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高中英语 module 2 第3课时 cultural corner & task课件 外研版选修8

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    • 1、成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 选修8,The Renaissance,Module 2,第三课时 Cultural Corner & Task,1.1.1 集合的概念,Module 2,.重点单词 1活动的,可移动的(adj.)_ 移动,活动(v.)_ 2底稿;手稿(n.)_ 3榨出;挤出;压出(液体)(v.)_ 4工厂,制造厂(n.)_ 5激情,热爱(n.)_,movable move manuscript squeeze mill passion,6官员,高级职员(n.)_ 7农村的,乡村的(adj.)_ 8鼓舞;激励(vi.)_ 鼓舞;灵感(n.)_ 9职业(n.)_ 职业的(adj.)_ 10计算(v.)_ 计算(n.)_,official rural inspire inspiration profession professional calculate calculation,.重点短语 1_hand手工的 2up_到(某个数量) 3lead_导致;通向,通往 4take_从事,开始做(某项工作),by to to up,1squeeze v榨出

      2、;挤出;压出(液体) She squeezed juice from an orange. 她用橘子榨汁。 Time is like the water in the sponge.If you like,it can still be squeezed out. 时间,就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。,知识拓展 squeeze out榨出,挤出 squeeze.out of/from.把排挤出去;将排除在外 squeeze into/through.挤进,即学即用 完成句子 (1)拉丁语将退出学校的课程表。 Latin will_school timetables. (2)我们中有5个人挤进了汽车的后座。 Five of us_the back seat of the car. 答案:(1)be squeezed out of (2)squeezed into,2desire (1)vt. 渴望;期望;希望 He desired a college education. 他想接受大学教育。 (2)n. 愿望;心愿;要求 I had a desire to go swimming

      3、. 我很想去游泳。,知识拓展 desire的常用搭配有: (1)desire名词 期望 I desire an immediate answer of his. 我请他立即回信。 (2)desire to do sth.期望做某事 He desires to learn English. 他期望学英语。,注意:desire后不能接动名词 。 (3)desire sb.to do sth.要某人做某事 They desire me to return soon. 他们要我快点回来。 (4)desirethatclause,从句中谓语动词用should(有时用would,may或might)加动词原形的虚拟式,也可只用动词原形,把should省掉。 She desires that you(should)see her at once. 她要你立即见她。,(5)have a desire to do sth. 想做某事 She has a strong desire to become an actress. 她迫切想当一名演员。,即学即用 语法填空 The people trapped

      4、in the ruins desire that rescue teams _ (send)here without delay. 答案:(should)be sent,3spread v. 传播;散布;蔓延 The fire spread from the factory to the houses nearby. 火从工厂蔓延到了附近的房舍。 The illness spread through the village. 这种病在村里蔓延开来。 The news of victory spread at once. 胜利的消息马上传开来。,知识拓展 spread oneself 舒展四肢(躺下) spread out 张开;伸开 spread over 遍布在;盖在 spread to 波及;蔓延到 spread(spread,spread)vi.& vt. 伸展;展开;铺 The bird spread its wings. 这只鸟展开翅膀。 She spread the bread with butter. 她把黄油涂在了面包上。,即学即用 语法填空 With the rapi

      5、d growth of population,the city_ (spread) in all directions in the past five years. 答案:has spread,4inspire v鼓舞,激励 The actors inspired the kids with their enthusiasm. 演员们以热情鼓舞着孩子们。 He inspired many young people to take up the sport. 他激励了很多年轻人参与这项运动。 知识拓展 inspire sb.to do sth.激励某人做某事 inspiration nC,U鼓舞;启示;灵感,即学即用 完成句子 老师鼓励我们做出更大的努力。 The teacher_make greater efforts. 答案:inspired us to,1be thirsty for.渴望;土地缺水,干旱的 The team is thirsty for success. 该队渴望获得成功。 The fields are thirsty for water. 这片土地很干旱。 知

      6、识拓展 类似短语还有: be eager for,be anxious for,be dying for,long for,即学即用 单句改错 Only those people who are thirsty to success could make their dreams come true. _ 答案:to改为for,2by hand手工的 This makes it easy to form shapes by hand or by machine. 这样,可以更容易通过手工或者机器的方法将其塑形。 知识拓展 at hand 即将到来的 at second hand 二手的 in hand 手头现有的,在掌握中的,on one hand.;on the other hand.一方面另一方面 hand in上交 hand out 分发 hand over 移交 He handed the business over to me. 他把业务转交给我。,即学即用 单句改错 All work is done in hand,so the price is higher. _ 答案:

      7、in改为by,3lead to通往;导致 All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。 A research in 2014 shows that good looks lead to better pay. 2014年的一项调查显示,好的长相能带来较高的薪水。 This will probably lead to trouble in the future. 这以后将可能导致麻烦。 注意:此短语中to是介词,后接名词或动名词。,知识拓展 lead the way带路;引路 in the lead领先;处于首位 take the lead带头;领先 lead sb.to do sth.致使某人做某事,即学即用 语法填空 The discovery of new evidence led to the thief_ (catch) 答案:being caught,4up to (1)多达 The number of the tourists here is up to 1300 each week. 每周来这里旅游的人数达到1300人。 (2)忙于;从事于;正在做 W

      8、hats he up to? 他在忙什么呢?,(3)胜任;适合 Who do you think is well up to the work? 你认为谁胜任这份工作? I dont feel up to going to work today. 我今天身体不适,不能去工作。 (4)由某人决定 You are our manager.Its up to you to decide what to do next. 你是我们的经理,由你决定下一步做什么。,知识拓展 up to和不同动词搭配,引申含义不同,如: live up to符合;达到预期标准,不辜负的希望 stand up to经受;经得住;抵抗 look up to尊敬;敬仰 run up to达到;高达,即学即用 完成句子 我的汽车最多能坐四人。 I can take up_people in my car. 答案:up to four,6take up (1)选学(课程);开始学习 He took up the study of English at the age of five. 他五岁就开始学习英语了。 I took

      9、up mathematics,shorthand and economics. 我选学了数学、速记和经济学。,(2)开始(某项活动或爱好) When she first took up storytelling,she used to ask many children to come and listen. 她开始学讲故事时,常常请许多孩子来听。 Now he has the leisure to take up exercise. 现在他有时间进行体育锻炼了。 For a long time he had wanted to take up writing. 很久以来他一直想从事写作。,(3)提出(商讨);讨论 We shall take the matter up with the school. 我们将要把这件事向学校提出来。 There is another matter which we ought to take up. 还有一件事我们应该提出来商量。,(4)从事(某工作) In these years millions of university graduates have taken up posts in various fields. 这些年中,有数百万大学生走上了各种工作岗位。 In 2007 he went to his home

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