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    • 1、The Story of Nelson the Elephant 精选文档Mom: Bed time, Lucy.Lucy: OK, Mum.1精选文档Lucy: Oh, where is everybody?Bear: Over here.Monkey: No, not over there, over here.Hippo: And here.Lucy: Oh, come on, I know youre here somewhere.Bear: Fool you, didnt we?Lucy: Not at all. I know you hide near all the time.Animals: No, you didnt.Lucy: Oh, Yes, I did.Animals: Oh, no, you didnt.Lucy: Oh, yes, I did.2Nelson: Would you please be quiet? If you carry on like this, youll wake the neighbors.Lucy: Sorry, Nelson.N

      2、elson: Oh, thats all right, Lucy. But, we mustnt be noisy, after all, its the middle of the night.Lucy: You are right. We must think of others sometimes.3精选文档Giraffe(Georgina): Hoo, you controlled Nelson.Once upon a time, you were noisy, and all of us put together.Nelson: No, I wasnt.Georgina: Oh, yes, you were.Nelson: Oh, no, I wasnt.Lucy: Sh. I want to listen to Georgina.Nelson: Oh, sorry.4精选文档This story happened long time ago when Nelson was still young, and lived in Africa.5精选文档Nelson used t

      3、o start the day with a big yawn, followed by a great scratch against the baobab tree.6精选文档And then breakfast.Nelson always had baobab leaves for breakfast.He like them because the leaves had nice juice,but they also very small. So he had to eat a lot of them to fill his big elephant tummy.Thats better.7But after hed eaten his breakfast, Nelson could never think of anything to do. 8精选文档Nothing is exciting that ever happens around here. Im bored. Very bored. Very, very bored.I wonder what would ha

      4、ppen if I jump down here.Well, its anyone made to find out. One, two, three. 9、10Wow, This is exciting.Umpa, umpa, do another jumpa.This is great.Umpa, umpa, I like to do jumpa.精选文档Nelson thought he was a such great fun to play the Umpa Jumpa game, but never did the other animals think of it.Not only the antelope didnt like Nelsons Umpa Jumpa game, also the ostrich didnt like it either.And Reginald, the lion, well, he got very cross. So, Reginald, Audrey and Nathalie went to find out where the n

      5、oise was coming from.11精选文档Nathalie: Look, over there.Nelson: Umpa, Jumpa. I like to jumpa. Audrey: Its nonsense.Nelson: One two three.Reginald: Excuse us, Nelson.Nelson: Oh, hi, Ive invented a great new game, its called umpa jumpa. Will you enjoy in?Nathalie: No, we wont.Reginald: In fact, we came here to ask you to stop jumping.Nelson: But its fun.12、13Audrey: No, its not, its nonsense. Some of us has extra difficulty, you know?Nathalie: Yes, and some of us has delicate legs.Reginald: And some

      6、 of us need a afternoon nap. And if we dont get a afternoon nap, well get unreasonably grumping. Nelson: Afternoon nap, how boring. Hey, umpa jumpa is much more exciting. Im not going to stop. Sorry.Reginald: I forbid you to jump.Nelson: You cant forbid me anything?Because Im bigger than you. In fact, Im bigger than that you three put together.精选文档The other animals were not very happy. Nathalie: He was so selfish.Audrey: Not nice at all.Reginald: He needs to be taught a lesson.14、15So they thoug

      7、ht of a plan.In the middle of the night when Nelson was fast asleep. Audrey, Nathalie and Reginald, collected all the twigs and leaves they could find. They worked all through the night until the Sun rose.精选文档Nelson: I cant stop bouncing. Somebody helps me, please.Audrey: Well help you.Reginald: If you promise never to jump again.Nelson: What? Never ever?Reginald: Never ever.Nelson: But Ill be bored. And I hate being bored.1617Audrey: Maybe will it a bit too hard on him?.Weve come up with a comp

      8、romise.Nelson: What?Audrey: A compromise. A solution, thats good for us, and good for you too.Reginald: Thats to stop jumping.Nathalie: Thats our turn to play another game with you.Nelson: OK.Nathalie: You have to say promise. Nelson: I promise, will you help me now?Nelson: Ouch, my bottom. What game should we play?Reginald: Snakes and ladders.精选文档So, Reginald made some ladders, and the others caught some snakes. And they play snakes and ladders together.So, thats the end.1819I hope you realized

      9、 that the story has been greatly exaggerated.You silly elephant, I still love you, you know.精选文档Nelson: Oh, well then, I think its time for bed now, young lady.Lucy: Good night, Nelson.Animals: Good night, Lucy.20、21Goodbye精选文档露茜的家住在动物街64号,旁边就是动物园。所以,露茜每天晚上都可以假装躺下睡觉,让妈妈放心。然后呢然后,露茜就从长颈鹿乔治娜的长脖子滑下去,来到动物园。动物园的好朋友们都在等着露茜。因为,每天晚上,他们都会给露茜讲一个非常好听得故事。 今天晚上,乔治娜要给大家讲一个关于大象纳尔逊小时候的事情。看上去,纳尔逊有点紧张哦。乔治娜讲的故事是什么呢?5. 这个故事发生在很久以前,那个时候纳尔逊还很小呢。当时他住在非洲。纳尔逊每天早晨都是从一个大哈欠开始他一天的生活。6. 紧接着,他会在猴面包树上使劲地蹭痒痒。7. 然后是早餐。纳尔逊的早餐是猴面包树叶子。他喜欢这些叶子是因为它们有好多的叶子汁儿。不过,这些叶子都很小。所以,他要吃很多叶子才能填饱他的大象肚子。8. 但是,纳尔逊吃过早餐后,他就想不起来到底还有什么事情可做。9.


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