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    • 1、选择性必修第三册 Unit 1 Art阅读词汇会认1primitive adj. 发展水平低的;原始的;远古的 n. 文艺复兴前的艺术家(或作品) 2dimension n. 维;规模;范围 3client n. 委托人;当事人;客户 4sunrise n. 日出 5fine art(also fine arts) 美术(尤其绘画和雕塑) 6sculpture n. 雕像;雕刻品;雕刻术 7arch vt.& vi. 呈弧形横跨;(使)成弓形 n. 拱;拱形结构;拱门 8bride n. 新娘 9ink n. 墨水;墨汁;油墨 10frame n. 画面;框架 vt. 给镶框;制订;陷害 11symphony n. 交响乐;交响曲 12vase n. 花瓶;装饰瓶 13civil adj. 国民的;民用的;民事的 14contemporary adj. 当代的;现代的;属同时期的 n. 同代人;同辈人 重点词汇会写1 breakthrough n重大进展;突破2 reputation n名誉;名声3 noble n贵族成员;出身高贵的人 adj.崇高的;宏伟的;高贵的4 rank n地

      2、位;级别;行列 vt.& vi.把分等级;使排成行5 purchase vt.购买;采购 n购买;购买的东西6 emerge vi.& vt.出现;浮现;暴露7 convey vt.表达;传递(思想、感情等);传送8 subjective adj.主观的9 subsequent adj.随后的;后来的;之后的10 fond adj.喜爱11 visual adj.视觉的;视力的12 pond n池塘;水池13 permanent adj.永久的;永恒的;长久的14 humble adj.谦逊的;虚心的;卑微的15 decline n(数量、价格、质量等的)减少;下降;衰落 vi.& vt.减少;下降;衰落;衰弱;谢绝16 guarantee vt.保证;确保;肯定必然发生 n保证;保修单;担保物17 worthy adj.值得的;有价值的拓展词汇会变1 precise adj.准确的;精确的 precisely adv.准确地;精确地;的确如此2 realistic adj.现实的;逼真的 real adj.真的;真实的 really adv.真实地;确实3 influential a

      3、dj.有很大影响力的;有支配力的 influence n& vt.影响4 photography n照相术;摄影 photographer n摄影师 photograph n照片 vt.& vi.(为)拍照5 investment n投资额;投资;(时间、精力的)投入 invest v投资6 memorial n纪念碑(或像等);纪念物;纪念品 adj.纪念的;悼念的 memory n记忆力;记忆 memorize vt.记住7 criticise (NAmEize) vi.& vt.批评;指责;评价 criticism n批评;指责;评论 critic n批评家 critical adj.批判的;关键的8 representative adj.典型的;有代表性的 n代表 represent vt.代表;象征;描绘9 exhibition n展览;(技能、感情或行为的)表演 exhibit v展示;陈列;展览10 artistic adj.艺术的;艺术家的 artist n艺术家 art n艺术11 entry n加入;进入;参与;参赛作品 enter vt.进入;登记12 recog

      4、nition n承认;认出;赞誉 recognize vt.辨认出;承认;公认13 expansion n扩张;扩展;扩大 expand vt.扩展;扩大;(使)膨胀运用巩固提能1(2022全国卷)In the experiment, Goffins cockatoos were able to select the right tool for the job, in most cases, by visual (视觉的) recognition (认出) alone.2(2022全国乙卷)Can a small group of drones(无人机) guarantee (确保)the safety and reliability of railways and, at the same time, help railway operators save billions of euros each year? 3(2022全国乙卷)This exhibition (展览) of some sixty masterpieces celebrating the life and w

      5、ork of Scotlands best loved painter, Sir Henry Raeburn, comes to London.4(2021全国乙卷)For the biggest stadiums in the world, we have used data supplied by the World Atlas list so far, which ranks (把分等级) them by their stated permanent (永久的) capacity, as well as updated information from official stadium websites.5(剑桥高阶)His followers believe they are fighting for a noble (崇高的) cause.6(朗文当代)The decision has been strongly criticised (批评) by teachers.7(2021新高考卷)What was a cause of the waterfowl populatio

      6、n decline (减少) in North America?8(朗文当代)It was dark and their entry (进入) into the camp had gone unnoticed.9(朗文当代)Judge Kelso has a reputation for being strict but fair.10(朗文当代)Temperature can be measured precisely (precise)11(牛津高阶)Many representatives (representative) of the older generation were there.12Young people have a good memory and they can memorize what they are learning with ease.(memorial)13Nowadays these critics often criticise the present economical situations.(critical)14The student

      7、 representative is more than delighted to represent his class to talk about learning methods.(representative)15We are organizing an art exhibition for our school students to exhibit their works of art.(exhibition)16My former classmate has changed beyond recognition and therefore, I have great difficulty recognizing him.(recognize)17The expansion of higher education should be a powerful force for change, so we should grasp the chance with the aim of expanding our knowledge.(expand)18I have entered for the painting competition and I will prepare five entries .(enter)19. His influential behaviors had a deep influence on me.That is, I was influenced by him greatly.(influence)


    监控施工 信息化课堂中的合作学习结业作业七年级语文 发车时刻表 长途客运 入党志愿书填写模板精品 庆祝建党101周年多体裁诗歌朗诵素材汇编10篇唯一微庆祝 智能家居系统本科论文 心得感悟 雁楠中学 20230513224122 2022 公安主题党日 部编版四年级第三单元综合性学习课件 机关事务中心2022年全面依法治区工作总结及来年工作安排 入党积极分子自我推荐 世界水日ppt 关于构建更高水平的全民健身公共服务体系的意见 空气单元分析 哈里德课件 2022年乡村振兴驻村工作计划 空气教材分析 五年级下册科学教材分析 退役军人事务局季度工作总结 集装箱房合同 2021年财务报表 2022年继续教育公需课 2022年公需课 2022年日历每月一张 名词性从句在写作中的应用 局域网技术与局域网组建 施工网格 薪资体系 运维实施方案 硫酸安全技术 柔韧训练 既有居住建筑节能改造技术规程 建筑工地疫情防控 大型工程技术风险 磷酸二氢钾 2022年小学三年级语文下册教学总结例文 少儿美术-小花 2022年环保倡议书模板六篇 2022年监理辞职报告精选 2022年畅想未来记叙文精品 企业信息化建设与管理课程实验指导书范本 草房子读后感-第1篇 小数乘整数教学PPT课件人教版五年级数学上册 2022年教师个人工作计划范本-工作计划 国学小名士经典诵读电视大赛观后感诵读经典传承美德 医疗质量管理制度 2
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