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    • 1、考研英语一无锡市宜兴市2023年预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)When I was in college twenty-five years ago, I spent four summers working in 1 at a luxury hotel in downtown Chicago 2 , I was a maid.I did not enter the world of housekeeping enthusiastically. My friends had 3 jobs such as making ice cream, selling goods at the mall, or life guarding at the outdoor pool. I had been

      2、hoping to get a job as an office lady for a famous company: 4 pay, air-conditioned office, the gold standard for summer jobs, as most of us dreamed of. When that 5 , the only option left was to take a train ride downtown each morning to work as a maid.It was tiring work, cleaning up to eighteen rooms a day. My 6 attitude reflected my disdain(鄙视) for cleaning toilets, 7 bed sheets, dusting, eight hours a day for the comfort of total strangers who 8 left a tip. I thought it was beneathme. My maid

      3、work was average 9 the day I was assigned to the eighteenth floor.That was Lorenas regular floor. The only time another maid set foot on it was on Lorenas day off. If you left any water 10 on the mirror, or a hair on the bed, Lorena would hunt you down when she 11 , as I found out firsthand. Shed ended her lecture to me with “ 12 some pride in your work.”She did. And so did Rosalie, Helen, Annette, and all the other experienced maids. Their devotion to doing a good job and their belief that thei

      4、r work was a 13 of their character stuck with me throughout my 14 career after graduation. I learned a lot from them during those four summers.Not a week would go without one of them 15 some firm but friendly advice: “Wheres your commode brush? You dont have one? How do you expect to get that bowl clean?”Their pride in a job well done was reflected in how they treated 16 They left the building at the end of the day in nice dresses and 17 makeup. They looked like they could have been attending an

      5、 afternoon tea. And, 18 often, they were smiling and laughing, cheerfully greeting their co-workers a good evening. When you work with happiness and 19 , a job will be well done. I believe there is 20 in any job if you work hard and try your best.1、AcleaningBhousekeepingCservingDmanaging2、AIn shortBIn briefCIn other wordsDOn the other hand3、AwinterBsummerCawfulDpermanent4、AextraBpoorCaverageDgood5、Afell overBfell throughCfell downDfell off6、AnegativeBrightCexcellentDcasual7、AmakingBspreadingCcha

      6、ngingDdoing8、AfrequentlyBrarelyCoccasionallyDwillingly9、AwhenBafterCuntilDbefore10、AdropsBsignsCtracksDmarks11、AvisitedBarrivedCleftDreturned12、AtakeBobtainCrejectDmake13、AreflectionBtruthCgratitudeDaward14、AspecialBgeneralCdifferentDprofessional15、AtakingBfollowingCofferingDrefusing16、AothersBthemselvesCcustomersDco-workers17、AexpensiveBcautiousCcheapDcareful18、AmoreBleastCmostDless19、AfrustrationBregretCprejudiceDsatisfaction20、ArespectBaspectCchallengeDfailureSection II Reading ComprehensionP

      7、art ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Pollutions serious effects on the environment have become more obvious in recent years.Most scientists agree that efforts are necessary to protect our environment from further harm.As we know,the construction industry consumes a large quantity of energy and resources and creates a huge amount of pollution.So green buildings are in g

      8、reat need.The environmental benefits of building green include the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity(生物多样性),improved air and water quality,less waste flowing into streams and the protection of natural resources.Green buildings can also result in lower operating costs because they typically use less energy and fewer materials and improve indoor air quality,improving the health of people who live there.The process of building green includes technical and artistic planning with nature prote

      9、ction in mind.Building designs often reflect the surrounding environment and natural resources and use renewable building materials such as bamboo and straw.In addition,recycled resources found locally are used for green buildings,reducing the cost and air pollution associated with transporting materials long distances.Careful site selection is important to minimize(最小化)human effect on the surrounding environment.For example,placing a structure in an area that allows it to take advantage of cool breezes(微风)and sunlight can reduce energy use and expenses.More energy and expense are needed for larger buildings as well,so it is important to build small.Green roofs are another featur


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