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    • 1、海洋奇缘 Moana (2016)中英剧本混沌初开之时In the beginning.世界只有一片汪洋there was only ocean.直到母亲岛until the Mother Island emerged.特菲提出现Te Fiti.特菲提之心拥有世上最强大的力量Her heart held the greatest power ever known.能够创造生命It could create life itself.特菲提创造了世间一切生命And Te Fiti shared it with the world.可不久之后But in time.有些人开始寻找特菲提之心some began to seek Te Fitis heart.他们坚信 得到它They believed if they could possess it.就能获得创造一切的强大力量the great power of creation would be theirs.有一天And one day.这些人中最大胆的一位the most daring of them all.跨越浩瀚的海洋去夺取特菲提之

      2、心voyaged across the vast ocean to take it.他是主宰风与海的半神He was a demigod of the wind and sea.他是一名勇士He was a warrior.一位魔术师A trickster.一个能用他神奇鱼钩的法力A shapeshifter who could change form.随意变换形体的变形者with the power of his magical fish hook.他的名字叫作And his name.毛伊was Maui.但是失去了心之后 特菲提开始瓦解But without her heart, Te Fiti began to crumble.创造出了可怕的黑暗giving birth to a terrible darkness.毛伊试图逃走Maui tried to escape.但碰上了另一个寻找特菲提之心的人but was confronted by another who sought the heart.特卡Te Ka!他是土与火的恶魔A demon of earth and fi

      3、re.毛伊被从空中击中Maui was struck from the sky.从此了无踪迹never to be seen again.而他的魔法鱼钩和特菲提之心And his magical fish hook and the heart of Te Fiti.一起沉入了大海were lost to the sea.即使在一千年之后的今天Where, even now , years later.特卡和深海的恶魔Te Ka and the demons of the deep仍在寻找特菲提之心still hunt for the heart.他们隐藏在不断蔓延的黑暗之中Hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread.赶跑我们的鱼群chasing away our fish.侵占一座又一座岛屿draining the life from island after island.我们所有人都将until every one of us is devoured.被那嗜血的死亡魔爪by the bloodthirsty jaws.吞噬殆尽

      4、of inescapable death!但总有一天But one day.会有人找到特菲提之心the heart will be found.那个人将驶过环礁 扬帆远航by someone who will journey beyond our reef.找到毛伊find Maui.带他穿洋过海deliver him across the great ocean.归还特菲提之心to restore Te Fitis heart.拯救众生and save us all.谢谢 母亲 讲到这儿就行了Thank you, Mother. Thats enough.爸爸Papa.谁都不准越过环礁No one goes outside the reef.这里很安全 世上没有黑暗势力We are safe here. There is no darkness.也没有什么怪兽There are no monsters.怪兽 怪兽Monsters! Monsters!-不不 没有怪兽 -黑暗势力来了- Theres no monsters, no monsters. - Its the darknes

      5、s!不 环礁外只有风暴和汹涌的大海No, there is nothing beyond our reef, but storms and rough seas.我要吐了Im gonna throw up.只要我们大家都待在这座岛上As long as we stay on our very safe island.就会很安全well be fine.传说都是真的The legends are true.一定有人会扬帆远航的Someone will have to go.母亲 莫图鲁尼岛就是天堂Mother, Motunui is paradise.谁还想去别的地方呢Who would want to go anywhere else?莫阿娜Moana!总算找到你了 莫阿娜There you are, Moana.你在做什么 吓坏我了What are you doing? You scared me.干嘛 我想回去What? I wannas go back.我知道 但你不能靠近海边I know, I know. But you dont go out there.那里很危险Its d

      6、angerous.莫阿娜 走吧Moana, come on.我们回村子去Lets go back to the village.你是我们族人的下一任伟大的酋长You are the next great chief of our people.你会做许多了不起的事 我的小宝贝And you will do wondrous things, my little minnow.没错 但首先你要清楚自己的所属之地Oh, yes. But first, you must learn where youre meant to be.*莫阿娜驾到*Moana*大伙 都让开*Make way, make way*莫阿娜 你是时候该知晓*Moana, its time you knew*你有莫图鲁尼村就已足够*The village of Motunui is all you need*舞者们在排练*The dancers are practicing*伴着古老的歌曲起舞*They dance to an ancient song*要新歌干嘛 我们只要这首老歌*Who needs a new song

      7、, this old ones all we need*继承传统是我们的使命*This tradition is our mission*莫阿娜 还有很多事要做*And Moana, theres so much to do*别被芋头给绊了脚 你有它已足够*Dont trip on the taro root. Thats all you need*劳动成果 人人共享*We share everything we make*有说有笑 编织篮子*We joke and we weave our baskets*渔夫从大海归来*The fishermen come back from the sea*我想看看*I wanna see*别走远*Dont walk away*莫阿娜 快快坐下*Moana, stay on the ground now*族人需要一位酋长*Our people will need a chief*就是你*And there you are*终有一天*There comes a day*当你回首 就会明白真正的幸福*When youre gonna look aro

      8、und and realize happiness is*就在你的所属之地*Where you are*瞧瞧这椰子*Consider the coconut*什么 瞧瞧这椰树*The what? Consider its tree*我们充分利用椰子的每一处 我们有它已足够*We use each part of the coconut. Its all we need*纤维制成鱼网*We make our nets from the fibers*椰汁清甜可口*The water is sweet inside*树叶生火 椰肉烹调*We use the leaves to build fires we cook up the meat inside*瞧瞧这些椰子*Consider the coconuts*这树干和树叶*The trunks and the leaves*小岛给予我们所需*The island gives us what we need*无人离开*And no one leaves*没错 我们留在这里*Thats right, we stay*这里安全又富饶*Were

      9、safe and were well-provided*未来引导我们之人*And when we look to the future*就是你*There you are*不用担心*Youll be okay*你会学我所学*In time youll learn just as I did*你必须在所属之地找到幸福*You must find happiness right where you are*我喜欢随海浪起舞 伴着潮起潮落*I like to dance with the water the undertow and the waves*海水十分顽皮 但我就喜欢它淘气*The water is mischievous. I like how it misbehaves*村民们可能觉得我疯了*The village may think Im crazy*或者我的思维漂得太远*Or say that I drift too far*可一旦你知晓所爱 这才是真正的你*But once you know what you like. Well, there you are*女儿像爸爸 顽固又骄傲*You are your fathers daughter stubbornness and pride*他的教导


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