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高中英语 module 1 small talk 第1课时 introduction & reading and vocabulary课件 外研版选修6

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    • 1、成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 选修6,Small Talk,Module 1,第一课时 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary,1.1.1 集合的概念,Module 1,.重点单词 1非正式的(adj.)_正式的(adj.)_ 2严肃的(adj.)_ 3自信地(adv.)_自信的(adj.)_自信(n.)_ 4缺乏,缺少(v.)_ 5预先的,在前的(adj.)_ 6点头(n.)_ 7打呵欠(v.)_ 8叹气,叹息(v.)_ 9机会(n.)_,informal,formal,serious,confidently,confident,confidence,lack,advance,nod,yawn,sign,opportunity,.重点短语 1_friends 交朋友,建立友谊 2(be)nervous_ 对神经紧张/害怕/胆 怯/焦虑不安 3think_ 想起,回忆起 4look_from 把目光从移开 5_addition 除此之外,另外 6find_ 了解(到);找到(信息),make,about,of,away,in

      2、,out,.语篇感知 Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks.,答案:1.asking questions 2.avoid talking 3lack the confidence 4.small talk 5serious 6.Dos and Donts 7using 8.yawn or sigh 9look away from 10.social rules,1.informal adj. 非正式的,非正规的;通俗的 This is an informal visit. 这是一次非正式的访问。 He wrote to his son by an informal letter. 他用通俗的语言给他儿子写了一封信。,单词积累 (1)informally adv. 非正式地 information n. 信息 inform v. 通知,告诉 inform sb. of/about sth. 通知或报告某人(某事) be well informed(about sth.) 精通某事,对某事消息灵通 inform on/again

      3、st sb. 告发某人,检举某人 keep sb. informed 随时向某人报告情况 wellinformed adj. 消息灵通的 inform sb.疑问词不定式,We were informed that two prisoners had escaped. 我们听说有两个囚犯逃跑了。 Keep me informed of fresh development. 随时告诉我新的发展状况。 (2)formal为informal的反义词,“正式的”。 a formal call 正式的拜访 formal dress 礼服 注意:in为否定前缀,类似构成的词很多。 visibleinvisible(看不见的) experiencedinexperienced(无经验的) expensiveinexpensive(便宜的) effectiveineffective(无效的) curableincurable(不可救药的),即学即用 语法填空 The manager promised to keep me_(inform) of how our business was going o

      4、n. 答案:informed,2occasion n. (1)时刻;时候;场合 I had met Mary on many occasions. 我过去在许多场合见过玛丽。 There are occasions when you must not refuse. 有时候你绝对不能拒绝。 (2)(常作an occasion)时机,机会 For the girls, nature study was an occasion for lazy walks and idle picnics. 对姑娘们来说,自然课是一次懒散的漫步和野餐的机会。,This is not an occasion for laughter. 这可不是欢笑的时候。 (3)特殊的事件 They have the date fixed for the big occasion. 他们已决定了那个盛会的日期。 The oval office will be used for ceremonial occasion. 这个椭圆形办公室将用来举行盛典。,知识拓展 occasional adj. 偶尔的 occasionall

      5、y adv. 偶尔地 by occasion of 由于 on occasion 有时 take the occasion to do. 利用机会做 for ones occasion 为了某人 have occasion to do sth. 有机会做某事,辨析 occasion, chance, opportunity (1)occasion一般用词,指某人做某事正是时候,特别是指迫使人不得不产生某种行为的时机。 He profited by the occasion. 他因时得利。 (2)chance主要指为幸运和偶然事件提供的机会。 They had no chance to escape. 他们没有逃跑的机会。 (3)opportunity所指机会范围较广,常指对自己有利的机会。 The suspect had both motive and opportunity for the murder. 嫌疑犯有进行谋杀的动机和机会。,即学即用 介词填空 She waters the flowers _occasion. 答案:on,3serious adj. (1)认真的,严肃的

      6、 After a few jokes, his speech became serious. 几个笑话之后,他的讲话变得严肃起来。 (2)严重的 The storm did serious damage to the village. 风暴给这个村庄带来了严重损失。 He has made a serious mistake and will be severely punished. 他犯了一个严重的错误,将受到严厉的处罚。,知识拓展 be serious of/about. 对严肃/认真 seriously adv. 严肃/严重/认真地 take.seriously 认真/严肃对待 You must take your studies seriously. 你必须严肃对待你的学习。 seriousness n. 严肃,辨析 serious, careful (1)serious 指不开玩笑的“认真,严肃,当真”。 Are you serious about this matter? 对此你是当真的吗? (2)careful 指小心、细心的“认真”。 She is careful i

      7、n her work. 她工作认真。,即学即用 完成句子 (1)她告诉我们这个坏消息时脸色很严肃。 Her face was_as she told us the bad news. (2)这些建议值得认真研究。 These suggestions deserve_study. 答案:(1)serious (2)careful,4impress (1)vt. 留下印象;使明白 The girl impressed her friends with her sense of humour. 这位女孩的幽默感给她的朋友留下了深深的印象。 He impressed the importance of their work on them. 他让他们明白他们工作的重要性。 (2)vt. 印上 Following the fashion, he impressed a special design on his back. 为追求时尚,他在背上印了一个特别的印花图案。,(3)be impressed by(with, at)欣赏;受感动 We were impressed by his deed

      8、s. 我们被他的行为所感动。 I was impressed by(with, at)his house. 我非常欣赏他的房子。,知识拓展 (1)impress sth. on sb.impress sb. with sth. (2)impress常用于被动语态,不可用于进行时。 单词积累 impression n. 印象;感觉 impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的 give an impression (of) 给予感觉 make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象 get/obtain an impression 得到某印象,高考直击 完成句子 (2012山东改编)我对他的第一印象是他是一个善良且体贴的人。 _ _ _ _ _ was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man. 答案:My first impression of him,即学即用 完成句子 她给我们所有人留下一个好印象。 She made _ _ _ _us all. 答案:a good impression on,5confidentl

      9、y adv. 自信地 Try to act confidently, even if you feel nervous. 即便你感觉紧张,也要努力表现得很自信。 单词积累 confident adj. 确信的,自信的 confidence n. 信任,信心 She has great confidence in her success. 她充分自信自己能成功。 Your encouragement made me more confident of my future. 你的鼓励使我对我的未来更加有信心。,知识拓展 have/lose confidence in sb. 对某人抱有/失去信心 with confidence 自信地 in confidence 大胆地 be confident of sth./that肯定的;确信的,即学即用 完成句子 我肯定你能得到那份工作。 I _ _ _ you will get the job. 答案:am confident that,6lack (1)v. 没有;缺乏 I lack words with which to express my thanks. 我的感谢难以言表。 (2)n. 缺点;不足;没有 Ive got dark rings under my eyes for lack of sleep. 我睡眠不足,眼眶都发黑了。 Lack of fund makes our job more difficult. 资金短缺使我们的工作更加艰难。,知识拓展 for/through lack of 因缺少 be la

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