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BATTLE BOOK Reliable Security Information(战斗书可靠的安全信息)

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    • 1、CGSC STUDENT TEXT 100-3BATTLE BOOKU.S. Army Command and General Staff CollegeFort Leavenworth, Kansas1 July 2000The Military Decisionmaking ProcessStep 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7Mission Mission COA COA COA COA ProduceReceipt Analysis Development Analysis Comparison Approval Orders1. Analyze higher order. 1. Analyze relative cbt pwr. 1. Gather the tools. 1. Post criteria matrix. 1. SITUATION2. IPB. 2. Generate options. 2. List friendly forces. 2. Weight criteria. a. Enemy forces.

      2、-Define the battlefield. -Suitable. 3. Assumptions. 3. Evaluate COA strengths b. Friendly forces.-Describe battlefield effects. -Feasible. 4. Critical events & DPs. & weaknesses. c. Attachments/detach.-Evaluate the threat. -Acceptable. 5. Evaluation criteria. 4. Consider estimates. d. Assumptions.-Develop threat COAs. -Distinguishable. 6. Select wargame method. 2. MISSION3. Specified, implied & essential tasks. -Complete. -Avenue. Staff estimates: 3. EXECUTION4. Review available assets. 3. Array

      3、 forces. -Belt. 1- Mission. Intent:5. Determine constraints. 4. Develop scheme of maneuver. -Box. 2- Situation & considerations a. Concept of opns.6. Identify critical facts & assumptions. -Purpose. 7. Select recording method. 3- COA analysis. (1) Maneuver.Component 7. Conduct risk assessment. -Risk. -Narrative. -Requirements. (2) Fires.Steps 8. Determine initial CCIR -Critical events. -Sketch. -Capabilities. b. Tasks to mvr units.PIR, EEFI, & FFIR. -Purpose of ME. -Sync matrix. -Shortfalls. c.

      4、Tasks to CS units.9. Prepare initial recon annex. -Purpose of SE. -Execution checklist. -Recommendations. d. Coordinating instr.10. Plan use of available time. -Purpose of reserve. 8. Wargame. 4- Comparison. 4. SERVICE SUPPORT11. Write the restated mission. -Deep, close, rear. 9. Assess results. 5- Conclusions & 5. COMMAND & SIGNAL12. Mission analysis briefing. -Responsibilities, graphics. recommendations.13. Restated mission approved. 5. Assign headquarters. Annexes:14. Commanders intent. 6. Pr

      5、epare COA statement A - Task Organization15. Commanders guidance. & sketch. B - Intelligence16. Issue warning order. C - Operation Overlay17. Review facts & assumptions. D - Fire Support1. Mission & intent two levels up. 1. IPB update. 1. Highers mission, intent & 1. Highers mission & intent two E - ROE2. Mission, intent & concept of higher. 2. SITEMPs. deception. levels up. F - Engineer3. Commanders guidance. 3. Restated mission. 2. Updated IPB. 2. Restated mission. G - Air Defense4. IPB produc

      6、ts. 4. Mission & intent two levels up. 3. COAs wargamed. 3. Status of forces. H - Signal5. Specified, implied & essential tasks. 5. COA statements & sketches. 4. Assumptions. 4. Updated IPB. I - Service SupportBriefing 6. Constraints. 6. COA rationale. 5. Techniques used. 5. Each COA: J - NBCFormat 7. Forces available. 6. For each COA: -Assumptions. K - Provost Marshal8. Hazards and their risk. -Critical events. -Effects on staff estimates. L - R&S9. Recommended initial CCIR. -Actions/reactions.

      7、 -Advantages/disadvantages. M - Deep Operations10. Recommended timeline. -Pro & cons. -Risk. N - Rear Operations11. Proposed restated mission. 6. Recommended COA. O - AC21. SITEMP/event template. 1. COA statements & sketches. 1. Refined/detailed COA & 1. Complete staff estimates. 1. Approved COA. P - C2W2. Restated mission. 2. SITEMPs. sync matrix. 2. Cdrs guidance. Q - OPSEC3. Commanders intent. 2. Location & timing of cbt 3. Warning order. R - PSYOP4. Commanders guidance. pwr at decisive point

      8、. S - Deception-Friendly/enemy COAs. 3. Detailed task org. T - EW-CCIR. 4. Refined event template. U - CMOProducts -Recon guidance & deception. 5. CCIR & collection plan. V - Public affairs-CS/CSS priorities. 6. Concepts for fires, engr -Timeline & type order/rehearsal. & support.5. Warning order. 7. Subordinate tasks.-Mission, intent, CCIR, timeline, mvt. 8. Deception.-Priorities, OPORD, rehearsal. 9. Risk.JUL00ST100-3Pfns iPREFACEStudent Text (ST) 100-3 will help the CGSC student plan corps an

      9、d below operations. Itprovides planning factors for selected battlefield operating systems (BOSs), including forcestructure, capabilities of systems, employment considerations, spatial and time requirements forsystems, and communications requirements. The text is also designed to give a general overviewof doctrine.Planning factors are a consideration of multipliers used to estimate the amount and typeof effort involved in a contemplated operation. Planning factors are expressed as rates, ratios, orlength of time. Planning factors may be increased or decreased based on the level of training.They are used to synchronize battlefield activities in time, space, and purpose.This ST will also serve as a quick reference for combat p

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