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    • 1、up, and members cadr es shoe vocational due diligence com bine d up, ensuresuccessfully completed early determine of the target task, ensuresucce ssfully completed levels lea dership general task, ensur e successfully completed poverty storming annual target task, ensure socialoverall harmony stable. Three, compacting the main responsibilities and strengthen the two leadershipd partiof educational organizations do a good job two education without a str ongorganization and leadership.Party constr

      2、uction of party organizations at all levelsshoul d firmly establish the main consciousness, graspingparty building a s the first responsibility, strengthen leadership, demonstrable, sci entific to ensure solid education effectively. First, the layersof responsibility. Party committees (leading party group) to study education as a majorpolitical task, primary responsibility for effective implementation, strengthen leadershi p, caref ully guiding the Steering, do a good job overall, study andsolve

      3、probl ems in a timely manner.Progress evaluation by thegrass roots party building this year, to study education as the primary evaluation organizations, poor organization, theproblems are many, to criticize, to accounta bility. Main is responsible forcomrade to consciously bear up first responsibility peopleduties, notonly to t ube good cadre s, and withgood team, also to tube good members, and with good team, both first examples, leacipate i n learning education, a nd by Qian comma nd, i nput e

      4、noughof time and energy, strengthened Guide and checks role, on workprogramme personally validation, on important task personally deploy ment, on exists problem timely solution, thr oughout put responsibilitycarry in shoulder Shang, im proper shuaishouzhanggui. The Countyparty Committee and municipal party Committee municipal workers, Various enterprises a nd instituti ons, Commission, party committees and departments in chargeof industry practice,develop specific implementation plan, organizi n

      5、g special forces responsible for educational work to strengthen thi s unit to the systemstudy and educati on i n the region specific guidance.Organization departments, as the lead department, to strengthen the planni ng, organization, coordination and guidance, gooddesign, de composition, each key action to implement. Carry out study and education, to relyon stri ct doc real guide, pressure conveying layerupon layer,step by step, compaction of responsibility. In steering the Steering mustprevent

      6、 formalism, catch the way the thinking of prevention activities, study and education, preventing routine asi de, prevent simple, doi ng as much as meeting notes to judge the educational results.o take reports, customized research, attending the meeting, random spot checks, briefings and other means, to focus thepush Guide to grassroots, on theparty branch, idepth understandi ng of education and a ctual effect, sum up fresh experience t o promote grass roots, to detectand correct the signs of pro

      7、blems.Public information参赛证号码: _场次 _工位号 _2015 年全国职业院校技能大赛中职组“通用机电设备安装与维护”赛项竞赛样题二一五年五月departments should pay spe cial attention to public opinion, idept h information relating toprovincial, municipal and Central decisions and arrangements to pr omote educational effectiveness and progress of the typical experience, andcreate a good social atmosphere. Second,persevering in above rates.Leadi ng bodies at all levels, leadership, leading cadres should take the lead, as a good example, and asking othe

      8、rs to do you first do it, asks of others and not themselves determined not todo, for exampleof superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with levels, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Need stressedof is, regardless of w hat ranks, and w hat post of members leaders, are to to General members identityput himself pendulum in, seriously implementationCentral and provincial, and municipal on lexperience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocationaldue diligence, andba


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