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    • 1、考研英语一永州市双牌县2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Yasmeens MehndiMrs. Cross, Yasmeens social study teacher, announced, “Boys and girls, you have been learning about world customs. Be ready to 1 one of your familys customs tomorrow.”After school, Yasmeen dragged her backpack along, thinking about the days 2 . “Im the only Indian student in my class,” she thought, “

      2、what will everyone think about my familys customs?”At home, Yasmeen was 3 . She opened the kitchen door and saw her mother busily crushing (压碎) henna (指甲花) leaves.“Ready for the 4 tonight?” Mother smiled.Yasmeen shrugged (耸肩). Normally, shed be excited when her aunts, uncles and cousins came to 5 the end of the ninth month of the Islamic year. This holy month is observed with prayers and fasting (斋戒) during daylight hours.Later, Yasmeen explored the house, trying to get a (an) 6 for her assignme

      3、nt. She 7 her fathers Koran (古兰经). She quickly turned over the worn pages of her fathers holy book. “Maybe Ill take this to school,” she thought. But the Koran isnt a 8 .“Maybe Ill wear my salwar (沙丽) to school. Wrong! Everybody might 9 me. Tears filled Yasmeens eyes as she tried to figure out 10 to share.Yasmeen walked into the 11 again and watched Mother mix henna powder into a smooth paste (膏), to be used at the party.That night all the girls 12 their glittering dresses gathered around the so

      4、fa to have their hands 13 with Mehndi (henna paste).It was Yasmeens 14 . Mother drew tiny flower patterns on her hands. Seconds later, “Thats it,” Yasmeen shouted out, “Mehndi!”“On special Muslim holidays,” Yasmeen 15 the next day at school, “its an Indian 16 to paint women s hands with Mehndi designs.” Yasmeen 17 displayed the design on her hands. She also held up a bowl of crushed henna leaves for the class to see and then described how her mother prepared henna paste.“ 18 you paint me a Mehnd

      5、i design?” All her classmates held out their hands.Yasmeens eyes moistened. She had always thought that Mehndi was only something 19 in her own country, but now she was far too glad to see this ancient art on hands 20 by people of different cultures.1、Alearn Bshare Cname Dfollow2、Alessons Broutines Cassignment Dmeeting3、Aexcited Bsurprised Cannoyed Ddownhearted4、Adecoration Bclass Cparty Dhousework5、Acelebrate Battend Ccomplete Dgreet6、Aplace Bquestion Copinion Didea7、Afound Bpacked Cread Dheard

      6、8、Afashion Bcustom Ccompetition Ddream9、Atalk about Bplay with Claugh at Dargue with10、Ahow Bwhy Cwhen Dwhat11、Agarden Bbalcony Ckitchen Dliving-room12、Ain Bover Con Dat13、Apainted Bwashed Cwrapped Dwiped14、Aright Bturn Cplan Dduty15、Ashowed Bexplained Cpersuaded Dinformed16、Alegend Bgoal Cbelief Dtradition17、Abravely Bsecretly Cproudly Dvividly18、AShould BCould CMay DMust19、Aunderstood Bprovided Cbelieved Dvalued20、Aadmired Binfluenced Cpredicted DspreadSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADir

      7、ections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 When my grandmother died at the age of 96, there were two things she left behind in abundancenearly 100 photo albums documenting decades of travel and home life, and a dozen quilts, one of which my mother gave me.Quilting is the process of sewing together fabric(布料) to make one large piece of fabric. In my family,quilting and sewing is a t

      8、radition that has been passed down through the generations. My mother says her great-grandmother would occasionally travel around New York State to sew clothing for other families.In the United States,quilting was a craft(手艺) that started as a necessity and eventually became much more. In 1862, the U.S. government offered millions of acres of land to Americans who wanted to move west. This allowed families to settle on land that that could eventually own. They often built their own homes and liv

      9、ed off the vegetables in their gardens and the livestock they had. Sewing was very important for women because they were responsible for clothing their families and keeping them warm.Quilting also became a chance for women to socialize with each other. They would gather for so-called “quilting bees”,where they would meet up and work on one quilting project together. This provided a much-needed relief from the lonely life of living on a large piece of land.Throughout history, the different patterns o


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