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黑龙江省海林市朝鲜族中学外研版高一英语必修一课件:Module5 A lesson in a lab-2 expressions and sentences

  • 卖家[上传人]:tang****xu5
  • 文档编号:127393287
  • 上传时间:2020-04-01
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:481.50KB
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    • 1、Alessoninalab ModuleFive Expressionsandsentences Checkingwork Expressions 1分数及百分数的表示法 2experiment3put inorder4forexample5全部倒装句6show7add8goahead9keep outof10It syourturn11latest later lately late latter12either or 13besupposedtodosth14beproudof LanguagePoints 1分数及百分数的表示法 1 102 59 103 85 62 31 21 31 43 4 one tenthtwo fifthsnine tenthsthree eighthsfive sixthstwo thirdsahalfathirdaquarterthreequarters 1在英语中表示分数时 分子用基数词 分母用序数词 2分子大于1时表示分母的序数词加 s 3特殊分数的表达a onehalfa onequarterthree quarters LanguagePoi

      2、nts 1小数的表示法 0 50 80 761 2323 45100 32 pointfivepointeightpointsevensixonepointtwothree twenty threepointfourfive onehundredpointthreetwo LanguagePoints 1ThepronunciationoflargenumbersinEnglish 2 000 0005 100 00012 269 00052 470 383100 000 0001 000 000 000 twomillionfivemillionandonehundredthousandtwelvemillion twohundredandsixty ninethousandfifty twomillion fourhundredseventythousand threehundredandeightythree onehundredmilliononebillion LanguagePoints 279 365 528 462 twohundredseventyninebillio

      3、n threehundredsixtyfivemillion fivehundredtwentyeightthousand fourhundredandsixtytwo 1ThepronunciationoflargenumbersinEnglish LanguagePoints 1分数及百分数的表示法 AOne thirdofthestudentsdon tknowtheanswertothequestion BOne thirdofone slifeisspentonthebed CTwo thirdsoftheearth ssurfaceiscoveredwithwater DTwo thirdsofthepopulationinthatcountryarepeasants E30 ofthemalepopulationsufferfromheartdisease FTheworld spopulationisincreasingfasterandfaster LanguagePoints 1分数及百分数的表示法 1分数及百分数 名词作主语时 2分数及百分数 population

      4、作主语时 3population作主语时 谓语动词和其后面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致 谓语动词常用复数形式 谓语动词常用单数形式 LanguagePoints 2experiment n 实验 perform carryout make conduct dotheexperiment 3show v n onshow ondisplay showsbaroundshowoffshowup 展览 带某人参观 炫耀 揭露 LanguagePoints 3put inorder 按顺序排列 inorder 按顺序 井然有序 outoforder 混乱 坏了 Allthethingsintheroomwere 杂乱无章 butshequickly 把它们整理好 outoforder puttheminorder LanguagePoints 3put inorder 按顺序排列 inorderto 为了 Onemustbelieveinordertoacquireunderstanding soasto order n v 命令 预定 order sb todosthorderthat

      5、命令 某人 做某事 后接从句 suggest advise propose recommend ask desire require request demand 虚拟语气 LanguagePoints 3put inorder 按顺序排列 inorderto 为了 soasto order n v 命令 预定 AHisadvicetomewasanorder BEachordermayhavecomefromseveralstores CYoucouldorderwhateveryouwanted DIt stimeweordereddinner EWeorderedthattheenemysoldiers should laydownarms FThejudgeorderedthathe should bepunished LanguagePoints 4forexample AWearsomethingsimple forexampleaskirtandblouse BTakehismethodforexample itcouldhelppreventingheartattack

      6、 CAdultsshouldsetanexamplefor totheirchildren DHeisanexperiencedteacher oneweshouldfollowtheexampleof LanguagePoints 4forexample take forexamplesetanexampletosbfollowone sexamplegiveanexample 以 为例 给 树立榜样 以 为榜样 举出一个例子 LanguagePoints 5全部倒装句 1方位词在句首 主语是名词时 用全部倒装 2系表结构中 表语在句首 主语是名词时 用全部倒装 3直接引语在句首 主语是名词时 用全部倒装 AThencamethechairman BHereisyourletter C Comein please saidtheteacher AThenhecame BHereitis C Comein please hesaid LanguagePoints 5全部倒装句 常见的方位词 in on above behind infrontof beside near nextto

      7、outside opposite below between at over under intheeast up down ontheright here there then 全部倒装句中 谓语动词 只有一般现在时或一般过去时 无其他时态 LanguagePoints 6add APleaseaddmynametothelist BWouldyouliketoaddsomesugartocoffee CFireworksaddedtotheattractionofthefestivalnight AToeveryone ssurprise hismoneyinthebag morethan10 000dollars belongstothepoorman BDon tjointhem Yourturningupcan thelpbut theirsorrow CPleasehaveallthenumbers add toseehowmuchtheyaddupto addingupto addup addedup add to addto addupto addup Language

      8、Points 7goahead 8keep outof 开始吧 干吧 说吧 拿去用吧 常用于对别人请求的肯定说法 MayIborrowyourbook Yes goahead 不让 进入 keepupkeepoffkeepbackkeeptokeepawayfrom 保持 传统 情绪 价格 温度 远离 keepoffthegrass 阻止 隐瞒 keepbackthetears keepbackthetruth 遵守 坚持 诺言 职务 摆脱 keepthedogoutoftheroom LanguagePoints 9It syourturn It sone sturntodosthtaketurns in doingsth taketurnstodosthinturnbyturns 轮到某人做某事 轮流做某事 依次 轮流 交替 inreturn 作为回报 轮到你了 反过来 turnup turndown turnto turnover turnout 调高 出现 调低 拒绝 转向 求助 翻到 页 翻转 翻番 证明是 结果是 LanguagePoints 9It syourturn 轮

      9、到你了 AWeusuallytaketurns do thecleaning andtodayitismyturn do it BCanIbuylunchforyou foryourhelp CIaskedheropinion butshejustaskedmeaquestion DHewasalwaysreadytohelpothers hewaslikedbyeveryone EMandestroythenatureandthenaturewilldoharmtoman todo todo inturn inreturn inreturn inturn LanguagePoints 10latestlaterlatelylatelatter 11either or 最新的 以后 最近 晚的 迟的 后者 adj adv adj adv adj adv n recently AEitheryouorIamtocleantheclassroom BDoeitheryouorhehavelunchatschool CEitheroftheanswersisright DEitherthea

      10、nswerisright 就近一致 LanguagePoints 13besupposedtodosth AYouaresupposedtofinishyourhomeworkinthirtyminutes BHeissupposedtobereadingnewspapersnow CYourfatherissupposedtohavereturnedhomenow shoulddosth besupposedtohavedonesth shouldhavedonesth 改错 Isupposehewillnotagree not提前到I之后改为don t 否定前移 LanguagePoints 12beproudof beproudofsth beproudtodosth beproudthat takepridein adj n AYourachievementsaresomethingtobeproudof BShewasproudthatherdaughterhadsomuchtalent CIamproudofbeingaChinese ItakeprideinbeingaC

      《黑龙江省海林市朝鲜族中学外研版高一英语必修一课件:Module5 A lesson in a lab-2 expressions and sentences》由会员tang****xu5分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《黑龙江省海林市朝鲜族中学外研版高一英语必修一课件:Module5 A lesson in a lab-2 expressions and sentences》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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