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    • 1、马达加斯加的企鹅 Penguins of Madagascar (2014)中英剧本在南极洲Antarctica.生物极难生存An inhospitable wasteland.但即使在这地球最严寒的一端But even here, on the Earths frozen bottom,仍有生命存在we find life.且不是平凡的生命And not just any life.而是企鹅Penguins.它们欢乐嬉戏 蹒跚而行Joyous, frolicking, waddling,可爱极了cute and cuddly life.看 它们毛茸茸的肚子前后相碰Look at them tumbling onto their chubby bumbums.谁会想到这些活泼雪白的家伙Who could take these frisky little snow clowns.等等 有人知道我们要去哪么Seriously? Does anyone even know where were marching to?有什么关系呢 我从不问东问西的 Who cares? I question

      2、 nothing.我也是 我也是 Me, too. Me, too.好吧 那我们就飞到最前面去Well, fine! Well just fly看看我们到底要去哪里to the front of the line and see for ourselves.科沃斯基 瑞哥 开启空中探险模式Kowalski! Rico! Engage aerial surveillance.走吧 来啊 快点Here we go! Doing it! Come on!老大 我们好像不能飞Skipper, we appear to be flightless.那这是用来干什么的Well, whats the point of these?哇 我喜欢 可以当做我们的招牌动作Whoa! I like it! Hey, this could be our thing!叫什么呢 就叫击掌好了What are we gonna call it? Lets call it the. High one.嘿 你们看见了么 那个蛋滚走了 谁去把它找回来Hey! Anybody see that? Thats an egg!

      3、Is someone gonna go get it?我们不能那么做 为什么 We cant do that. Why not?外面的世界很危险的 我们只是企鹅Well, its a dangerous world out there, and were just penguins.负责可爱就好You know, nothing but cute and cuddly.要不然为什么Yeah. Why do you think总有人在拍我们there are always documentary crews filming us?安啦 孩子们Well, sorry, kid. You know,我们每年都会遗失一些没出生的宝宝 自然规则而已we lose a few eggs every year. Its just nature.好吧 自然规律 说得好像有道理Oh, right, nature. I guess that makes sense, but.但是something.骨子里总有一些声音告诉我something deep down in my这一点也不合常理gut tells

      4、 me that it makes no sense at all.我决定了 我要反对自然规律You know what? I reject nature!谁要和我一起Whos with me?!那是艘废弃的船 没有人能活着从那里走出来The old ship. No ones ever returned from there alive.怎么会 下面就有一只鸟 看起来很悠闲Relax, Kowalski. Theres a bird down there now. Look, hes fine.豹斑海豹 大自然的毒蛇Leopard seals. natures snakes.大自然的毒蛇不是蛇么Arent snakes natures snakes?我怎么会知道 我天天住在这冻原里How should I know? I live on the flipping frozen tundra.它们要吃那个蛋 快想办法让我下去 快Theyre going for the egg! Give me a way down there, ASAP!我们现在需要做的就是All one would

      5、 have to do找到足足英尺高的海草 然后is collect feet of kelp, dry it in the.弱小又无助 这些企鹅宝宝冻坏了Tiny and helpless, the baby penguins are frozen with fear.它们知道要是掉下悬崖 会必死无疑They know if they fall from this cliff, they will surely die.甘特 推它们一下Gunter, give them a shove.我们用训练水母.harnessing the jellyfish的口令行事weve trained to obey simple voice commands.这才像话嘛Now, thats more like it!干得好 瑞克 别让他得逞Thataboy, Rico! Dont let him have it!哇 这样就安全了Okay. I guess that works.快跳到高地方去Get to high ground!哇哈 成功了 Booyah! Success!我建议赶快发火 别 再等一

      6、下 Id recommend firing it now. Nope, hold on.我们真的应该立刻开火We really should fire it.我还没有看见它的眼白Not till we see the white of its eyes.它们的眼睛都是纯黑的 只有很少的眼白 几乎没有Theyre mostly pupil. Very little white. Almost none!多少也该有一点吧They got to have a little bit of white, right?没有又怎样 如果它们只往一边看呢 None whatsoever. What if they look really far to the left?开炮Fire in the hole!科斯基 分析一下状况Kowalski, analysis?我们真是酷毙了We are really awesome at this.兄弟们 成功了 任务达成Boys, we did it! Mission accomplished!嘿 我们真的成功了 击掌Hey, hey, we can do ou

      7、r thing. High one!棒Yes!我的错My bad.看 生命的奇迹Look. Its. its the miracle of birth.这一刻 格外的美丽A moment. of extraordinary beauty.噢 好恶心 我嘴里全是黏液Oh, thats disgusting! I think I have amniotic sac in my mouth!哦Whoa!你们好 你们是我的家人么Hello. Are you my family?你没有家人 我们都活不长了 不好意思You dont have a family, and were all going to die. Sorry.啥What?怎么了 我以为你们也是这个意思What? I thought that was what we were all nodding about.谁都不会死 我们都是你的家人 孩子No ones gonna die! Know what youve got, kid?你有我们 我们会一直在一起Youve got us. Weve got each other.我们就

      8、是一个家庭And if that aint a family, I dont know what is.你真可爱So adorable.科沃斯基 我们的航程会怎样Kowalski, whats our trajectory?%的可能我们会死翘翘 那%的可能性呢 % certain were still doomed. And the other five percent?获得企鹅史上从未有过的探险和荣光Adventure and glory like no penguins have ever seen before.就选它了 我们要去哪里 Ill take that action. But where are we going?未来 同志们The future, boys.辉煌的未来Glorious future!这破歌 吵的我都要吐了That song! I swear its gonna make me lose my salmon.老大 声音越来越大了Singing getting louder, Skipper!动作加快 谁去把那个家伙的假发拿下来Then move fast

      9、er! Somebody get that wig off Private.科沃斯基 报告状况Kowalski, status report!我受够这首歌了Im really getting tired of this song.在马戏团最大的好处Well, the best part of owning a就是可以用大炮瞬间转移circus is you can transport a cannon over state lines.十年前的今天 你出生了Ten years ago on this very day, a tiny egg hatched,让我们这个家庭更加美好 所以今天 菜鸟and our world got a little bit cuter. So tonight, Private,我们一起we celebrate your birthday潜入诺克斯堡的黄金存放处来为你庆生by infiltrating the United States gold depository at Fort Knox!太酷炫了 什么 Splendid! What?同志们 在那了There she is, boys.那就是我们邪恶的欲望 唾手可得The object of our unholy desire. The butter on our biscuit.同花顺 老大 The royal flush. Skipper?注意 不能随意打断别人讲话Private, whats our rule about interrupting analogies?抱歉 你继续 算了 不想说了 都怪菜鸟 Sorry. Please con


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