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2019-2020年高二英语Unit13 Albert Einstein.doc

  • 卖家[上传人]:xt****7
  • 文档编号:123459341
  • 上传时间:2020-03-09
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    • 1、2019-2020年高二英语Unit13 Albert EinsteinLesson 50 of Unit 13Aims and demands: Reading prehension about Albert Einstein.Aids: a recorder and a small blackboardProcedures:Step 1. Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Phrases translation: (1) 交换意见(2) 猜字谜(3) 美国总统(4) 为自由而战(5) 互相帮助(6) 著名物理学教授Step 2. Presentation for readingRead the passage quickly to find the answers to the questions: What scientific work is Einstein famous for?Where did he spend the last part of his life?Step 3. ReadingRead the whol

      2、e passage carefully and do Ex 1 in pairs or small groups. Then deal with some language points:Be bornUsed toLearn by oneselfEnjoy very muchGet along withBe content to doClose friendsA government officeGo on withLead toNew discoveries in physicsAt the end ofThe First World WarReceive worldwide praiseScientific researchThe Nobel Prize for PhysicsBe invited to give talksLeave for Be interested inRefuse to doUse a check as a bookmarkLive a lifeTake American nationalitySpend a lot of time doing somet

      3、hingHuman rightsBe fond of musicA world full of wars and killingsThe 20th centurys greatest scientistAt the age of Step 4. Reading aloudPlay the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.Step 5. Note making Fill in after reading easily.Step 6. PracticeIn Part 3 on P3, ask a student to read and explain.Step 7. Workbook Do all the exercises in pairs and discuss the answers. Homework: 1. Recite the first paragraph of the text 2. Finish off all the exe

      4、rcises in workbook.Blackboard design:Learn by oneselfEnjoy very muchGet along withBe content to doClose friendsA government officeGo on withLead toNew discoveries in physicsAt the end ofThe First World WarAims and demands: Language points.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Revision 1. Written work (the first paragraph of the text)2. Check the homeworkStep 2 Language points1. content adj. Happy, satisfied. Usually used in a phrase “be content to do” “be content with”He was content to eat simple food.My g

      5、randparents are content to live quietly in the country.Dont be content with small success.No one is content with what he has.Content v. make sb. happy and satisfiedSimple praise is enough to content him.John contented himself with two glasses of beer for each meal.2. lead toThe accident led to many deaths.His carelessness led to his failure.Too much work and too little rest lead to illness.This kind of test is bad because it leads to incorrect learning.3. the First World War = World War One On J

      6、une 28th, 1914 the relative of the Austria was killed The main reason: In Germany, Austria-hungary, Italy, Russia, France, England and so on contradiction in politics, economic became acute. Austria-hungary dug up the hatchet to Serbia on July 28, 1914Later Russia, Germany, France and England engulfed the war and formed triple entente of Russia, France and England including Italy, Rumania, America and Greece. Austria-hungary belonged to the other side Confederate / Ally including Bulgary and Tur

      7、keyTwo sides lasted four years and subscribed the ceasefire entente on November 11, 1918 with the result of failure in Ally. In the war, triple entente lost 5,000,000 army soldiers from the total of 42,000,000 and the Ally lost 3,400,000 from 2,3000,000 Two sides lost 21,000,000 in all.4. the Nobel Prize testament of Alfred Bernard Nobel (1833-1896 Sweden chemist, engineer and businessman invented trinitrotoluene and other more powerful dynamite and he had stocks of dynamite making all over the

      8、world and he also had property right of oil field in Russia, so he was wealthy and he always donated generously to all kinds of humanitarianism and scientific charity and the organizer of the Nobel Prize) used the fund as the prize. Every year there are four frameworks to be in charge of warding. (Three in Switzerland and one in Norway.)The first time December 12, 1901 five years after Nobel died.Five aspects: physics, chemistry, literature, biology or medicine, peace, and added one economy offe

      9、red by Sweden National Bank.5. live a (happy, hard and quiet) lifeThe peasants in the past lived a hard life.My grandparents are used to living a quiet life in the country.Dont forget the past while we are living a happy life.He was taken to the USA at ten and lived all his life there.6. besides - in addition toWe study Chinese, math and physics besides English.7. expect - no includingWe have classes every day except Sunday.8. be full ofHe brought us a basket full of fish.His position is full of mistakes.Her eyes were full of tears.People full of energy are fit for the job.9. suchSuch is my wish.Such was the situation we were facing.Such were his words.Such are the results we have got.Step 3 PracticeFinish off all the ex

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