(2)My train was 20 minutes late

      4、 in the morning and there was a(n)_ delay in the evening.A.same B.alike C.similar D.equal提示:句意为:我乘坐的火早上晚点20分钟,晚上差不多也晚点这么长时间。答案:C(3)The two phrases are similar_ structure but different_ meaning.A.in;in B.to;to C.in;from D.with;from提示:句意为:这两个短语结构相似,但意义不同。be similar in.在相似;be similar to.与相似;be different in.在不同;be different from.与不同。答案:A3.attempt讲:n. 努力、尝试、企图、未遂行为v.尝试;试图;试图征服(危险的山、海等)例:They made no attempt at escaping. 他们没有试图逃走。 He made an attempt to swim across the English Channel. 他试图渡过英吉利海峡。 They

      5、 decreased their production in an attempt to push the prices. 他们减少生产量,以试图抬高价格。 They attempted a surprise attack. 他们企图偷袭。 The prisoners attempted to escape,but failed. 那些囚犯试图逃走,但失败了。 He attempted breaking the world record. 他试图打破世界记录。链接提示 (1)attempt to do/doing sth.企图做某事 attempt to do sth.暗含不成功之意;try to do sth.“尽力做某事”,结果有可能成功也有可能失败;manage to do sth.“设法做到”,结果一定是成功的 (2)make an attempt to do/doing sth.试图做某事 (3)attempted adj. 未遂的;意图的 an attempted murder/suicide杀人未遂/自杀未遂练:(1)(2010江苏模拟)A man is being qu

      6、estioned in relation to the_ murder last night.A.advised B.attendedC.attempted D.admitted提示:句意为:一个男子正在被询问昨天晚上的杀人未遂案。attempted与句意相符。答案:C(2)Tom has been preparing carefully for the English examination,so that he can be sure of passing it at his first_.A.request B.attemptC.promise D.purpose提示:本题考查名词。request请求;attempt尝试;promise许诺;purpose目的。从句意看应该选用attempt。答案:B短语1.allow for讲:该词组的义项有“顾及;考虑到”。例:The journey usually takes 3 weeks,but you should allow for delays caused by bad weather. 这趟旅行通常需时三周,但是你应该考虑到恶

      7、劣天气所造成的延误。 His inexperience should be allowed for. 他缺少经验应该被考虑在内。 Allowing for inflation,the cost of the project is 2 million. 考虑到通货膨胀因素,这个项目的费用为200万美元。链接拓展 (1)allow doing sth.允许做某事 We dont allow making noise here,so you should keep quiet. 这里不允许大声喧哗,请你保持安静。 (2)allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 The nurse allowed him to stay in hospital for another two days.护士准许他在医院再住两天。 (3)considering考虑到;鉴于 Considering the strength of the opposition,we did very well to score two goals.考虑到对方实力强大,我们进了两个球就很不错了。 John did qui

      8、te well considering how little he studied. 考虑到约翰才学了那么一点点,他考得已算很不错了。练:(1)We cant finish the work in such a short time;you must_ our lack of experience.A.allow to B.allow forC.allow of D.allow into提示:句意为:我们不可能在这么短的时间内完成工作;你必须考虑到我们缺乏经验。allow for考虑到;allow of容许,容得。B项符合句意。答案:B(2)I suppose well have to,_ bad weather conditions,spend more than 500 days undertaking the construction.A.considering B.allowed forC.including D.linked with提示:作“考虑到”讲时,allow for 为动词词组,而considering为介词。本句中“_ bad weather conditions”用作状语,故选A项。答案:A(3)Nobody but doctors or nurses and those_

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