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高中英语 module 4 great scientists reading and vocabulary(ⅱ)课件 外研版必修4

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  • 文档编号:110051322
  • 上传时间:2019-10-28
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    • 1、Module 4 Great Scientists Reading and Vocabulary(II),1. Learn some new words and phrases about great scientists . 2. Learn some knowledge about great scientists. 3. Learn some language points in the text.,Learning aims,Archimedes (阿基米德),Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?,Ancient Greek (287BC-212BC),a mathematician,Leading-in,Charles Darwin,Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?,the Ori

      2、gin of Species,“Father of Modern Biology”,Marie Curie,Who discovered radium?,Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?,Thomas Edison,Stephen Hawking,The result he discovered was that black holes should not be completely black, but should give out radiation (射线) and disappear in the end. Another conclusion is that the universe has no edge or limit. This would mean that the way the universe began was completely decided by the laws of science.,1 .In the rice-growing w

      3、orld, the Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a leading figure. 在水稻种植界,中国科学家袁隆平是一位重要人士。 1) rice-growing:复合形容词 种植水稻的 常见的这种形式的复合形容词还有: a paper-making factory : peace-loving people :,an English-speaking country :一个说英语的国家,一个造纸厂,热爱和平的人们,Language points,2)leading adj. 主要的,领先的,Britains future as a leading industrial nation depends on investment. 作为一个主要工业国英国的未来要倚赖投资。,She is one of the leading writers of her days. 她是那个时代主要的作家之一。,【知识拓展】,lead v. 领先;带领;导致;过的生活 lead to 导致 lead a .life 过着的生活,Smoking can lead

      4、 to lung cancer. 吸烟可能导致肺癌。 Though having no money, he led a happy life. 虽然没有钱,他仍然过得很快乐。,人物,人影,画像,体形,数字,弄明白,理解,3) figure n. 人物;人影,体形,数字,图案;画像 v. 演算,认为,领会到 She was one of the great figures in history. I saw a lonely figure on the beach. a figure of the queen She does exercise every morning to keep her figure. He wrote the date in figures. Can you figure out how to do it?,(2015福建高考)I wonder Mary has kept her figure after all these years. By working out every day. A. where B. how C. why D. if 【解题关键】

      5、句意:我想知道玛丽这些年是如何保持她的身材的。通过每天锻炼。根据答语可知问句中问的是“保持身材的方法”,用how。,【高考链接】,2 . bring up 抚养;教育,培养;提出(议题);呕吐 She was brought up to be honest. 她从小就被教育要诚实。 In the course of study they brought up many questions. 在学习的过程中,他们提出了很多问题。 He was so ill that he brought up everything. 他病得很厉害,吐出了所有(吃的)东西。,【知识拓展】 bring down 降低,降价;使落下/倒下 bring about 引起;导致 bring back 归还;使记起;使恢复 bring in 赚钱,使获利;请来;引进 bring out 拿出;使显现;说明;阐明;出版 bring on 引起;导致,2. Good harvest will bring _ the prices. 好的收成会拉低价格。 3. Science has brought _ many cha

      6、nges in our lives. 科学为我们生活带来了很多变化。,down,【即学即练】用合适的介词填空,1.A doctor was brought _to advise the company. 请来了一名博士当公司的顾问。,in,about,3. He thought that the key to feeding people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly. 他认为,解决人们吃饭问题的关键在于拥有更多的稻米,并且能更快地生产出来。 the key to sth. /doing sth. 某事/做某事的关键 Diet and exercise are the keys to good health. 身体健康的关键是饮食和运动。 What is the key to solving the problem? 解决这个问题的关键是什么?,4. He thought there was only one way to do thisby crossing different species of rice

      7、 plant. 他认为唯一的方法就是通过使不同的水稻杂交 。 1) (one) way to do sth. = (one) way of doing sth. 做某事的方法 Thats not a right way to solve the problem. 那不是解决问题的正确途径。 Im not happy with this way to work/of working. 我不喜欢这种工作方式。 2) by sth./doing sth.通过的方式 Switch it on by pressing this button. 按下这个开关启动它。,5. search n. 搜寻,搜查 vt.& vi.搜寻,搜查 n. in search of/ for寻找, 试图发现 make a search for 搜索,寻求,追求 v. search for 寻找;搜寻=look for search sb.搜身 search sp. for sb./sth. 搜某地寻找某人/某物 search after 寻找;追求 Many people were sent out to _ the

      8、 lost boy. 许多人被派去寻找那个失踪的男孩。 Hundreds of policemen searched Mount Tai for the three tigers.,search for,几百名警察搜索泰山,寻找那三只老虎。,【即学即练】,A group of soldiers went into the woods _ the missing pilot. A. in search of B. search for C. searched of D. searched for,6. support v. 支持;支撑;资助;维持;供养;养活 n. U支持;拥护;供养;生计 She supports two children. 她供养两个孩子。 I hope to have your support in the election. 我希望在选举中得到你的支持。 【知识拓展】support sb. in sth. 在方面支持某人 support ones family 养家糊口 in support of sb./ sth.支援某人/某事,【即学即练】,As a laid

      9、-off worker, it is hard for her father to _ the family, let alone send his children to key schools. A.bring up B. raise C. support D. supply,7. convert vt. 改变,转换;使改变信仰;兑换 The room was converted from a kitchen to a bedroom. 这个房间由厨房改成了卧室。 The priest converted many natives to Christianity. 这个牧师使许多土著居民改信基督教。 He wanted to convert his dollars into Japanese yen. 他想将美元换成日元。 【归纳拓展】 convert sth. into/to sth.把改变成/兑换成 convert sb. (from sth.) to sth. 使某人改变信仰,【即学即练】完成句子 The solar cell can _ the energy of sunlight _ electric energy. 太阳能电池能把阳光的能量转化为电能。 All the bank bill _ cash. 所有的银行票据都兑换成了现金。,convert,into,was converted into,8. replace vt. 取代;以代替;把放回原处 Can anything replace a mothers love? 有什么东西能取代母爱吗? He replaced Li Hua as a monitor. =He took Li Huas place as a monitor. =He was elected monitor taking the place of L

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