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    • 1、翻译词汇and长难句泛瑞翻译词汇篇notsomuch .as与其说不如说, as.as 与一样,notso . as 与不一样 , through 因为通过, insight 洞察, welfare 福利, health 健康, worth 值得, genius 天才, improve 提高, tool 工具;aswecallit 所谓的正如我们所说, number 数字 , numerable 可数的一定数量的, innumerable 巨大的无数的, expand 扩大, aseriesof 一系列,direction 说明指导 ,direct 说明;ignore 忽视,careless 粗心,fundamental 基本的;revolve 旋转;finance 财政金融,financial 财政的,viceversa 反之,etc 等等,etc 等等,etal 及其它.长难句篇1.A consensusinthepresenthencecanbeachievedonlythroughasharedunderstanding ofthepast,as Homersepics inf

      2、ormedthosewholivedcenturies laterwhatitmeanttobeGreek,andbywhatimagesandidealstheyweretolive theirlivesandorganizetheirsocieties.参考译文 因此今天的共识只能建立在对过去的共同理解基础上;这与荷马史诗能告诉那些几百年后的 人们希腊人是什么样,以及他们应该按照怎样的形象和理想模式生活并组织社会的道理是一 样的。结构剖析Aconsensuscanbeachieved 作主句。through.作主句的状语。asHomer sepics 作前面句子的定语从句,by.作其前面whatitmeanttobeGreek的并列宾语。技巧点拨分析复杂的句子结构是关键。2. Lately, it has been emphasized that an asocial, narcissistic personality has become characteristic of Americans, and that it is this type personality that

      3、makes for the lack of well-being, because it prevents us from achieving consensus that would counteract a tendency to withdraw into private worlds.参考译文 最近,有人强调美国人的性格特点是孤僻和自恋。正是这种性格使我们不能达到富足,因为 它阻碍我们达成共识,有了共识人们才不会再退缩到自我的小天地中。结构剖析it指代后面两个that从句。技巧点拨it作主语时经常指代that从句或不定式。3. In this study of narcissism, Christopher Lasch says that modern man, “tortured by self-consciousness, turns to new therapies not to free himself of his personal worries but to find meaning and purpose in life, to find something t

      4、o live for.” 参考译文在研究自恋现象时,克里斯托夫拉什评论说,现代人深受自我意识之苦,其解决办法不是 从个人的烦恼中解脱出来,而是在生活中寻找价值与目标,并找到毕生追求的东西。 结构剖析tortured by作that从句中modern man的后置修饰语,notbut 二者相呼应。技巧点拨关键是找出分词结构修饰的成分,并识别整个句子中明显的固定结构no tbu t。4. Extremely refined behavior, however,cultivatedas an art of gracious living, has been characteristic only of societies with wealth and leisure, which admitted women as the social equals of men.参考译文 然而,优雅生活方式所养成的极为讲究的举止行为,只是富裕悠闲社会的特点。在这个社会 里妇女与男人享有平等的地位。结构剖析主句为 Extremely refined behavior has been characteri

      5、stic only of societies with wealth and leisure。主句主语后跟有过去人词短语 cultivated as an art of gracious living 作定语。非限定性定语从句 which admitted women as the social equals of men 修饰的是societies。技巧点拨 首先找出主句。本句重点应搞清过去分词短语作定语修饰主句主语,非限定性定语从句修饰 的是 societies。5. The lords had returned to theircastles form the crusades, and there the ideals of chivalry grew up,which emphasized the virtue and gentleness of women and demanded that a knight should profess a pure and dedicated love to a lady who would be his inspiration,andtowhomhewoulddedicatehisvaliantdeeds,thoughhewouldnever come physically close to her.参考译文参考译文贵族们结束了十字军东侵,返回了城堡,骑士风度开始盛行。它强调妇女的美 德和温柔,要求骑士向女士表折纯洁专一的爱情,同时奉献他的英勇功绩,但却永远不能在 身体上接触她。结构剖析结构剖析 主句为并列句 The lords had returned o their casties form the crusades, and there the ideals of chivalry grew up, 非限定性定语从句 which emphasizedclose to her修饰的是the ideals of chivalry该定语从句为两个并列句,其中a lady后又有 两个定语从句 who would be , and to whom。技巧点拨技巧点拨关键在于理清两个定语从句的层次和其所分别修饰的名词。


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