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    • 1、May our English classes be filled with laughter! Learning English is like building a house. Laying a solid foundation is the first and most important step. In other words, you should read and speak English every day. Memorizing new words and phrases is a must. Like building a house, learning English takes some time because Rome isnt built in a day. So dont be impatient. Advice on learning English 学习理念:study theory 学习习惯:good learning habits passive learningactive learning 1、课前预习课后复习不算作业,是一种习惯。 2、

      2、上课眼到、耳到、口到、手到、心到,积极参与课堂 活动。坚决抵制哑巴英语。 3、作业认真按时独立完成。 4 、早读声音一定要响亮。给自己规定任务。 5、及时解决疑难, 当天问题当天解决。 enjoy losing face 一套作业本(听写本,作业本 ,作文本) 一本纠错本 一本笔记本(至少够一学期用 ) 一本字典 一本易背作文,每周背诵一篇 v今天我背单词了吗? v今天我完成作业了吗? v今天我预习了吗? v今天我复习了吗? v今天我大声朗读了吗? v今天我阅读了吗? v今天我试着用英语交流了吗? 记忆妙法 1. 要想单词不写错,语音一关还得过; 读音规律掌握好,拼写自然少差错。 语音记忆法 2. 记单词要 “五到”,眼嘴手脑齐开炮; 读写背默各几遍,词形词义自然现。 “五到”记忆法 3. 记过单词莫靠边,几天之后再看看; 似忘非忘又温习,反反复复印心间。 循环记忆法 4. 单词多了别心烦,分片分组来攻占; 五个一组先吃掉,几组连成一大片。 分组记忆法 5. 结合词组句子记,有情有景有意义; 重点段落须背诵,理解深刻有乐趣。 理解记忆法 6. 分类归纳便于记,同类词汇放一起; bike

      3、/plane和jeep,归到交通工具里。 归纳记忆法 7. 同义近义反义词,辨析对比来记忆; 比较对照才开窍,印象深刻记得牢。 对比记忆法 8. 单词长了容易忘,卡片纸条来帮忙; Mathematics不好记,纸条贴到数学上 。 卡片记忆法 9. 构词法,要学习,前缀、后缀有规律; 转换常把词类变,合成本是二合一。 构词记忆法 10. 课外读物有情趣,单词复现便于记; 只要坚持常阅读,一举几得大有益! 阅读记忆法 3.就象造房子一样,学习英语需要时间。 2.俗话说的好,入乡随俗。 As the saying/proverb goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Like building a house, learning English takes some time. 1.这是如此好的一个学校以至于我很喜欢它 。 It is such a good school that I like it very much. 5.我们必须相信我们每个人都能做好某样事 情,我们必须相信当我们发现这个东西是什 么时,我们必须努力直到成功。 We must

      4、 believe _ each one of us is able to do sth well, and _ when we discover _ this something is, we must work hard at it until we _. (that) 4.我们必须学习,最重要的是我们必须相信 自己。 We must study, and above all we must believe in ourselves. that what succeed 句 子 结 构 分 类 简单简单 句 Simple Sentences 含有一个主语语(或并 列主语语)和一个谓语谓语 (或 并列谓语谓语 )的句子 并列句 Compound Sentences 包含两个或两个以上 主谓结谓结 构的句子且句子之 间间有并列连词连词 and/but等 或用分号连连接 复合句 Complex Sentences 包含一个主句和一个 从句或一个主句和多个从 句的句子,且从句用从属 连词连词 引导导 1. He learns German. 2. Both Tom and Jack enjo

      5、y country music. 3. We sang and danced yesterday evening. 4. My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and come back home at five in the afternoon. (一个主语和并列谓语) (并列主语和并列谓语) (并列主语和一个谓语) (一个主语和一个谓语) Type 2. S+Vi Type 3. S+ Vt + O Type 4. S+ Vt + O1+ O2 Type 1. S+ link V+P Type 5. S+ Vt+ O+ OC 1.主语+系动词+表语( S+Link.V+P ),说 明主语的特征、类属、状态、身份。 You are students. We are in the classroom. We are good friends, arent we? 其 它 系动词 状态:seem, appear, prove - 感官:smell, feel, taste, sound, look

      6、- 变化:become, get, turn, go, come, grow - 持续:remain, stay, keep, continue - beautiful surprised to are seems went Correct mistakes: 1. Her voice sounds beautifully. 2. The whole company was surprising at the news. 3. To see is believe. 4. It seem like a good idea. 5. The lights still on. 6. All the potatoes changed bad. 7. Jim was remained a worker. 2.主语+不及物动词 ( S + Vi. ) Our school lies in the center of our city. 注:不及物动词不能用于被动语态。 The car accident was happened yesterday. You will graduate from it

      7、 in 2014. 3.主语+及物动词+宾语(S+Vt+O) I like my job very much. What do you want to be in the future ? Each of you has a dream . 注:及物动词可用于被动语态 A great deal of water is used by people in that city. People use a great deal of water in that city.(主动语态) (被动语态) 1. The machine doesnt work. 2. He is an honest student. 3. The silk feels soft. 4. I have a lot of friends here. 5. Tom lent me 200 dollars. 6. I saw him writing a letter. 7. I find maths difficult. 8. We call her Lily. 9. Father asked me to turn off

      8、the TV. 主 谓 宾 定 状 表 宾补 主 系 an honest 表主系 主 谓 主 主 主 主 主 谓 谓 谓 谓 谓 宾 宾 宾 宾补 宾补 宾补 宾 宾 宾 句子成分常用词性 主语 谓语 宾语 定语 状语 表语 宾补 n/pron. n./pron. Adj. Adv. n./adj. n./adj./ to do /doing V 1.Is this rain coat yours? No, mine_ there behind the door. A. is hanging B. is hung C. hangs D. was hung Exercises: 2. _ your head, and youll see the sun_ now. A. Raise; rising B. Raise; raising C. To raise, rising D. Lift; being risen 3. More than a dozen students in that school_ abroad to study medicine last year. (上海) A

      9、. sent B. were sent C. had sent D. had been sent 4. The heros story_ differently in the newspaper. (全国I、II) A. was reported B. was reporting C. Reports D. reported My name is . I like singing very much. In my opinion, it can give me a lot of fun. So I always ask my friends to go singing with me. I will succeed one day. My name is Some people call me . Time flies. Im 17 years old now, I feel happy to study in No. High School. I enjoy writing diaries in my blog and playing the piano. I always tell myself to be confident. 两个简单句之间应该有连词,或者用句号。 Good pronunciation leads to good spoken English. makes for remembering words quickly. memorizing be divided into vowels 元音(12个单8个双 ) consonants辅音(28个 ) 国际音标 Can I take a break ?


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