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2019-2020年高二英语Unit10 Frightening nature二.doc

  • 卖家[上传人]:xt****7
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  • 上传时间:2020-03-08
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    • 1、2019-2020年高二英语Unit10 Frightening nature二 Teaching Aims: Learn the text “Under the Volcano” and master the detailed information in it. Teaching Important Point:How to improve the students reading ability. Teaching Method:Fast-reading to get the students to grasp the main ides of the text.Reading carefully to get the students to master the detailed information.Pair work of group work to make the students be active in class Teaching Aids:worksheets, the blackboard Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Pre-Rea

      2、ding1. How is a volcano formed?The rocks under the earth bee hotter and hotter and erupted from the mountain.Volcano erupts.Form the lava sac and continue rising.Too hot, lava is rising.2. What will be produced after the eruption of volcano?Gas Vapour水蒸气, carbon dioxide, nitrogen(氮), sulphur(硫磺), etc.Solid Bits of rock and volcanic ash, etc.Liquid Lava(熔岩)Step 2 While ReadingSkim the text and answer the following questions.1: What is described in the following passage?The eruption of the volcano

      3、 called Mount Vesuvius.2: When and where did it happen?On the 24th of August in 79 AD in southern Italy3: Who is the writer of the letter?Pliny, the youngerScan the text and answer the following questions.1. What did Tacitus ask the author to do?2. From whom was the letter which the authors uncle brought?3. Where was Rectinas house?4. What did the captain urge the authors uncle to do?5. Why did the authors uncle ask to be taken to the baths?6. When was the authors uncles body found?1 Ask him to

      4、write him sth about the death of his uncle Pliny.2 From his friends wife Rectina.3 At the foot of Vesuvius.4 He urged the authors uncle to turn back.5 Because he wanted to help the other to calm down.6 When daylight came again two days after he died.Read the text carefullyA. Decide whether the following sentences are True or False1. A volcano erupted on the 24th of August in 79 BC in southern Italy.2. My uncle planned to save his friends wife Rectina.3. My uncle went to rescue Pompy after saving

      5、 Rectina.4. The flames came from the homes of farmers who had left in a panic with the kitchen fires still on.5. They decided to try the open air instead of staying in the house.6. It was night when the volcano erupted.f f t f t f B, Fill in the chat of “The eruption of Mount Vesuvius”TimeWhat happenedon the 24th of Aug. in 79AD, between 2 & 3p.m.a cloud rose from the mountainafterwardssome of the cloud was white and darkafter dinnerbroad sheets of flame were lighting up many parts of Vesuviusth

      6、e next dayshower of rock, darknessC. Divide the letter into several parts and find out the main idea for each part.Part one(par._1_): The purpose of writing the letterPart two(par._2_):when and where the disaster happenedPart three(par._3-6_): What Plinys uncle do in the Part four(par._7_):Conclusion of the letterD. Arrange the following statements in the right order according to the text.1. He decided to rescue his friend Pompy.2. Some people watched an unusual cloud rising from a mountain.3. R

      7、ectina begged him to save her.4. He ordered a boat made ready.5. Two slaves helped him stand up and immediately he fell down dead.6. He bathed and had dinner. 7. A rain of rocks was ing down.2431675Step 3 Post-Reading1. From the text, we can learn that Tacitus_A. Was a history writerB. Worked for the local police C. Was a close friend of PlinyD. Did research into volcanoes and earthquakesA Para1. I hope you can use it for the history book that you are writing.(推断题)2.What is the passage mainly ab

      8、out?A.The death of Pliny the elderB The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 ADC The possible causes of volcanoes eruptingD The ways of escaping from a volcano eruption3.“The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand.”The underlined parts refer to_A.Mount Vesuvius; the uncle of the writerB. A mountain in the distance;Pliny the elderC. A cloud of unusual size and shape;qualities of a scientist like curiosityD.dark spots of dirt and ash;qualities of a scientist l

      9、ike curiosityC awake sth. in sb. 唤起某人的4.The writer didnt think his uncle was afraid on the trip to Vesuvius because_A. he had to rescue his friends wife Rectina B. he hurried to a place from which others were fleeingC. He had a good knowledge of how to survive a volcano eruptionD.he was calm enough to write a report about what he observedPara. 3 last sentence5.Pompy didnt get away because_ A.He had to wait for a good windB.there was no way out except by boat C.he was too scared to take any actionD.he wanted to join Pliny in observing the eruptionA Para5. He had to wait for a good wind, blowing the other way than the one that carried my uncle right in.( 细节题)6._ led t

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