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    • 1、 unite (sb/sth) (with sb/sth) (cause people or things to) become one; come or bring together; join (使人或事物)合为一体, 联合, 合并, 统 一, 团结 (in sth/doing sth) act or work together 联合; 统一; 联合行动; 一齐工作: We should unite in fighting/unite to fight poverty and disease. 我们应该团结起来为消除贫穷和疾病而斗 争. united adj 1 joined together by love or sympathy ( 由爱或同情)结合在一起的; 和睦的: a very united family 很和睦的家庭. the U,nited Nations (abbr 缩写 (the) UN) 联合国. the United States (of America) (abbrs 缩写 (the) US, USA) kingdom country or state ru

      2、led by a king or queen 王国: the United Kingdom 英国. any one of the three divisions of the natural world 界(大自然的三大类别): the animal, plant/vegetable and mineral kingdoms 动物 植物 矿物三界. consist of (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行 时态) (phr v) consist of sth (a) be composed or made up of sth 由某事物组成或构成: The committee consists of ten members. 委员会由十人组成. * a mixture consisting of flour and water 面粉和水的混合物. 27(山东省东营市胜利一中2010届高三上学期 模块考试) As we all know, the UK is a large country _ four parts. A. consisting of B

      3、. makes up C. consist of D. is make up of 答案 A 1(山东省兖州市2010届高三英语模块检测) Its said that the team twelve top European players Aconsists of Bis consisted of Care made up of Dmake up of 答案 A 翻译 consist in sth (fml 文) have sth as its chief or only element or feature 以某事物为其主 要的或唯一的因素或特点; 存在於某事物之 中: The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity. 这计划的好处就在於简单易行. 真正的教育是简单地教授一些事实。 True education does not consist in simply being taught facts. 真正的美在于_. province 南方下了大雨,在几个省区造成严重洪灾 It rained heavily in the so

      4、uth, causing serious flooding in several provinces. 加拿大是一个有10个省组成的国家 Canada is a country consisting of ten provinces divide 1 (cause sth to) split or break into parts; separate (使某物)分割开; 分开; 分隔: divide a large house (up) into flats 把一所大房子分隔成若干套间 *divide a novel (up) into chapters 把一部小说划分为若干章节 * divide the class (up) into small groups 把那个班分成几个小组 根据双方的协议,利益五五分成。 The interest should be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides. 某数除以某数: 30 divided by 6 is 5. 30除以6等於5. (b

      5、) into sth be able to be multiplied to give another number (用某数)除某数: 5 divides into 30 6 times. 用5除30等於6. 28.(04上海46) Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have one-year-old twins at the head. A.isolatedB.separated C.dividedD.removed 答案 B 解析 isolate使孤立; separate把 分开(原来不是整体); divide把整体分 成部分; remove把移开。 clarify become clear or easier to understand ( 使某事物)清楚易懂; 澄清: clarify a remark, statement 澄清一项意见 声明 * I hope that what I say will clarify the situation. 我希

      6、望我说的话能澄清这一情况. accomplish succeed in doing (sth); complete successfully; achieve 完成(某事 物); 做成功; 实现: accomplish ones aim, a task 达到目的 完成任 * a man who will never accomplish anything 永远一事无成的人. 我为你所做的感到骄傲。 I am proud of what you have accomplished so far. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. find + O+done When he came back to life, he found himself surrounded by green trees and singing birds. When came to our school, you will find yourselves lost in buildings. 类似用法 have/ge

      7、t/+sb./sth.+done Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. 你今天看起来有点不一样,理发了吗? 长途旅行使我们大家都很累. 当我到达车站时发现火车已经离开了. When I got to the station I found the train gone. You look different today .Have you had your hair cut? The long journey got all of us tired . accomplished adj 1 (in sth) skilled 有技巧的; 熟练的: an accomplished dancer, cook, poet, etc 有 才艺的舞蹈家 厨师 诗人等 * be accomplished in music 擅长音乐. 1. (

      8、山东省淄博市2010届高三上学期期末 考试) As you _ the tasks, cross them off your list so you may feel less pressure. A. obtainB. gain C. succeedD. accomplish 答案 D conflict (a) struggle; fight 斗争; 战斗: soldiers involved in armed conflict 遭遇武 装冲突的士兵. (b) (fig 比喻) serious disagreement; argument; controversy 冲突; 争执; 争论; 论战: a long and bitter conflict between employers and workers 劳资双方旷日持久 的激烈争执. 29. (天津市五校2010届高三上学期期中联考) In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the _in personality. A. contact B. contrast C. connection D. conflict 答案 D 19. (09北京市东城区高三一模试题) Between the two generations, it is often their different views of life and value _cause family conflicts. A. which B. what C. who D. that 答案 D unwilling to do sth) not wanting to do sth and refusing to do it They are unwilling to invest any more money in the project. She was unable, or unwilling, to give me any further details. 23.Nowadays many teenagers want to from their parents and live a life being controlled. A.


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