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    • 1、长发公主 Tangled (2010)中英剧本更确切地说 我并不是主角And the truth is, it isnt even mine.主角是一个名叫瑞普兹的女孩This is the story of a girl named, Rapunzel.故事要从太阳讲起And it starts, with the sun.很久很久以前Now, once upon a time,天空坠落了一抹阳光a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens.在这抹阳光中And from this small drop of sun,开出了一株金色的仙花grew a magic, golden, flower.它能治愈百病 抚平创伤It had the ability to heal the sick, and injured.看到那边的老婆婆了吗Oh, you see that old woman, over there?你最好记住她You might want to remember her.她算是个关键人物Shes kind of importa

      2、nt.几个世纪过去了Well, centuries pass在那不远的山水间 崛起了一个王国and a hop skip and a boat ride away there grew a kingdom.受人爱戴的国王和皇后统治着这片土地The kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and Queen.皇后就快分娩了And the Queen, well she was about to have a baby,可是她病了but she got sick,病得很重really, sick.她已命在旦夕She was running out of time.这时 人们通常期盼着奇迹的降临And thats when people usually start to look for a miracle.而这个故事里 期盼的是那朵金色的仙花Or in this case, a magic golden flower.早说了她很重要吧Ahhh, I told you shed be important.这个女巫格特尔You see instead of sh

      3、aring the suns gift,并没有和别人分享这太阳的馈赠this woman, Mother Gothel,而是独占了它的治愈能力hoarded its healing power让自己永葆青春容颜and used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years.她要做的只是唱一首特别的歌And all she had to do, was sing a special song.仙花闪耀Flower gleam and glow,魔力显现let your power shine倒转时光Make the clock reverse,带回往昔美好bring back what once was mine.带回往昔美好What once was mine.现在明白了吧All right, you get the jist.她一唱歌就变年轻了 很恐怖吧She sings to it, she turns young, creepy, right?找到了Weve found it!仙花的魔力治愈了皇后The magic of the g

      4、olden flower, healed the queen.一个健康的小公主诞生了A healthy baby girl, a princess was born.她有一头美丽的金发With beautiful golden hair.提醒一下Ill give you a hint.她就是瑞普兹Thats Rapunzel.为了庆祝公主降生To celebrate her birth,国王和皇后放飞了一盏天灯the King and Queen launched a flying lantern into the sky.那一刻 一切都那么完美And for that one moment, everything was perfect.然而美好的时光戛然而止And then that moment ended.仙花闪耀Flower, gleam and glow,魔力显现let your powers shine倒转时光Make the clock re. Huh!格特尔闯进了城堡Gothel broke into the castle,偷走了公主 就这样 消失了stole the

      5、 child, and just like that. gone.全国上下苦苦寻找公主The Kingdom searched and searched,却怎么也找不到but they could not find the Princess.而在密林深处For deep within the forest一座隐秘的高塔里In a hidden tower.格特尔待这个孩子视如己出Gothel raised the child as her own.返还吾之所失. save what has been lost,带回往昔美好bring back what once was mine,往昔美好what once was mine.格特尔的仙花失而复得Gothel had found her new magic flower.这次她决定让它永不见天日But this time she was determined to keep it hidden.为什么我不能出门Why cant I go outside?外面的世界很危险The outside world is a dangerous p

      6、lace.到处都是恐怖自私的人Filled with horrible, selfish people.你必须待在这里 这里最安全You must stay here, where youre safe.明白吗 小花 明白了 妈妈 Do you understand, flower? Yes, Mommy.但这塔的高墙 并非密不透风But the walls of that tower, could not hide everything.每年在她生日那天Each year on her birthday,国王和皇后都会放飞成千上万盏天灯the King and Queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky.希望有一天In hope that one day,失踪的公主会回到身边their lost Princess, would return.那我猜帕斯卡没躲在这儿Well I guess Pascals not hiding out here.找到你了Gotcha!第二十二次胜利Thats twenty two for me.要

      7、不要改写成四十五局二十三胜How about twenty three, out of forty five?好吧 那你想玩什么Okay, well, what do you want to do?这可不行Yeah, I dont think so.我喜欢待家里 你也是I like it in here and so do you.别这样 帕斯卡 这里其实不错Oh, come on Pascal, its not so bad in there.早晨七点 又是平凡的一天a.m. The usual morning lineup琐碎家务 先扫净地板Start on the chores I sweep til the floors all clean.抛光打蜡 洗衣拖地 洗洗刷刷Polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up.再扫一次 也才七点十五Sweep again, and by then its like :.读一二三本书So Ill read a book, or maybe two or three.画四五六幅画Ill add

      8、a few new paintings to my gallery.弹吉他 做针线 烹饪煮饭Ill play guitar, and knit, and cook and basically.可我的精彩人生何时开始Just wonder when will my life, begin.午饭后 玩拼图 投飞镖 烤蛋糕Then after lunch, its puzzles, and darts and baking.做纸工 跳芭蕾 下象棋Papiermache, a bit of ballet, and chess.制陶器 学腹语 做蜡烛Pottery, and ventriloquy, candle making.然后伸个懒腰 画个草图Then Ill stretch, maybe sketch.爬个房梁 织条裙子Take a climb, sew a dress,再把书重读一遍and Ill reread the books.若还有时间 我要再画些图If I have time to spare, Ill paint the wall some more,墙上肯定还有空Im su

      9、re theres room somewhere.然后我把头发一点一点慢慢梳And then Ill brush, and brush, and brush, and brush my hair.永远待在老地方Stuck in the same place Ive always been.我不停好奇 疑惑 幻想And Ill keep wondering, and wondering, and wondering.我的精彩人生何时开始Wondering, when will my life begin?明晚 灯光又将闪亮Tomorrow night, the lights will appear.一如每年生日闪耀的夜空Just like they do on my birthday, each year.灯光闪耀的地方究竟什么样What is it like, out there where they glow?如今我已长大 也许妈妈会放手Now that Im older. Mother might just let me go.真想天天看到这美景I could get used to a view like this.莱德 快 等等 Rider, come on. Hold on.好吧 我爱上这景色了Yep, Im used to it.哥儿们 我要一座城堡Guys I want a castle.干这行 总有一天你能买下一座城堡We do this job, you could buy your own castle.是花粉症吧Oh, hay fever?是啊Yeah.等等


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