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    • 1、2022年考博英语-江西财经大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The population of Pennsylvania increased from 50,000 in 1730 to more than 200,000 in 1763, ( )to the thousands of Scotch Irish.问题1选项A.in effectB.in consequenceC.in large partD.at large【答案】C【解析】in large part 表示“主要地”,相当于mainly:in effect意为“实际”“事实上”;in consequence 意为“因而”“结果”;at large意为“大体上”。本句意为:“宾夕法尼亚的人口从1730年的5万增加到1763年的20万,主要是由于苏格兰和爱尔兰人混血的后裔造成的。”2. 单选题This kind of songbird sleeps much less during its annual ( ), but that doesnt seem to affect its flying.问题1选

      2、项A.migrationB.emigrationC.conveyanceD.transference【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项migration“迁移;移民”;B选项emigration“移民;移民出境”;C选项conveyance“运输;运输工具”;D选项transference“转移;转让”。句意:这种太阳鸟在一年一度的迁徙期间睡眠极度减少,但是这并不影响其飞行。由空格前的关键词“annual年度的,每年的”可知“迁移”符合句意,因此A选项正确。3. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. You should write your answer on the Answer Sheet.41. The crucial point is this: labor, land and money are essential elements of industry; they also must be organized in market; in fact, these markets for

      3、m an absolutely vital part of the economic-system. But labor, land and money are obviously not commodities. Labor is only another name for a human activity which goes with life itself, which in its turn is not produced for sale but for entirely different seasons, nor can that activity be detached from the rest of life, be stored or mobilized; land is only another name for nature, which is not produced by man; actual money, finally, is merely a token of purchasing power which, as a rule, is not p

      4、roduced at all, but comes into being through the mechanism of banking or state finance. None of them is produced for sale. The commodity description of labor, land and money is entirely fictitious.【答案】关键在于:劳动力、土地和金钱是工业的基本要素;在市场上,它们还必须以组织有序的形式呈现;事实上,这些市场构成了经济体系中绝对重要的一部分。然而劳动力、土地和金钱显然不是商品。劳动只不过是一种与生命相伴的人类活动的别名。这种人类活动不是为了出售而产生的,而是顺应不同季节而出现的。并且这种活动也不能与生命体的其他活动分离开来,无法被储存和调用。土地只是自然的另一个名称,它不是由人类产生的;实际的货币仅仅是购买力的一种表征,一般来说,这种购买力根本无法被生产,而是通过银行或国家财政机制形成的。它们都不是为销售而存在的。对劳动、土地和金钱的商品性描述完全是虚构的。4. 单选题From science

      5、 to Shakespeare, excellent television and video programs are available ( ) to teachers.问题1选项A.in storeB.in operationC.in abundanceD.in stock【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项in store“贮藏着;准备着;将要发生”;B选项in operation“生效;运转着”;C选项in abundance“大量的;丰富的;充足的”;D选项in stock“有存货;现有”。句意:从科学到莎士比亚,教师们可以大量使用优秀的电视和视频节目。由空格前的关键词“available可使用的”可知“大量的”符合句意,因此C选项正确。5. 单选题Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.The MIT Sloan School of Management strongly believes that its purpose is to give students the tools they will

      6、need to be effective change agents in the rest of their careers. To do this it is necessary to start off with an understanding of the essential driving forces that will be forcing organizations to change. Change is not random, there are underlying processes. Three central driving forcesthe growth of the world economy, the changing nature of the work force, and the arrival of genuine technological competitionare now at work.The globalization of the world capital markets that has occurred in the p

      7、ast 20 years will be replicated right across the economy in the next decade. The need to produce goods and services at quality levels previously thought impossible to obtain in mass production and the spreading use of participatory management techniques will require a work force with much higher levels of education and skills. Managers are increasingly shifting from a “dont think, do what you are told” to a “think, I am not going to tell you what to do” style of management.To be on top of this s

      8、ituation, tomorrows managers will have to have a strong background in organizational psychology, human relations, and labor economics. The MIT Sloan School of Management attempts to advance our understanding in these areas through research and then quickly brings the fruits of this new research to our students so that they can be leading-edge managers when it comes to the human side of the equation.What this means is that American managers have to understand the forces of, technical change in wa

      9、ys that were not necessary in the past. Conversely, managers from the rest of the world know that it is now possible for them to dominate their American competitor if they understand the forces of technical change better than their American competitors do.In the world of tomorrow managers cannot be technologically illiterate regardless of their functional tasks within the firm. If they dont understand what is going on and technology effectively becomes a black box, they will fail to make the changes that those who do understand what is going on inside the black box make. They will be losers, not winners.11. What is it essential for students to understand the driving forces that can force organizations to change?12. What will be needed to produce qualified goods and services in mass production and the spreading use of p


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