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    • 1、 有关军校新生心理卫生状况调查的浅析中英文对照About new cadets psychological health condition investigation analyses the contrast in both Chinese and English 【关键词】 军校;本科新生;硕士新生;心理健康;症状自评量表【 key words 】 academy; Undergraduate students; Masters students; Mental health; Symptoms self evaluation scale 军校学员的心理卫生状况受到了很多研究者的关注1,但这些研究主要集中在本科学员身上,较少有人将研究生纳入研究视野,而随着军校研究生人数的不断增加,非常有必要把研究生也列入研究的范畴。为此,作者对上述两组人群进行了心理健康状况调查,现将结果报告如下。Psychological health status of cadets was the attention of many researchers 1, but these studies main

      2、ly focused on the undergraduate students, fewer people will graduate into the research field of vision, and with the point the number of graduate students increases unceasingly, is very necessary to graduate students and included in the category of study. To this end, the author of the above two groups carried on the psychological health condition investigation, result will now report as follows. 1 对象与方法1 object and methods 1.1 对象 以整群取样法抽取某军校本科新生97名和硕士新生60名为调查对象,获得有效样本为:本科生91名,硕士生58名。1.1 object

      3、in a cluster sampling method to extract a military undergraduate students, 97 and a masters 60 subjects, get effective samples for: 91 undergraduates, masters 58. 1.2 方法 采用症状自评量表(SCL90)在专业人士的指导下对测评对象进行集体测试。项目采用04分5级记分,任一因子分2分为异常2。所有数据应用SPSS10.0统计软件处理,计量资料比较采用t检验。1.2 methods symptom self-assessment scale (SCL 90) under the guidance of professional personage to collective test evaluation objects. Project USES the score level 5 and 0 4 points or any factor 2 is divided into abnormal 2. All data usi

      4、ng SPSS10.0 statistical software processing, measurement data using t test. 2 结果2 the results 2.1 本科新生SCL90测评结果 本科新生心理健康整体水平较高,症状自评量表所有因子均分都在1以下(躯体化0.49,强迫0.83,人际0.85,忧郁0.64,焦虑0.58,敌对0.59,恐怖0.34,偏执0.73,精神病性0.72)。对每个因子呈阳性症状(因子分2)的学生进行频次分析显示:人际关系敏感者占比重最大(强迫、忧郁、敌对和偏执均为3.3%;焦虑和恐怖均为1.1%;人际关系为6.6%)。表明本科新生主要存在着人际关系方面的困扰。2.1 undergraduate students SCL 90 assessment results in higher overall level of mental health, divide all symptoms self evaluation scale factors are below 1 (somatization = 0.49, forcin

      5、g = 0.83, interpersonal = 0.85, blue = 0.64, anxiety = 0.58, hostile = 0.59, terrorist = 0.34, paranoid = 0.73, psychotic = 0.72). For each factor of positive symptoms (factor of 2 or higher) frequency analysis shows: students account for the sensitive interpersonal relationship is the largest (forced, depression, hostility and paranoia are 3.3%; anxiety and terror are 1.1%; relationship of 6.6%). Showed that undergraduate students mainly exist in interpersonal relations. 2.2 硕士新生SCL90测评结果 硕士新生所

      6、有因子均分都在1以下(躯体化0.34,强迫0.79, 人际0.69, 忧郁0.52, 焦虑0.52, 敌对0.45, 恐怖0.26, 偏执0.55, 精神病性0.50)。对每个因子呈阳性症状的学生进行频次分析显示, 强迫占比重最大(强迫为5.1%; 人际关系和忧郁均为1.7%)。 表明硕士新生主要存在着强迫症状的困扰。2.2 masters students SCL 90 master of evaluation results divide all factors are below 1 (somatization = 0.34, forcing = 0.79, interpersonal = 0.69, blue = 0.52, anxiety = 0.52, hostile = 0.45, terrorist = 0.26, paranoid = 0.55, psychotic = 0.50). For each factor in students with positive symptoms frequency analysis shows that, forced to a

      7、ccount for the largest (forced 5.1%; interpersonal and depression were 1.7%). Suggests there masters new main force of symptoms. 2.3 两个群体心理健康水平比较 本科新生与硕士新生的躯体化、偏执、精神病性因子分差异均有显著性(t=2.57,2.17,3.01,P0.05)。 3 讨论2.3 mental health compared two groups of undergraduate students and masters somatization, paranoid and psychotic factors have significant difference (t = 2.57, 2.17, 2.57, P 0.05). 3 discuss 本结果显示,绝大部分学员的心理健康状况都处于正常水平,新入校的本科生与硕士生SCL90的躯体化、偏执、精神病性因子分差异有显著性。提示,对本科新生我们应重点关注其人际关系敏感,而对硕士新生应重点关注其强迫

      8、症状。两个群体之所以有一定差异,可能是因为其面临的应激源各有侧重。本科新生一般是初次离开家人和朋友而过集体生活,面临的最大挑战是如何处理与同学、干部等人际关系;由于年龄、阅历等方面的原因,本科新生的自我调节、自我控制能力往往不足,不太善于解决自身出现的各种生理、心理困惑;学校对本科新生实施的是军事化的封闭式管理。而硕士新生面对的最大挑战是科研压力,科研任务的开放性、前沿性、长期性等特点,易使新生陷入持续的精神紧张,出现强迫性症状;硕士新生在心理上的相对成熟则有助于其进行积极有效的自我调适;学校对硕士研究生的管理则相对宽松。因此,在今后的心理教育过程中,应以预防和发展为主,以矫治为辅;对学员进行心理辅导时,不能搞一刀切,要提高心理教育和疏导工作的针对性。This result shows that, the vast majority of students mental health status are at normal levels, newly enrolled in undergraduate and graduate SCL somatization 90, paranoi

      9、d and psychotic factors have significant difference. Suggests that we should focus on undergraduate freshman its sensitive interpersonal relationship, and to master new symptoms should focus on its force. Two groups there are certain differences, maybe its because have focused on the face of stress sources. Undergraduate students are generally first time away from family and friends and a collective life, the biggest challenge is how to deal with students, cadres and other interpersonal relationships; Due to reasons such as age, experience, self adjusting, self control ability of undergraduate freshmen tend to lack, not too good at resolve itself in a variety of physiological and psychological confusion; School is militarized closed-end management of the implementation of undergraduate students. And the master of the biggest challeng


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