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2011高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Unit9教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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    • 1、Unit 9-Unit 10提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点Unit 9单词insurance carpenter income hopeless clinic allowance pressure consult chemist fee nationwide unfortunate tailor incident significance bench sink jar lid devotion短语lay off make matters worse make ends meet句型as引导非限制性定语从句Unit 10单词garbage maid prince outcome penny grocery bakery weep furnish shabby mailbox bell rag rare garment worn carpet barbershop haircut booklet mutton stove baggage pale prayer approve anyhow shave comb flash simplify短语attend to take pride in d

      2、o up let down fix sth. on/upon at length search for句型“介词+xhich+动词不定式”作定语Unit 9理解:要点诠释单词1.consult讲: vt.咨询,请教;(与某人)商议,商量;查询,查阅,参看例:If the pain continues,consult your doctor.如果疼痛持续不消退,要请医生看看。Have you consulted your lawyer about this?你就此事咨询过你的律师吗?You shouldnt have done it without consulting me.你不该不和我商量就做了这件事。I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals.我需要同我的同事商讨这些建议。He consulted the manual.他查阅了使用说明书。链接提示 表示“查阅”时,相当于refer to;表示“商量”时,相当于discuss或talk about。练:Youd better_ the dictionary for th

      3、e meaning of the word.A.look up B.refer C.consult D.check提示:本句表示“查阅词典”。而look up的宾语应该是所要查找的内容,refer后面应该跟to,check的意思为“核对”。答案:C2.destroy讲: vt.摧毁;毁灭;破坏;(因动物有病或不再需要而)杀死;消灭例:The building was completely destroyed by fire.这栋建筑物被大火彻底焚毁了。They have destroyed all the evidence.他们销毁了一切证据。Heat gradually destroys vitamin C.加热会逐渐破坏维生素C。You have destroyed my hopes of happiness.你毁掉了我得到幸福的希望。Failure was slowly destroying him(=making him less and less confident and happy).失败渐渐地把他毁了。The badly injured horse had to be

      4、destroyed.这匹马受了重伤,只好把它杀死了。链接提示 destroy一般表示彻底破坏,而damage主要指对局部的破坏,其对象指物较多。动词ruin也可以指彻底破坏,成为废墟。练:A big fire_ last night and many houses _in the fire.A.took place;destroyed B.happened;destroyedC.was broken out;were destroyed D.broke out;were destroyed提示:短语break out为不及物动词,动词destroy为及物动词。答案:D3.devotion讲: n.U深爱;挚爱;献身;虔诚结构:devotion to sb./sth.例:the devotion of parents to their children父母对孩子的挚爱the devotion of too much time to sports花太多时间在运动上devotion to duty忠于职守a teachers devotion to her task教师全心全意投入其工作链接

      5、提示 devote v. 贡献 devote.to (doing) sth. devoted adj. 忠实的 be devoted to sb.对某人忠实练:He failed again.The _of too much time to computer games leaves too little time for studying.A.use B.cost C.devotion D.expense提示:根据句子的意思和名词与后面介词to的搭配,此处应用devotion。答案:C短语1.lay off讲:该短语为及物动动词短语,表示“让某人停止做某事;别再打扰;(因工作不多而)解雇”。例:Lay me off,will youits nothing to do with me.别找我好不好这事与我无关。I told you to lay off bothering my little brother!我告诉过你别再打扰我弟弟!I think youd better lay off fatty foods for a while.我认为你最好暂时别吃油腻的食物。The compa

      6、ny laid off 200 workers due to the poor economy.因为经济不景气,这个公司解雇了200名工人。链接提示 (1)lay sth. aside 把放在一边(或搁置一旁)。He laid aside his book and stood up.他把书放在一边站了起来。Doctors have to lay their personal feelings aside.医生不得不把个人感情置之度外。(2)lay sth. down 放下;停止;中断(工作);辞(职);放弃 Both sides were urged to lay down their arms(=stop fighting).双方都被敦促放下武器。练:_him! Cant you see hes badly hurt?A.Lay off B.Lay aside C.Lay down D.Lay about提示:本句话的意思为:别碰他!你没看见他伤得很厉害吗?此处用lay off表示“别再打扰;别再做”。答案:A2.make matters worse讲:该短语的意思为“更糟糕的是”,

      7、用作谓语,而to make matters worse用作状语。例:Her attempts to calm them down only made matters worse.她设法让他们平静下来,不想却适得其反。Dont do that.It will only make matters worse.不要那样做,那只会使情况变得更糟。It got dark,to make matters worse,it began to rain.天黑了,更糟的是,开始下起雨来。链接提示 (1)make matters worse=what is worse=worse still (2) go from bad to worse每况愈下 In some countries,economic conditions are going from bad to worse. 在有些国家,经济状况越来越糟。练:(2010湖北八校联考) They lost their way in the forest,and_.Which of the following is wrong?A.what made m

      8、atters worse was that night began to fallB.what was worse,it was getting darkC.to make matters worse that night was fallingD.worse still,night had fallen提示:本题考查句子结构。and连接前后两个并列成分, 而C项为动词不定式。答案:C句型as引导非限制性定语从句讲:请观察下面教材原句:If low-income families cannot afford to purchase medical insurance,as was the case with Wang Lin,other measures to reduce poverty will not succeed.假如低收入家庭买不起医疗保险,正如王林的情况那样,那么其他脱贫的措施是不能成功的。as在这里是关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个句子。关系代词which也有此用法,它们的区别是:(1)which的先行词可以是单个名词,而as的先行词多为整个句子。(2)若主句与从句的内容不一致,或从句对主句内容起反对、排斥、否定等作用时,多用which;而as只能用于主句和从句内容一致时。(3)as引导的定语从句可以放在句首,而which不可以。例:The meeting,which was held in the park,was a success.在公园里召开的这次会议很成功。The meeting was a success,as was expected.正如所预期的那样,会议开得很成功。She has married again,as was expected.她又结婚了,这是大家意料之中的事。She has married again,which was unexpected.她又结婚了,真没想到。He came late for class today,which/as is often the case.=As is often the case,he was late for

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