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    • 1、2013 届高考英语专题精辟学案书面表达 增强书面表达效果的技巧 一、遣词方面:有换词概念1使用高级的词汇或短语或替换同义初级词汇。例 1. He studies hard. So he does well in all the subjects.=He studies hard. Therefore,_he does well in all the subjects.=He studies hard. As a result, he does well in all the subjects.=He studies hard. As_a_c on seque nce,_he does well in all the subjects. 2使用单词的多种词性,使句子多样化。例 1. A dictionary is very important in English study.=A dicti onary is of_great_importa nee in En glish study.例 2. He is successful in his career.=He achieves_

      2、a_great_success in his career.二、造句方面:使句子多样化形容词开头:The boy, hungry and thirsty, went back home.Hungry_and_thirsty,_the boy went back home. 副词开头:The children stayed there quietly.Quietly,_the children stayed there. 不定式开头:He got up early to catch the first bus.To_catch_the_first_bus,_he got up early.分词开头:If you give me enough time, I can do it well.Given_enough_time,_I can do it well.After he finished the exercise, he went out.Finishing_the_exercise,_he went out.(2011 浙江卷 )假设你是高中生李越, 有感于校园中存在的随意涂写 (

      3、to scribble) 和乱丢垃圾 (to litter)的行为,请用英语给校长写一封100 120个词的信。信中应包括以下内容:1说明写信目的; 2对这些行为进行批评;3提出建议。 注意:信的抬头、落款及信的第一句已给出(不计词数 )。June 8, 2011Dear Mr. Headmaster,rm Li Yue, a student from Class 1, Senior n .Your faithfully ,Li Yue解题步骤: 第一步:审题定文体。 题目已明确要求是写一封信给校长反映校园里随意涂写和乱丢垃圾的行为,信的抬头、落款及信的第一句已给出。 第二步:确定总体时态和人称。人称:第一人称。时态:一般现在时。 第三步:确定写作思路,所需主要词汇和所用表达结构。写作思路:根据题目要求,先要说明写信目的是为了反映校园中存在的随意涂写(to scribble)和乱丢垃圾(to litter) 的行为;然后对这些行为进行批评;并提出可行性建议。因此作文内容表达分三个 层次展开。主要词汇:improper behaviour, makes our school dirty

      4、and unpleasant, set up specific rules 重点句型:在写作时可用以下句型来组织完成句子:表写信目的的句型:I am writing to draw your attention to 表对不良现象提出批评的句型:It is not appropriate for students to表向对方(1) 针对校方: I wonder if school could (可用被动语态句式 )Some measures can be taken to prevent students from(2) 针对学生: stude nts should be en couraged to/discouraged to (3) 可用一个强调句结尾:It is only with the joint efforts of both teachers and students that ourschool will become a more pleasant place in the near future.【范文赏析】June 8, 2011Dear Mr. Headma

      5、ster,I am Li Yue, a student from Class 1, Senior n . I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behaviour among us students: littering and scribbling. It makes our school dirty and unpleasant, and does hard to the image of our school. I always feel ashamed whenever I see this. It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about. I wonder if the school could place more dustbinsaround and set up specific rules against such behaviour. At the same time, students should

      6、 be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves. I believe that, with the joint efforts of both teachers and students, our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future.Thank you for your consideration.Yours faithfully,Li Yue议论文(persuasive / argumentative essays)是一种说理型文体,作者要通过摆事实、讲道理来 说服读者同意自己的观点或接受自己的建议。在近几年的高考中, 议论文所占比例越来越多, 议论文的出题形式也是形式多样, 有看图写 作、图表、表格、书信、发言稿、漫画理解等各种类型,但它们的文体实际上是议论文,或 者是夹叙夹议的议论文。议论文的写作特点:1. 观点鲜明,文章一定有一个明确的中心论点。2. 层次分明,一个中心论点通常有几个分论点支持,不同层次之间要

      7、分明,过渡清 晰自然。3. 最后一段一般要总结全文,得出一个符合逻辑的结论,突出中心思想。4. 一般采用一般现在时。5. 语言简洁有力,一般不采用口语。6. 在高考命题中,议论文设题通常以立论和对比观点的见多。(2011 陕西卷 )假定你是中学生李华。 在一位名叫 Tiger Mom 的学生家长的博客上, 你看到如 下内容。请你根据博客内容、写作要点和要求,给这位家长回复。Im the mother of a fourteen- year-old. I have a rule for my daughter: be among the top 5 students or get punished in one way or another. She has been doing very well in school, but some friends of mine keep telling me that I put too much pressure on her. Am I wrong? 写作要点:1表明自己的看法; 2陈述自己的理由 (可举例说明 ); 3提出至少两条建议。要

      8、求: 1短文须写在答题卡的指定区域。 2短文词数不少于 100(不含已写好的部分 )。 3内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。4书写须清晰、工整。 Hi, Tiger Mom ,What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China. My idea isOne possible version :Hi, Tiger Mom ,What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China. My idea is that it is not quite right for you to do so.Although high grades are an important factor in evaluating students and for their future university admission, development in wisdom, emotion, health, and life attitude should never

      9、be ignored. There are many examples around us. Some straight- A students in school have turned out not to be successful in society as they were expected. The reason is often that the pressure from their parents allows them almost no time for other activities.Furthermore, punishment is by nomeans a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically.So I suggest that you take your friends advice. More importantly, let her live like a lovely girl; let her have more friends and social activities; and let her make mistakes of her own as we teenagers often do.这篇高考英语作文提到了 Tiger Mom 这一热词, 紧扣社会生活中的热门议题。 大部分考生平 时学习中应该读过一些 tiger mother 和 panda daddy 之类的议论性文章, 至少此话题的中文文 章应该有所接触。审题过程中把握好以下两方面:1. 本文为议论文,总体时态为一般现在时。表达的观点和提出的建议要合理,论据要充分。2内容要点应该包括:表明自己的观点,对Tiger Mom的做法给出判断;举例证明成绩重要但不代表一切,且惩罚不是解决问题的方法;提出自己的建议。


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