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    • 1、使女的故事The.Handmaids第三季中英对照剧本第一集 侍女的故事前情提要. Previously on The Handmaids Tale.你好啊 Hello there.你试着找过我么 我一直在等你 Did you try to find me? I waited for you.我知道 真的很抱歉 我没能陪着你 I know. And Im so sorry I couldnt be there for you.汉娜 她现在叫阿格尼丝了 Hannah. Her name is Agnes now.没关系 我现在有新的父母了 Its okay. I have new parents, now.沃特福德 沃特福德 你这个混蛋 Hey, Waterford! Waterford, you fucking piece of shit!你是 卢克班科莱 And, you are? Luke Bankole.记住我的脸 因为我会记住你的 Youre gonna remember my face cause Im gonna remember yours.他是连环强奸犯 Hes a s

      2、erial rapist!你不会采取任何行动 Youre not gonna do anything about it.目前在计划抗议活动 我鼓励你去发声 Theres protests planned. I encourage you to speak out.不叫露比 混蛋 Not Ruby, asshole.她不能与宝宝有接触 She has no contact with the baby.要在自己的房间里泵奶 And she pumps in her room.你不能放弃 你还会见到你儿子的 You cannot give up. Youre gonna see your son again.我不是他的母亲了 你当然是 Im not his mother anymore. Of course, you are.至少你儿子在加拿大 他是自由的 At least your son is in Canada. Hes free! With your wife!劳伦斯大主教是位非常有才有权的人物 Commander Lawrence is a very brilliant, very

      3、 important man.他是基列国经济的支柱 He is considered the architect of Gileads economy.我在想如此有才有权的人 Im wondering why such an important, brilliant man为什么会愿意要我这么糟的侍女 would take in such a shitty Handmaid.他干了坏事 He did something terrible.殖民地 他计划了一切 The Colonies! He came up with the whole thing.你他妈就是个蠢货 You are such a fucking idiot.你什么时候变得跟个婊子一样 When did you become such a bitch?我们有义务确保基列之子 It is our duty to ensure that the children of Gilead遵从圣经的律法 live by the laws of Scripture我们的儿子和女儿都应该读书识字 and our sons and dau

      4、ghters should be taught to read it.弗雷德 住手 Fred! Stop! Stop it!我试过了 I tried.这儿注重隐私 你明白吗 We value privacy in this house. Do you understand?上帝召唤我致力于更崇高的事业 God has called me to a higher purpose.你不信那一套 You dont believe that?我绝不会让你在这里成长 I will not let you grow up in this place.我会带你离开这里 我保证 Im gonna get you out of here. I promise.我会带你离开这里 We can get you out.你和孩子一起 但必须马上就走 You and the baby, but you have to go right now!我们是谁 朋友们 Whos We? Friends.女佣们 快去啊 Marthas. Go! Go!我的孩子不见了 My child is missing!外面太危险了

      5、我们待在这 Its too dangerous out there. Well stay here.请听我说 她不能在这长大 Listen to me! She cannot grow up here.霍莉 这是你姐姐 Holly, this is your sister.你以后会见到她的 Youre gonna meet her one day.埃米莉 Emily?怎么回事 What is happening?我惹了大麻烦 Im getting myself in deep shit.你要逃出基列了 Youre getting out of Gilead.别被抓了 Dont get caught!叫她妮可 Call her Nichole.琼 June!求你不要抓走她 妈妈 Please dont take her! No! Mommy!妈妈 Mommy!妈妈 Mommy?上帝 请你照看她 Please, God, watch over her.保护她 Protect her.因为这里没有静水和绿色的牧场 Because this isnt the place with the st

      6、ill waters and green pastures以防你没有注意 if you havent noticed.这里是死亡之谷 This is the valley of death.还有很多邪恶的东西要害怕 And theres a fuckton of evil to fear.求你了 Please.把她救出去 Get her the hell out of here.如果她出去了 她会记得我吗 If she gets out, will she remember me?她会知道我把她送走了吗 Will she know that I gave her away?我有理由 I have reasons.总是有理由 There are always reasons.对不起 宝贝 Im sorry, baby girl.妈妈还有工作 Moms got work.操 Fuck! Shit.你疯了吗 Are you insane?你没上卡车 You didnt get in the truck.你怎么想的 Thoughts?上车 Now, get in the car.我们可以在他们

      7、越境前赶上他们 走吧 We can catch em before they cross the border. Come on.你认识麦肯锡大主教吗 Do you know Commander Mackenzie?他有个女儿 He has a daughter.叫阿格尼丝 Her name is Agnes.你带我去那里 然后我们向北走 I need you to take me there, and then we can head north.一个女儿 A daughter?我不能丢下她一个人离开 I cant leave without her.你可以 You can.但我不会的 I wont.你帮了埃米莉 You helped Emily.我喜欢埃米莉 I liked Emily.他们会把你吊在墙上的 They could put you on the wall.哪怕你是大主教 Even a Commander.真有种 Spunky.我带你去麦肯锡那里 Ill take you to Mackenzie.沃特福德太太 Mrs. Waterford?塞丽娜 宜应称颂 Seren

      8、a, praised be.大家都失去了理智 Everyone has lost their minds.去我办公室 Go to my office.打紧急热线 Call 911.让她过去 小子 Let her pass, son.这事闹得够大了 This has gone far enough.我们应该给她更多的时间 We should give her more time.逃走 To get away.你做了什么 What did you do?我是为了我的孩子好 I did what was best for my child.宜应称颂 Praised be.天啊 Oh, my God.她在哪里 楼上的床上 Where is she? Upstairs in her bed.麦肯锡夫妇呢 And the Mackenzies?大主教去上班了 The Commanders away for work.女主人正在睡觉 她起得很早 Mistress is sleeping. She goes up early.拜托 Please!小心 Be careful.收到 Copy.宝贝 我来了

      9、 Baby, Im here.我永远都不会离开你 I am not ever going to leave you.我爱你 我非常爱你 And I love you. I love you so much.我会一直都在这里 I am always here.我爱你 I love you.进入 进入 Moving in. Moving in.别吓她 Dont scare her.乔纳森 Jonathan.太太 Maam.请把她带进去 Bring her inside, please?是 太太 Yes, maam.她没事吧 麦肯齐太太 Is she okay, Mrs. Mackenzie?她当时一直在睡觉 She slept through it all.宜应称颂 Praised be.宜应称颂 Praised be.拜托 Please.这必须停止 This has to stop.你把我们的孩子带来这个世界 You brought our child into the world.我和大主教为此祝福你 The Commander and I bless you for that, God knows.从避暑别墅回来后她做了几周的噩梦 She had nightmares for weeks after the summer house.她当然会告诉我 Of course, she told me.我是她的母亲 Im her mother.


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