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    • 1、Module 5爭天脑东操5作业完成丽爭教学目标特殊疑问句的理解及灵活运用爹趣味引R审知识梳理)特殊疑问句的用法 疑问句主要包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。单词意思用法whe n什么时间问时间who谁问人whose谁的问主人where在哪里问地点which哪一个问选择why为什么问原因what什么冋东西what time什么时间问时间what color什么颜色问颜色what about怎么样问意见what day星期几问星期what date什么日期问具体日期what for为何目的问目的how怎么样问情况how old多大问年龄how many多少问数量how much多少问价钱how about怎么样问意见how far多远问路程What can I do for you?我能为你做什么?What color does he like?他喜欢什么颜色?How much are they?他们多少钱?拿特色讲解)用合适的特殊疑问词或短语填空。1. - animal do you like?-I like pandas.答案: What 解析:考查特殊疑问词的用法

      2、,根据答句中 2.-are you waiting for?- I m waiting for my mother.答案: Who 解析:考查特殊疑问词的用法,根据答句中 3.-bag is this?- It s my brother s.答案: Whose 解析:考查特殊疑问词的用法,根据答句中 4.-do you like pandas?-Because I think they are very funny. 答案: Why 解析:考查特殊疑问词的用法,根据答句中 5.-boys are there in your class?-There are twenty.答案: How many 解析:考查特殊疑问词的用法,根据答句中pandas 可知,填 what 。my mother 可知,填 who。my brother s 可知,填 whose。Because 可知,填 Why。twenty 可知,填 How many。审当堂练习)基础演练单项选择1. -is the skirt?-It s eighty yuan.D.WhereA.How many B.How much C.

      3、When2. -can you speak?-I can speak Chin ese and Fren ch.D.What Ian guageA.What an imalB.What size C.What color3. -is Tom?-He is twelve.A.How oldB.How manyC.How muchD.How far4. -do you like better,apples or banan as?-I like apples.A.WhichB.WhatC.WhereD.When5. -does Lucy come from?-She comes from America.A.WhereB.WhenC.WhichD.How答案:BDABA巩固提高根据句意和汉语提示翻译句子1你想要什么颜色的?would you like?2. 这件商品多少钱?is the product?3你会买什么?can you?4. 我怎么为它付款?do Ifor it?5. 你需要多少苹果?do you n eed?答案:1. What color2. How much3. What

      4、,buy4. How,pay5. How many apples挙当堂检两单项选择1. -are you so sad?-Because I failed my test.A.WhyB.WhenC.HowD.Where2. -is it from your home to school?D.How much-About ten minutes walk.A.How old B.How far C.How many3. -do you have an English party?D.How far-Once a month.A.How old B.How often C.How long4. -are you going to see your uncle?-Next weekend.A.When B.Who5.-is the post office?- It s on the left.A.When B.Who6.-is your shoes?-Two hundred yuan.A.How old B.How long7.-is it today?-It is Wednesday.A.

      5、What day B.What dateC.WhereC.WhereC.How manyC.What colorD.HowD.HowD.How muchD.What about8. -do you usually have for lunch?-I usually have rice and meat.A.WhatB.WhenC.HowD.Which9. -Do you knowbag it is?- Maybe it s Lucy s.A.WhoseB.WhoC.HowD.Which10. -is that beautiful girl?-She is Mary.She always wears pink coat.A.WhoseB.WhoC.WhatD.Which完形填空:Dear Lucy ,I m happy to get your emailI am look ing forward to your coming tomorrow.I have anEnglish test tomorrow , so I m _1_ I can t go to2 you . Let me t

      6、ell you how to getto my3_ . My home is in the center of the city.It s not near the airport . You needto 4 a taxi or a bus . Go down Happy Street andthen turn right . Then you can see a 5neighborhood (小区).That sour neighborhood . It s not big6 very beautiful . Thereare some 7 for people to relax:a sports club,a school8 kidsand a big shop . It has six. My home is in the sec ond one.And I live in Room 302If you have questi onsplease10 me at 86793525.See you tomorrow!YoursNancyhap pyexcitedC. sorryD

      7、. excit ingaskmeetC . tha nkleaveschoolB . factoryC. homeroombuytakeC . bringcarry5 . A . bigB . dirtyC . niceD . strong7. A.gamesB . sportsC. placesD.pla ns8. A.ofB. forC. atD.in9. A.officesB. schoolsC. clubsD . build ings10. A.showB . sendC . tellD . call6. A. soB. butC. andor答案: 单项选择 1-5ABBAC 6-10DAAAB完形填空 1-5CBCBC 6-10BCBDD拿当堂总结)同耳家庭作业劲松三中月考1. Lucy and I will go to USA this wi nter.look forward to the trip.A.IB.YouC.WeD.They2. Spring Festival this year is19th February .A.atB.inC.onD.toAandBbutC soD. or4.- Dad,I borrow your camera?-Sure. But why?AcanB. mustC shouldDneed5. I think man-made wonders arethan natural ones.AexcitingC most exciting答案: CCBABB more excitingD the most exciting单项选择:1.-I am free this afternoon.-swimming with me?A.What dayB.What dateC.What colorD.What about2.Shopping onlinevery important.A.haveB.hasC.areD.is3. -What would you like?- I d like to buyB.two kilo of meatsA.two kilo of meatC.two kilos of meatD.two kilos of meats


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