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高中英语 module 2 traffic jam introduction & reading and vocabulary课件 外研版必修4

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    • 1、Module 2 Traffic Jam Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary,1. 根据音标和词义写出下列单词。 (1) _ (n. )电线 (2) _ (vt. )展示;陈列 (3) _ (n. )执照;许可证 (4) _ (n. ) 车费,wire,display,permit,fare,(5) _ (n. )目的地;终点 (6) _ (n. )路线 (7) _ (vt. )提供 (8) _ (n. )单程票 (9) _ (n. )往返票,destination,route,provide,single,return,2. 根据语境用所给单词的不同形式填空。 (1)The official _ me to put the business _ on the wall behind the door. Without his _, I cant take it down. (permit) (2)We have to _ ourselves to two aspects of the subject because our time is _.

      2、 (limit) (3)I was _ with his performance, which was really _. In other words, he left a good _ on me. (impress),permitted,permit,permission,limit,limited,impressed,impressive,impression,(4)A bicycle is often far more _ than a car in busy cities. I like the _ of riding a bike to work. (convenient) (5)Now more and more countries are _ space. The _ of space is costing more and more money. (explore),convenient,convenience,exploring,exploration,3. 根据语境猜测黑体短语的含义。 (1)This printer is connected to my com

      3、puter. ( ) (2)I am stuck in the same traffic jam every day. ( ) (3)Dont worry. The doctor will come in no time. ( ) (4)If you get around, you will visit a lot of different places as part of your way of life. ( ) (5)The bridge under construction will be completed next month. ( ),与相连,被困在,马上;一会儿,到处旅行;四处走动,正在建设之中,4. 根据语境及汉语提示写出相应的短语。 (1)Mother prepares all kinds of food for me to _(确保) I am healthy. (2)We are often stuck in traffic jams _ (在上下班高峰期). (3)Standing on the top of the building, you can _

      4、_(好好地欣赏)the city. (4)Minibuses follow _(同一样的路线)large public buses. (5)There is a similar word in many languages, _(例 如) in French and Italian.,make sure,during/ in the rush hour,have a good,view of,the same routes as,for example,1. 速读文章并选出最佳答案。 (1)Where do taxis display the price per kilometre? A. On the window. B. On the door. C. At the back. D. In the front.,(2)Fares for _ are cheap, starting at 1 yuan. Air-conditioned buses cost more. A. taxis B. underground trains C. minibuses D. buses and t

      5、rolleybuses,(3)Which of the following is TRUE for minibuses? A. They are cheaper than taxis. B. They will replace taxis. C. They cant run the same routes as public buses. D. They are more environmentally friendly.,(4)According to the passage, we know that _ . A. there will be more underground lines in Beijing B. the underground will be open around the clock C. the underground is not as crowded as buses during the rush hour D. the underground is more convenient than taxis,2. 细读文章并完成空格。,expensive,

      6、cheap,Minibuses,12,convenient,rush,Pedicabs,explore,3. 复读文章回答问题。 We can use many means of transport to get around in a big city like Beijing. Which means do you prefer? _ _ _ _ _,I prefer to get around in a big city by bus. In big cities, buses,are convenient, besides, the fares are cheap. I can get off the bus,at the stop near the destination. Then I can enjoy the sights and,buy something as I walk on. I think its environmentally,friendly.,1. be connected to与相连 【语境领悟】 *This bus is connected to

      7、electric wires. 公交车与电线相连。 *He connected the speaker to the CD player. 他把扩音器和CD播放器连在一起。,【归纳拓展】 (1)connect v. 连接, 给接通电话; 联系 connect A to/with B 把A和B连接在一起 be connected with 与有关 (2)connection n. 联系 have connection with in connection with,与有关,*Could you connect me with/to a number in Paris, please? 请给我接通巴黎的一个号码,好吗? *This man may be connected with/have connection with the traffic accident. 该男子可能与这起交通事故有关。,【名师点津】 be connected to和be connected with在多数情况下可以互换,但前者更强调两件具体的东西的对接或连接;后者强调两个人或事物之间有关联或联系,相当于have

      8、 connection with。,【即学活用】完成句子。 我的手机已经连接到电脑上。 My mobile phone _ the computer. 我原来总认为你兄弟和那个俱乐部有关系。 I always considered your brother to _ _ that club.,has been connected to,be connected with/have,connection with,The computers can _ students to not only the Internet, but also libraries and other resources. A. connect B. join C. limit D. add 【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意:电脑不仅使学生与因特网联系在一起,也和图书馆以及其他资源联系在一起。connect A to B 把A和B联系起来;join A to B 把A和B连接在一起;limit. . . to 把限制到;add A to B 把A添加到B。,【思维延伸】补充练习 用connect的适当形式填空。 The _ between smoking and heart disease is well known. More importantly, these objects will be _ with other objects.,connection,connected,2. be/get stuck in被困在 【语

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