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计算机专业英语课件E1_Unit 10

  • 卖家[上传人]:小萌新****ao
  • 文档编号:367820301
  • 上传时间:2023-11-14
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    • 1、ContentsPart 1 Reading and TranslatingSection A:Ways to Protect Your Personal Information Online Section B:Using Computer Forensics against CybercrimePart 2 Simulated Writing:Writing for Employment(II)Part 3 Listening and SpeakingDialogue:Using Antivirus SoftwareListening Comprehension:Hacker and CrackerDictation:Trojan Horses1.1 Section A:Ways to Protect Your Personal Information Online Wordsunprecedentednpresidentid adj.前所未有的,空前的,没有先例的engagingineidi adj.有趣的,令人愉快的,迷人的scourskau(r)v.(彻底地)搜寻,搜查per

      2、kpk n.(工资之外的)补贴,津贴,额外待遇Words hackhk v.非法侵入(他人计算机系统)mixmiks n.混乱,迷惑starterstt(r)n.起始者,初学者signifysignifai v.表示,说明1.1 Section A:Ways to Protect Your Personal Information OnlinePhrasessign up 注册without you knowing 在不了解你的情况下just the same 仍然,依然,照样in question 被提及的,讨论中的,相关的protect against 保护,保卫in regard to 在方面,就而论big name 成功人士,知名人士1.1 Section A:Ways to Protect Your Personal Information OnlineExercisesI.Read the following statements carefully,and decide whether they are true(T)or false(F)according to the

      3、 text._1.Identity and money theft risks are one of the biggest threats we face online._2.Many of websites are either malicious or simply not safe._3.If you are surfing the Web,it is not necessary to have some protection._4.The two-step authentication process makes it harder or nearly impossible for hackers to access your information as the password alone is not alone._5.Phishing is a method that can be used by hackers who access private data of individual users.1.1 Section A:Ways to Protect Your

      4、 Personal Information OnlineII.Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the text.1.How many ways are mentioned to protect your personal and banking info?A.One B.ThreeC.FiveD.Seven2.Which of the following is right?A.The two-step authentication process makes it harder or nearly impossible for hackers to access your information as the password alone is not alone.B.Phishing is a method that can be used by hackers who access private data of individual users.C.Identity an

      5、d money theft risks are one of the biggest threats we face online.D.All of the above1.1 Section A:Ways to Protect Your Personal Information Online3.Which of the following is needed to create a password?A.Social network B.Email C.Banking account D.All of the above1.1 Section A:Ways to Protect Your Personal Information Online.Identify the letter of the choice that best matches the phrase or definition.a.disaster recovery planb.presence technologyc.surge suppressor d.system failuree.uninterruptible

      6、 power supply(UPS)_1.A device containing a built-in battery that provides continuous power to a computer and other connected when the electricity goes out_2.A device that protects hardware from damage due to electrical fluctuations_3.A written plan that describes the steps a company will take following the occurrence of a disaster_4.Technology that enables one computing device(such as a computer or mobile device)to locate and identify the current status of another device on the same network_5.Th

      7、e complete malfunction of a computer system1.1 Section A:Ways to Protect Your Personal Information OnlineV.Translate the following passage into ChineseWhy do Some Websites Allow Me to Use My Email Address as a Username?No two users can have the same email address;that is,your email address is unique to you.This means you can use your email address and password from one website to validate your identity on another website.Facebook,Google,and Twitter,for example,are three popular websites that pro

      8、vide authentication services to other applications.By using your email address from one of these websites to access other websites,you do not have to create or remember separate user names and passwords for the various websites you visit.1.1 Section A:Ways to Protect Your Personal Information Online 1.2 Section B:Using Computer Forensics against CybercrimeWordsforensicsfrnsiks n.取证,网络法医学copyrightkpirait v.获得的版权vandalismvndlizm n.故意破坏公共财物的行为,恣意毁坏他人财产的行为notenut n.便条tellertel(r)n.(银行的)出纳,出纳员accompl

      9、icekmplis n.共犯,帮凶,同谋incriminateinkrimineit v.使负罪,连累1.2 Section B:Using Computer Forensics against CybercrimeWordspointpint v.为(某人)指出wiretapwaitp n.窃听装置,窃听scrupulousskrupjls adj.仔细的,细致的discreditdiskredit v.使怀疑,使不可置信bystanderbaistnd(r)n.旁观者spoofspuf v.欺骗 1.2 Section B:Using Computer Forensics against CybercrimePhrasesplanted evidence 栽赃,伪造证据look through 逐一查看,翻阅guard against 防止,提防 1.2 Section B:Using Computer Forensics against CybercrimeNotes1 拒绝服务攻击(denial-of-service attacks)是攻击者想办法让目标机器停止提供服务,是黑客

      10、常用的攻击手段之一。攻击者进行拒绝服务攻击,实际上让服务器实现两种效果:一是迫使服务器的缓冲区满,不接收新的请求;二是使用IP欺骗,迫使服务器把非法用户的连接复位,影响合法用户的连接。2 蜜罐技术(Honeypot)发展于1990年的一种对攻击方进行欺骗的技术,通过布置一些作为诱饵的主机、网络服务或者信息,诱使攻击方对它们实施攻击,从而可以对攻击行为进行捕获和分析,了解攻击方所使用的工具与方法,推测攻击意图和动机,能够让防御方清晰地了解他们所面对的安全威胁,并通过技术和管理手段来增强实际系统的安全防护能力。1.2 Section B:Using Computer Forensics against CybercrimeExercisesI.Read the following statements carefully,and decide whether they are true(T)or false(F)according to the text._1When a network is the target of a cyber-attack,forensic investigat

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